Beth Roberts
March 22, 2015
I think most girls, when they have friends who are lads they always wonder if there is more. Most of all they want something more. I have done that. With three guys. Yes not one, not two but three. Thats…
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Lorie Spencer
March 21, 2015
The Perfect Girlfriend This person is very different to each individual. People have different desires in what they want in a partner. Depending on how you were raised and where you grew up, there are very different desires and values…
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March 21, 2015
Online dating is just something totally virtual to me. It is probably just something fun to pass your time with and it could be exciting to imagine the kind of person you’re communicating with. It is good in the sense…
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Megan Butler - 382830
March 21, 2015
The thing about online dating is that suddenly you get to choose who you might fall in love with. This may sound like a winning deal, but when it comes down to it, do we really want the burden of…
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Josiphene Taylor
March 21, 2015
Have a bad case of unrequited love? We’ve all been there…”But THEY were the ONE!” You were thinking in terms of forever- they were thinking in terms of tomorrow. Or maybe they gave you a friendly pat after you just…
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Joan Inong
March 21, 2015
Online dating can be a lifesaver if you have a faltering love life. There are hundreds of thousands, even millions, of singles out there, from all around the world. Chances are, you’ll be able to meet Mr. or Ms. Right,…
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Bridie Cavanaugh
March 21, 2015
In this day and age, on-line dating is popular way of meeting people. With thousands of profiles posted it is important to make yourself stand out. One way of differentiating yourself, and improving the responses to your profile, is to…
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Jill Gentsch
March 21, 2015
You only get out of something what you put into it. So, give reflective thought as to how you want to portray yourself. What do others like about you? What distinguishes you from the rest of the pack? How do…
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Viktoria Carrella
March 21, 2015
In today’s world everyone is so busy with life, careers and many of us have families that finding the time to date is hard, let alone finding the time to look for a person to date. That is why many…
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G. Schettino
March 21, 2015
Only if they pass a Polygraph And even then….there’s no guarantee. This may sound harsh, but in reality, would you blindly trust the honesty of a stranger you just met in a bar? There is really no difference. Several years…
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Callista Meyer
March 21, 2015
With their focus on helping you find the perfect mate, is a dating site that may seem a little more complex than the average site. has been spotted on movies such as “Failure to Launch” and on popular…
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Barry Briskman
March 21, 2015
Investigative Report: Dating Scammers-How They Work And How You Can Avoid Them Dating scammers know exactly how to capitalize on human weakness, where to find their “marks” and how to make your fantasies into their paydays. Here’s how Regardless of the…
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Cassie Hager
March 21, 2015
With Americans leading busier lives than ever these days, it’s not hard to understand why dating services have become much less taboo over the past decade. Many men and women from all walks of life find they need help seeking…
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Amy Jo Browne
March 21, 2015
So you have found someone online who you have an intense mental connection with and you wish to see if it is all in your head or not. You are frightened to meet this person in real life because your…
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Author Name Withheld 280
March 21, 2015
Of course it has impeded relationship-building! As most articles in this section have stated, dishonesty is the most emphatic reason. How can you build a relationship when it is based, even in part, by dishonesty? The relationship will disintegrate eventually,…
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Matt D. Barnes
March 21, 2015
Online dating is a phenomenon that is taking the world by storm. It seems that when surfing the web these days every other pop-up, banner or footnote contains a link to a dating site in one form or another. One…
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March 21, 2015
This Beautiful Agony Sarah the Vet Tech and I go to the Dia Museum, if just to give ourselves something a bit more active to do than sit and talk. (I am rapidly running out of clever stories to tell…
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Suzanne Jordan
March 21, 2015
As I wake up in the morning, I suddenly recall the events from the night before. Sinking my head into my pillow, I can just hear an audience congregated together, clapping their handsalthough, really, its just the pitiful applause going…
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Mark Dykstra
March 21, 2015
Hello My Sweetie, Thank you very much for your letter. I miss you very much.Can you imagine what I feel when I see your letters?I feel my self happy. I love reading your letters.I love reading your words. It makes…
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March 21, 2015
To be heading back to the dating scene after a relationship has ended is a daunting prospect at any age, but for a middle-aged woman who has perhaps just come out of a long relationship, it is particularly nerve racking….
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Jenna Pope
March 21, 2015
If Romeo and Juliet were real people and had lived, they would have stayed together because of the customs in Shakespeare’s day and the life span of less than forty years. Would they have made it today, though? Never. A…
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March 21, 2015
I want to point out the dark side of internet dating. At one time I was a manager for several Hotmail and Yahoo Interracial Dating Communities that I created. I had a great team of assistant managers. Even with our…
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Siew Cheng Hoe
March 21, 2015
No Money, Retrench Your Wife Our local newspaper, The Straits Times dated 9 March 2009, carried a report written by Yen Feng about men in Singapore who abandoned their imported wife and children. When the economy was booming, these middle…
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March 21, 2015
I have never had a good reltionship, mutually, that is to say, my ‘I think he’s the one’ were always one -sided, and by products of unhealthy infatuation,which were directly derived from ‘he’s was so cute or, he is so…
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March 21, 2015
Finding your perfect match is a matter of knowing yourself. Take a personal inventory to sort out what you are all about. Once you know that, you are better able to recognize your perfect match when he or she comes…
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Louise Frank
March 21, 2015
Equally important as finding the right man is being the right woman, and bear in mind that there’s no Mr Perfect but there could well be a Mr Perfect For You. If you have been brought up on a diet…
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Lindsey Clair
March 21, 2015
Human nature is such an amazing thing. We can’t help how we feel about things whether it be physical or spiritual. If you think about it we are quite judgmentive with everything we come in contact with or encounter in…
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Angela Diggs
March 21, 2015
People fall out of love for a variety of reasons. The reasons include never being in love, being in love with the idea of it, and personal changes. When one or all of these takes place, two people will find…
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March 21, 2015
While everyone is capable of loving in his/her own way and up to a certain degree, unconditional love is a particularly challenging task, especially when it comes to romantic relationships. In romantic relationships, passion is involved, and in such a…
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Cyn P.
March 21, 2015
I would say that this is a question almost everyone would ask – whether or not you are in a relationship. My secondary school teacher once said, when you find the right person, it would be a totally different feeling….
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