John Cargile
April 4, 2015
My 22-year-old son was watching a National Geographic special and he said it made him think about what most attracts men to women and visa versa. He said the report stated the facial contours of the opposite sex were the…
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Kris Vaassen - 261730
April 4, 2015
SoulmatesDefinitely Exist Soul mates definitely exist. I am married to my soul mate, best friend and lover. Without him I would be half of a person. I am complete with him. We compliment each other as we are very different…
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Miranda Gardiner
April 4, 2015
We have all been created with an innate desire to love one another. You could say our psyches arrive pre-wired with an instinctive drive to be loved and to love in return. However, from the instance we arrive into this…
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Wayne K. Wilkins
April 4, 2015
Not every potential relationship you see will end in success and happiness and while such a statement may sound harsh, it is also a true and necessary fact of life that you will need to know before you can successfully…
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April 4, 2015
There are a couple of things that can be differentiated when it comes to love and lust. Both love and lust are sometimes confused by others and there is no way of telling which is which. But, with careful thought…
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Theresa Wind
April 4, 2015
There is nothing like being in love. You spend so much of your life searching for it and then it happens. Finally someone special comes along, you think you have found love, but how do you know you are really…
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Matt Bird
April 4, 2015
A big portion of the fun of a new relationship comes from getting to know the other person. How do they act? What’s their personal history? Their likes, dislikes, stances of politics…? All of these things are a blast to…
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Shannon Lane - 548132
April 4, 2015
I don’t think love is really blind. I think that love makes you blind to everything else around you. Falling in love by sheer design should only happen once in your life. For those rare few it may happen twice….
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Teresa Yates
April 4, 2015
Young love is one of the things in life that are very controversial. Sometimes a young love will last because they really have found there soul partner! Other times they will believe they have found a true love and it…
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Todd Daigneault
April 4, 2015
The study is very discriminatory…it’s like saying people with higher IQ’s are superior, people with lower IQ’s are inferior. This sounds like the same type of studies that said blacks had inferior IQ’s to whites and Asians. It’s like saying…
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Amelia Randall - 546119
April 4, 2015
Friends play an important role in your life. It is your friends that you turn to when you need a shoulder to cry on, your friends who listen to you rant about your ex or your job and your friends…
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Angie Lewis
April 4, 2015
How will you know if you are really in love or if it is just infatuation? Love is an action and infatuation is a feeling. Love, unlike infatuation and lust take commitment and devotion to a person. This is because…
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Jon Elwood
April 4, 2015
Well I would say that the best advice to any teen considering this is that they have to know themselves first. There are so many people and so many agencies that are telling teens not to even have sex or…
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Lenna Gonya
April 4, 2015
After 40 or 50 years of marriage, people may comment on the fact that grandma and grandpa were made for each other. They finish each other’s sentences, know what the other person is thinking before they say anything, and have…
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Martine Pauwels
April 3, 2015
The first thing we must consider, when answering this question, is how we define love. If you really mean an all committing, mutual bound of understanding between two people, this might be hard to complete after just a second. But…
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Christina Pomoni
April 3, 2015
Unless he is the type of guy who grabs a woman by the hair and drags her to bed, one-night stands usually depend on the female partner. Women like one-night stands as long as they don’t get stuck in emotional…
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James Lynne
April 3, 2015
In the early stage of relationship there is a chemical craziness that occurs, drawing us together emotionally, physically, sexually. Call it love or call it lust. Whatever we call it, it pushes us toward intimacy with another. To some, intimacy…
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Lauren Beyenhof
April 3, 2015
My great-grandmother a woman of faith and a pastor’s wife used to say “there’s a lid for every pot.” I thought I understood this archaic expression. I believed it meant that everyone has a perfect romantic match out there somewhere…
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Brooke Becker - 580190
April 3, 2015
Do I feel that soul mates really exist? No, I do not believe soul mates exist. What are the chances that out of all the people on Earth, your “one and only” soul mate went to the same high school…
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Joyce Sethman
April 3, 2015
Love has many definitions as there are many aspects of love. I think Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary says it best.1) A feeling of strong personal attachment induced by sympathetic understanding or by personal kinship.2) The benevolence attributed to God as being…
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Kelly Ann Griffin
April 3, 2015
Vulnerability is a concept that causes most of us to squirm in our seats. When we expose ourselves to another human being, openly and honestly, we run a great risk of rejection, judgment, and ultimate relational pain. We would rather…
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Lynette Hatton
April 3, 2015
When you have sex for the very first time, for better or for worse, it is always a memorable experience. Some feel that the experience is pleasant while others find themselves asking the eternal question: “Is that it?” Regardless of…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
April 3, 2015
Love can be measured, although I am sure many would disagree with me. The thing is there are all different types of love and with some times of love it can be difficult to measure it. A mother may have…
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Melissa Aytche
April 3, 2015
No good can come from a dishonest relationship. Honesty is by far one of the most crucial aspects of a relationship. Many relationships suffer from the deception of not being honest with each other. Some will tell you that not…
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Djoko Saputro
April 3, 2015
The morning was very busy clinic. At about 9:30 a man aged 70 came to open the stitches to a wound on his thumb. I prepared the paperwork and asked him to wait, because all the doctors are still busy,…
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Joseph Mcknight
April 3, 2015
Let’s face it, every guy wishes there was a manual teaching us how to be expert kissers. Perhaps a book left by Casanova that exposes the secret arts of the lip-lock, or a manual from Don Juan giving a step…
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Louisa Threesixfour
April 3, 2015
Love, lust, infatuation, how do you know it’s love and not the other similar feelings? I don’t think you do at first. Attraction, either intellectual or physical usually comes first. Maybe you’ve noticed that the friend you enjoy the most…
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Volecia Plafcan
April 3, 2015
No one can hear the words “I love you” too much. At least, some people think that way. Others may think it mush but, hey, what if you say it to someone who hasn’t heard it in a while? You…
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Todd Hicks
April 3, 2015
When you begin searching for a mate, you are likely to have certain traits in mind that someone of the opposite gender has to have in order to become your ideal partner. Although you can establish the characteristics one should…
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Rebecca Johnson
April 3, 2015
No one has the exact explanation or definition as to what love is. Even our closest explanations will forever remain tainted due to our ever-changing feelings and moods. However, we can not argue one truth: love does not exist because…
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