Eve Tierney
March 8, 2015
The friend zone. Every nice guy who’s actively dating and socializing with women has, at some point, probably ended up in this dreaded state of being. He wants to escalate the intimacy, and she wants to tell him all about…
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Jane Allyson
March 7, 2015
Best friends are special. They have been there for us through good times and bad. They know all our innermost thoughts. They know what our fears are and they know what makes us happy. They give us constant joy in…
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Susan Quilty
March 7, 2015
Finding someone special to share your life can be difficult when drama gets in the way. Dating drama may stem from immaturity, insecurity or bad experiences in the past. Many people would rather avoiding dating drama, but others aren’t happy…
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March 7, 2015
If I believed in love at first sight I would say I fell in love with my best friend the moment I met him. Unfortunately I tend to be a little on the cynical side about such things. I love…
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Ted Sherman
March 7, 2015
What the heck does it mean: dating without drama? I always wanted as much drama as I could possibly get during my long-ago dating days, nights and weekends. If I needed an evening without drama, I’d go out with the…
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R Shimoda
March 7, 2015
The answer to why do some men date cougars is probably for the same reason some younger women date older men. Assets has is part of the story, generally older women will have more money than younger ones. Appearance is…
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Jane Allyson
March 7, 2015
Dating can be very nerve wracking experience. It is important that you portray your true self so that your date doesn’t get any wrong impressions about you. To avoid any drama and misinterpretation you will do best to relax and…
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Bridget Webber
March 7, 2015
There are advantages to knowing when someone likes you romantically. Understanding their feelings for you can give you a chance to think about your own and whether they match up with the other persons. If they do you can have…
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Nick Somoski
March 7, 2015
While all relationships begin with passion and romance, few relationships sustain that ecstasy. There comes a time when the hot and heavy emotion begins to dwindle, and your girlfriend is the one left disinterested. As the man, it’s your responsibility…
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Joanna Fletcher
March 7, 2015
These days women are picky because they have the ability to create a wonderful life for themselves without a man. Although many women would love to share this great life with someone special, it’s optional, not essential, to have a…
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Joan Inong
March 7, 2015
Standards help give us a way to gauge our tastes and measure our desires. For example, many of us have standards about what kinds of cars of which we approve. Some state governments enact standards for controlling the amount of…
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March 7, 2015
When you’re in a monogamous relationship with someone, that usually means you’ve chosen to be faithful to that one person. You’ve chosen to share more aspects of your life than with someone if you were just casually dating. Because of…
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Amazing Creations
March 7, 2015
In order to know what a man really wants you have to think like a man. In a man’s dreams, his perfect woman will look like Angelina Jolie ,decorate like Martha Stewart, and behind closed doors turn into Jenna Jameson. So…
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E.A. Paul
March 7, 2015
According to Jeanna Bryner, senior writer of, one-night stands are a common occurrence with specific thought patterns that apply differently to men and women. For instance, men are only thinking about the sex. That’s it. They take it as…
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Kate Johns
March 7, 2015
So you met this great guy at a work related party, had a little too much to drink and the two of you hit it off. There was this major attraction thing happening that was so intense that the two…
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Hillary Glaser
March 7, 2015
So, you’ve spotted a hottie across the room. The object of your desire spots you back, gives you a nod and you know you’re in! After a little time flirting, it becomes apparent that sparks are flying and somethin’ is…
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Vicki Phipps
March 7, 2015
How do you handle it when you’ve fallen in love with a guy who’s been the best friend of your life? It happened to me, so I should know, but it took me some time to realize something I didn’t…
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Mary Bubbins
March 7, 2015
When I was in elementary school,I told my mom that I JUST HAD to have a new pair of sneakers so that I could run faster and chase Johnny Belfance. He was the first love of my young life, the…
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March 7, 2015
Many people often quote that “age doesn’t matter” but the truth is, it does. Age makes a big difference when it comes to marriage, I should know because I’m married to someone who is about 10 years older than me…
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Leslie Trotter
March 7, 2015
Waking up alone every morning when you know the man you love is married and waking up with his wife when you want him there with you has got to be a pitfall for a woman who is dating a married man. His…
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Doug Sprow
March 7, 2015
In the battle zone of dating and the whole dating scene these days,pick-up lines are all about if you really want to be picked-up. I know that some of the lines used these days are not very good,corny,and often stale,but…
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Sheila-Ann Bender
March 7, 2015
Guys are the master at dating without drama. Girls, on the other hand, are the drama queens! We love to gossip about who’s dating who, who’s cheating on who-and we really get our feathers ruffled if we feel another girl…
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Alison Tennant
March 7, 2015
THERE’S A SAYING “we have to be twice as good as men to even be thought half as good. Fortunately, being women, that’s not difficult!”. So let’s use our intelligence, our physical and cerebral strength, and our feminine wiles to…
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Bill Woffington
March 7, 2015
How to tell if a girl likes you? That is always a tough question for guys. I still can’t put the answer in a hard, fast, logical, rational format and I’m a guy who has been around the planet for…
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asdd sdd w
March 7, 2015
What Women Want Men find women a mystery. No matter how many women you may have met, chances are you still do not understand them. But women do have their wants towards their men, and here are some of them….
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Susan Quilty
March 7, 2015
Developing a crush on your best friend can put you in a tricky situation. You enjoy spending time together, you’ve seen each other at your best and your worst, and you already share a history together. When romantic feelings spring…
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Katerina Nikolas
March 7, 2015
The attraction of convicted killers incarcerated on death row to women on the outside whom they’ve never met is easy to understand. Usually master manipulators, they have the opportunity to have someone on their side, often claiming the killer is…
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Harmony Wells
March 7, 2015
He is the keeper of your deepest secrets. She laughs at all of your jokes. You each cheer the other on through the most harebrained – and the most triumphant – events imaginable. And in every major crisis you’ve encountered…
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Victoria Tiegert
March 7, 2015
Nobody wants to be used in a relationship. It is insulting and degrading. You may begin the relationship with the assumption that you are both feeling the same things for one another. Things are going along nicely and you are…
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Victoria Tiegert
March 7, 2015
Okay, girls, it’s time to get down to business regarding the facts about guys. They aren’t always as mysterious and complex as we make them out to be, especially if you are working with those at the high school level!…
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