April 2, 2015
Any generation gap relationship can go one of two ways. It can be terrific or it can be torture. The outcome will depend solely on each other’s willingness to relate to the other person, to understand and to accept the…
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Susan Whitehurst
April 2, 2015
How do you end a relationship well? By ending it the same way it started: with love! Ending a relationship does not have to be painful. If you genuinely cared for that person at one point in your life, then…
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Sarah Dickinson
April 2, 2015
Romantic rejection is something that most people have to deal with some point in our lives. Not many of us know how to get over romantic rejection once we have been rejected as that beginning stages of been rejected can…
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Harvey Stelman
April 2, 2015
Who’d have thunk that! The higher the IQ the more thirst for knowledge a person has. Do you increase your knowledge being in bed with the opposite sex? Well on some things you certainly do, but that is a different…
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Leslie Trotter
April 2, 2015
Signs you need to get over your break-up Breaking up is very painful, especially if your love for someone was your whole world. However, there are signs that can tell you that you need to get over your breakup, before…
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April 2, 2015
Being in love is one of the magical things one person could ever experience. Suddenly things are more beautiful, peaceful and positive. So when you break-up and lose that person you love, it is not only heartbreaking but some people…
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Kenny L. Mitchell
April 2, 2015
I still miss her. The smell of her, the touch of her and the exquisite taste of her. Her vibrant (yet goofy) personality. The way her her shimmers softly in the pale moonlight. She is as beautiful as a summer’s…
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Cody Hodge
April 2, 2015
What do men look for in a woman? Most girls tend to believe that any chick with a nice body is going to be the one that we go after. However, this isn’t true, and a girl with a good…
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Roger D Fleury Jr
April 2, 2015
Alcoholism is indeed a disease that prevents the user from ever being able to handle even a sip. If he can handle a sip of beer, he will convince himself he can handle a shot “just this once.” And once…
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Jennifer Corrow
April 2, 2015
Ah, heck ya….Cowboy! “Rope and ride ’em”, I say! Seriously, who would want a guy to be neatly pressesd, manicured, and clean shaven all the time?! Men are suppose to be men. Strong, burly, and rugged. And to be honest,…
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Laura Leigh Fields
April 2, 2015
For many people, it is easier to attempt to rekindle an old spark than to start a new flame altogether. We grow fond of the person we have been sharing our lives with and sometimes, it is difficult to move…
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Garry Crystal
April 2, 2015
After my third cup of extra-strong coffee and a past-the-point-of-caring number of cigarettes, I turn off the television and head towards the keyboard that has been taunting me all night. I try and think of something, anything to write, but…
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Julie Dawn Hopkins
April 2, 2015
It was a Sunday in July, 2007, that I woke and decided to finally get myself to a church that a dear friend of mine had asked me for a year to come and give it a try. I walk…
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Alexandra Lebold
April 2, 2015
It seems like at many times in our lives we do not think about the reprucussions of our actions. This would be one of our moments… when we ask ourselves of a way to break the ice with an ex…
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Megan Shannon
April 2, 2015
Unfortunately I had a very weird way of having to break the ice with my ex. Near the end of our engagement I had discovered him and my sister talking everyday. This is where it all started to end, with…
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Dr. G. A. Anderson
April 2, 2015
I’ve never had an “ex,” but someone dear to me has one. Her stories of their “new” friendship are numerous and fascinating. When their divorce was in progress, I wouldn’t have imagined they would ever be on good terms again,…
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Laura Leigh Fields
April 2, 2015
Michael and I have a ten-year-old son together. He is our pride and joy. He is the fruit of our loins. He is the only reason that his dad and I even speak. Michael and I haven’t always been able…
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Ms. Glenda Rodgers
April 2, 2015
After reading several articles, I came to the conclusion that most women seek financial support. My analogy of what to look for is very simple. Financial security is wonderful, yet, without communication, understanding, trust and respect it really doesn’t matter….
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Bob Schmidt
April 2, 2015
When it comes to breaking the ice with your ex, attitude is of extreme importance. Overcoming the hurt feelings, and issues pertaining to the break-up are likely to be difficult. However, there are still issues that are of mutual interest,…
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Le Sab
April 2, 2015
There are many disputes about age differences: the older the wiser (and better in bed), the younger the more fun and outgoing, and how about, “it doesn’t matter the age, just as long as he or she can be open…
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Wendy Pettit
April 2, 2015
You’ve decided to give your ex another chance. Maybe you’ve decided that you need another chance. Either way, now is the time to put the perfect plan together. Proper planning and great imagination will be the secret to your success….
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April 2, 2015
First dates are critical. It is a time where you get to meet somebody with the purpose of getting to know them more and possibly at a higher and deeper level. First dates vary. For some, it is meeting and…
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Loretta Signori
April 2, 2015
Are you looking for love? Phooey! What total waste of time! Get out there. Be yourself. Have fun. And take heed of a few, boring cliches. “Life is not hard, it only needs some positive thinking”. Life Gurus are constantly…
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John Jason Misztal
April 1, 2015
After a relationship has ended, it simply means that it is time for a person or both persons in said relationship to evaluate their lives. Those people who may have loved each other in one way before are either going…
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April 1, 2015
When you are in a relationship, it is easy to become emotionally vulnerable, as you share your deepest feelings, needs and desires with your partner. As you bare your soul to someone else, you run the risk of getting hurt…
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Todd Hicks
April 1, 2015
As a guy, you have your work cut out for you. You have either never had a relationship with a female or it has been a long time since you had one and it is driving you crazy. You are…
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Mollie Mcdoodles Mom
April 1, 2015
The world around you says that only the pretty people can fall in love. The entertainment industry feeds their audience this misconception by its dating and marriage reality shows. Many persons begin a course of trying to look perfect by…
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Grace Angel
April 1, 2015
There are many reasons why a man might appear to be more attached to his friends than his significant other. Usually this is because the man does not feel comfortable being himself around his partner in all situations. Many times…
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Bridget Webber
April 1, 2015
If married, you may consider yourself lucky, as hopefully you will never have to enter the realms of the dating battlefield again. The game of dating is full of rules and regulations, which only one half of a dating couple, and…
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Akua Hinds
April 1, 2015
A May-December romance is a term used to describe a relationship where two people have a significantly large age gap between them that is wide enough to risk social disapproval. From the beginning of time, the majority of age gap…
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