

One should carefully think through the prospect of cheating before doing it. The consequences are going to be so catastrophic and life-changing that the partner who may be cheating could find themselves in an unkind and awful life. Being with…
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Dating Dilemmas Advice

The funny thing about cheating in a relationship is that it can be interpreted in any which way, shape, and form. Interpretations of cheating will be different from one person to another. However, they share one universal trait: “Betrayal of…
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Dating Dilemmas Advice

Overcoming an emotional affair can be very difficult for any couple. Sometimes emotional affairs are worse than physical affairs. This is because it can be very difficult to imagine a partner sharing deep meaningful conversations with another person. This is…
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Dating Dilemmas Advice

Avoiding emotional cheating is a relatively simplistic process. However many people put themselves in danger because they have friendships with members of the opposite sex. This can be problematic because when people that are different genders formulate friendships it can…
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