Victoria Tiegert
March 2, 2015
Sexual abstinence before marriage was once the norm, then it was the exception, and in recent years, it has again gained in popularity. The increase in sexually transmitted diseases, combined with education about the potential effects of carrying on sexual…
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Victoria Tiegert
March 2, 2015
We’ve all heard it and most of us have even had personal experience with the theory that opposites attract. It is true and sometimes it even works out when they do. There can be a beautiful collaboration of differences, but…
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Patti Beckert
March 2, 2015
Having a special someone to spend the holidays with is on just about everyone’s wish list. Suffering a split relationship just before the holiday season can have a devastating effect on your overall outlook, if you let it. But there…
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Kim L Kirsch
March 2, 2015
Sexual activity among teenagers is more prevalent now than in any other time before. If that’s not bad enough, many teens are turning to adults to have sex with. Most times however, the teenagers do not realize what they are…
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Clifford H. Colpitts Jr.
March 2, 2015
For my fellow citizens who voted yes: Just how many of our freedoms do you want to give away? Are you attempting to inform us that you trust those folks in Congress who would rather take a bribe then throw…
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R.L Hanlon
March 2, 2015
Losing the passion in your relationship is the natural ebb and flow of any healthy relationship. Passion is one thing that comes and goes, it’s being able to recognize that this occurs that make for a successful relationship. There are…
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Bhavya Dabas
March 2, 2015
It’s natural for everyone to encounter break-ups along the way to the relationship that is actually meant to be. When the break up is from a long, serious relationship, it becomes all the more difficult to recover from it and…
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J.L. McKenzie
March 2, 2015
When men score, they are studs. When women have sex, they are sluts. That’s the dogma that was pounded into our heads by kids in the schoolyard and by parents. Why this double standard? Why are we indoctrinated with the…
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Lisenga Sutter
March 2, 2015
Sexual promiscuity: Standards are looser for men than for women: AGREED I could not agree more with this statement, and in all honesty I feel that it is not a fair reality that we as women face on a daily…
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Neil Ray
March 2, 2015
I advocate interracial relationships. Actually, I advocate all forms of mixed relationships. Black and White, Native-American and Chinese, Jewish and Catholic and all the other endless combinations that find the groove. I believe these relationships are necessary for the survival…
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Barbara Kasey Smith
March 2, 2015
I cannot imagine a sex only relationship…there must be something wrong with me! I cannot ever imagine being in a sex only type relationship because I respect my body too much to ever allow this to happen to me. If…
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Angela Diggs
March 2, 2015
Safe sex is vital in our society. Currently, sexual transmitted diseases are on the rise. HIV and AIDS are killing more and more people. It is essential that each individual take personal responsibility for his or her sexual activity. They…
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Maxwell Payne
March 2, 2015
Revealing one’s sexual past can cause another person to judge that person. The judgment is based on that other person’s ideals, sexual attitude, morals, and beliefs. So it can be tricky to decide whether or not to reveal one’s sexual…
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Blythe Poirier
March 2, 2015
The problem with the federal government setting a national age for sexual consent for teens is the enforcement of such a policy. A policy is only as relevant as we as a nation enforce or uphold it. Tackling this particular…
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Scott Kolecki
March 2, 2015
In any relationship, sex is most certainly one of the most powerful connections any two people can share. As a purely physical experience, the culmination of sexual release can elevate a person to a level of self gratification that is…
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Kim Sharpe
March 2, 2015
Revealing Your Sexual History…. Personally, I feel that in todays day and age its important to know a bit about a persons sexual history. I think its just a safe sex type of practice. But there are limits to how…
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Angela Diggs
March 2, 2015
The decision for an individual to reveal their sexual past is personal. The person should do it only if it is absolutely necessary. However, it is not a matter of opening up about it. It is a matter of doing…
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Nadia Benjamin
March 2, 2015
If you have faith in God, if you love God and He abides in you and you in Him, then you will have no problem practicing abstinence from intercourse until you get married and share that which is precious with…
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Terry Marsh
March 2, 2015
Sex appeal is an intangible collection of personal attributes which easily differs from one individual to another. It combines such traits as charm, self-confidence, personal style, intelligence, and even the ability to excite people sexually into a bundle which seemingly…
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Edward Enderlin
March 2, 2015
I can tell you exactly what gives a person sex appeal… Being yourself, not being afraid of being yourself and going after what you want. Honesty, confidence, ambition and sticking by your values without going over the edge is super…
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Maxwell Payne
March 1, 2015
Lasting longer in bed is a sexual goal of many men. If you are looking for tips to last longer in bed, know that premature ejaculation and finishing before you’d like are both common sexual issues for men. These tips…
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Laura Leigh Fields
March 1, 2015
While we were still dating, my husband and I had the talk. We were discussing sex and how many partners we had before each other. His number was over one hundred. Mine wasn’t even a tenth of that. I was…
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Katherine Barrington
March 1, 2015
Who ever heard of a mother telling her little boy that his shorts were too short or that his t-shirt revealed too much skin? For many people, sexual promiscuity begins with how a person presents them-self, either modestly or promiscuously….
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Sarah Williams
March 1, 2015
From the dawn of man, men have enjoyed more basic freedoms than women. When it comes to sexuality, it seems that men have the market cornered in terms of being able to behave in a promiscuous manner without feeling the…
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Sylvia Joan
March 1, 2015
Losing your virginity is something that should be special, because once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. It should be done with a person that you truly love and there is no harm is waiting. The guy or girl you decide…
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Trina Marie Lee
March 1, 2015
A romantic night at home isn’t as bad as it sounds. In fact, it’s easy and low cost not to mention a chance to be really creative. With the chaos of work, kids and bills it’s not surprising that today’s…
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Felicity Jakc
March 1, 2015
A study says students with higher IQs are less likely to be sexually active. Before agreeing or disagreeing with this statement it is necessary to evaluate the integrity of the study itself. A decision about the validity of the conclusion…
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Allen Teal
March 1, 2015
The sexual standards for men and women have long been unequal. Words like skank, loose, and easy are not ever used in relation to a man who is too promiscuous. These are the milder words that are employed to discuss…
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Freyda Tartak
March 1, 2015
You sit and wonder if you have the strength to walk away. Things just don’t feel right and you have come to the painful realization that you will need to have that break-up conversation. But, how to do it? The…
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Angela Peel
March 1, 2015
Relationships are a multi faceted phenomenon and while it is human nature to seek companionship, they become the most challenging when they come an end. The roller coaster ride of a lifetime suddenly comes to a halt in mid-air while…
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