Alex Mccain
March 7, 2015
You’re sitting around with your boyfriend, or sometimes, not even with him. You’re messing with his iPod, computer, or something. Then suddenly, you see a few (or sometimes a ton) of pictures with skimpy, sleazy women showing off their privates,…
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Heather Foster
March 7, 2015
Many single women in this world find themselves looking for their knight in shining armor. This is a holdover from all the fairytales of Cinderella, Snow White and others. They want a man who will sweep them off their feet…
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Nick Somoski
March 7, 2015
Falling in love with somebody can be a tricky thing. Most people will tell you that you can’t force yourself to fall in love, nor can you force someone to love you. For the most part, I’d have to agree…
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March 6, 2015
While everyone wants to be happy in his relationship, unfortunately, this is not always the case. Sometimes, even though you invest all you have in your relationship, you may find out that feelings are not exactly mutual.Painful as it may…
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March 6, 2015
A romantic relationship can start as a romantic fairy tale and end with a tragic death. Maybe this is the price one has to pay for living something so beautiful. What starts beautifully, can end with a lot of pain,…
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March 6, 2015
Women want a man to become the REALITY, while men wish a woman to remain a FANTASY. That is why – after the affair ends – the male is still longing for his idea of what he had hoped would…
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March 6, 2015
You may notice in this day and age that a lot of women, especially in their 30s, are single. These women are independent, focused on their careers, and picky. But why are women so picky when it comes to men?…
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Barbara Kasey Smith
March 6, 2015
How to make a guy like you… *Confidence is important: I really could have used some lessons when I was in my teens to attract and make a guy like me. I was afraid I would do or say the…
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Amanda Ligi
March 6, 2015
One night stands are not seem in a positive light. Most people consider the woman a slut who has a one night stand but of course the man is just being a man. One night stands are really just a…
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Karon Brandt
March 6, 2015
What a fancy word for “list,” which we all do either consciously or subconsciously. When looking for a partner, a first date, a person to go bowling with, or a spouse, we have inner expectations and bottom lines, whether we…
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Jed Eane
March 6, 2015
Should I Stay or Should I Go? One-Night Stand Etiquette The early morning sun is streaming in through the window hurting your eyes, your head is banging, and your mouth is dry, and if that weren’t enough, you’re now faced…
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Amelia Randall - 546119
March 6, 2015
There can be many signs that a romantic relationship needs to end, but probably most of all it is when the relationship starts to make you feel annoyed, hurt, upset, angry, bored and generally brings you down. A relationship is…
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Lues Clues
March 6, 2015
The following article is to help provide advice on how to stop being single through my own personal experiences and philosophy’s on this issue. My best answer and personal reference is to stop looking and find a way to let…
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Tara Tripaldi
March 6, 2015
With a kiss on the cheek and a phony “Don’t be a stranger” good-bye, it was over, my first one-night stand. Minus the heart shaped bed, the mirrors on the ceiling and the neon lights all over the cheesy motel…
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Jamie Bessett
March 6, 2015
Everyone must have walked the infamous “walk of shame” at one time or another. You know that walk back to your dorm room, or the walk out a building to grab a taxi or your car while looking disheveled in…
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Magda DH
March 6, 2015
The Walk of Pride: One-night-stands For Girls One night stands have gone up in the world: from something rather embarrassing, a bit shameful, a bit sad – is that all you can get? – to pretty much mainstream. The continuum…
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Jennifer White - 459032
March 6, 2015
Most of us have been there, whether we tell anyone or not. You’re out with some friends and you spy a good looking guy. Maybe you didn’t even see him at first. Maybe he came up to you and offered…
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Christina Pomoni
March 6, 2015
Unless you bear the looks of George Clooney or Brad Pit, which make you an irresistible guy, hard to deny, one-night stand depends on the female partner. Women like one-night stands as long as they avoid emotional drama the morning…
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Suzanne Fort
March 6, 2015
One night stands are very common nowadays. The rate of marriages splitting up scares people. Hollywood always has their dirty laundry aired when a divorce is happening. You see two people who were once in love trying to tear each…
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Lynette Alice
March 6, 2015
It goes without saying you want a first date to be the best it possibly can, and while being able to talk in order to get to know each other is a key of a good first date there are…
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Lynn Edwards
March 6, 2015
You wake up and wonder where you are, where you parked your car and then, just who is this sleeping beside you. It happens. You ingested whatever mind altering substance the night before and are now in a situation you…
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Bruce W. Coffman
March 6, 2015
The stereotypical image of the aftermath of the one-night stand is a lovelorn woman awaking amidst a pile of rumpled sheets, looking around wide-eyed and bewildered, wondering where her Prince Charming has gone as the front door slams shut and…
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March 6, 2015
One-Night Stands’ Etiquette Are you a man who just met this gorgeous woman, the type of man typified by the star of ‘Two and a Half Men’ Charlie Sheen? If you are, how will you continue the sudden relationship that…
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Gail Bertram
March 6, 2015
Etiquette: the word brings to mind a bygone time of finishing schools, horse drawn carriages and chaperones, but this simple code of good manners is not as old-fashioned as it seems. In the modern world, time is of the essence,…
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T. Jay Kane
March 6, 2015
The one night stand; we all know what it is and chances are, we have all had one at one point or another. Officially, a one night stand is considered a sexual encounter that happens once, usually with a stranger…
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Das Govind
March 6, 2015
We all have one thing in common. We want to find the right person. This takes time and patience, and sometimes people rush into relationships only to find out too late that they are with the wrong person. Sometimes these…
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Shelly Barclay
March 6, 2015
At times, it can be hard to know when a relationship should end. Emotions may keep us from making a decision to end a romantic relationship with someone we feel attached to. It is hard to know if a relationship…
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Zainab Yusuf
March 6, 2015
When we look around us and see couples who have been married for the past 20 or 30 years, do you know what the secret to their long marital life is? Is it love? No doubt its a very important factor,…
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Bryant Nix
March 6, 2015
remove my account ! T reason for you to treat someone without respect. I mean come on; you are sharing the most intimate essence that only you possess. There are truly no rules of engagement when using sex with someone as…
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Victoria Tiegert
March 6, 2015
There is an abundance of women in this world. If you are a single man, you have probably noticed that a great majority of these women are also mothers. What once was a stigma to avoid has become a mainstream…
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