
Why Men look at Porn

You’re sitting around with your boyfriend, or sometimes, not even with him. You’re messing with his iPod, computer, or something. Then suddenly, you see a few (or sometimes a ton) of pictures with skimpy, sleazy women showing off their privates,…
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One Night Stands

Unless you bear the looks of George Clooney or Brad Pit, which make you an irresistible guy, hard to deny, one-night stand depends on the female partner. Women like one-night stands as long as they avoid emotional drama the morning…
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One Night Stands

One-Night Stands’ Etiquette Are you a man who just met this gorgeous woman, the type of man typified by the star of ‘Two and a Half Men’ Charlie Sheen? If you are, how will you continue the sudden relationship that…
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One Night Stand

The one night stand; we all know what it is and chances are, we have all had one at one point or another. Officially, a one night stand is considered a sexual encounter that happens once, usually with a stranger…
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