Sheila-Ann Bender
April 5, 2015
Some people have a gift for writing persuasively, and they can make themselves sound smarter and more sincere than they really are. I think this is one of the biggest dangers in an online dating romance. A good writer can…
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Lori Greenberg
April 5, 2015
After waiting close to a year and a half since a break up, I decided I might be ready to dip my toes in the waters and test the dating scene. But where to begin? A young person at work…
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Summer Tyme
April 5, 2015
Who doesn’t like to hear a romantic story? As on-line dating sites grow in number we hear success stories from those who have found someone special to date. Many say they have not only found someone, they’re getting married. So…
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Jennifer Fogg
April 5, 2015
Wonderful Words Electronic, as well as any communication, must be balanced with a healthy degree of skepticism. Considering the Internet as a dating tool, one should realize that the ease of anonymous typing doesn’t necessarily lead to the patterings of…
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Carolyn Tytler
April 4, 2015
You see a stranger, maybe at a party, whose appearance immediately attracts you. (I’ll approach the scenario from a woman’s prospective, but it works equally well with either sex.) He may not be the most glamorous person in the world,…
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Rob Purifoy
April 4, 2015
Being someone that doesn’t like to waste time on someone incompatible I pick places we can talk for the first real date. Of course there is sometimes a first meeting at say a bar, a church, a group gathering etc….
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Noleen Wyatt-Jones
April 4, 2015
More and more people are choosing to search for love via Internet dating sites and whether you are looking for a permanent partner or a short term fling it would appear that there is a dating site to suit all…
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Sarah Williams
April 4, 2015
Even though the Internet is the fastest growing forum for people who are interested in a love connection, few mainstream dating sites like and truly cater to gay men (and in some cases don’t allow the search at…
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Olha Romaniuk
April 4, 2015
First dates are kind of like job interviews – two people dress to impress each other, mentally prepare a checklist of requirements each person needs to meet to pass the first interview round, and judge each other based solely on…
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Megan Jacobs
April 4, 2015
To impress, to dazzle, and amaze a girl. Just how hard is it? If it’s the right kind of girl who likes your personality not that hard. Some men just make it a habit to chase the uncatchable. If you…
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Catherine Mcnerney
April 4, 2015
What is the impact of online dating verses traditional courtship? There are plenty of views on this subject, since online dating is becoming more popular by the day. In the days before computers, there were numerous ways and places to…
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Todd Pheifer
April 4, 2015
Online dating is yet another phenomenon of widespread Internet usage in today’s culture. As humans we look for ways to connect with other people, and the online infrastructure of the Internet has allowed us to easily “connect” to a large…
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Andi S Green.
April 4, 2015
You think you have met your perfect soulmate online. So you have never met them for real but you feel that you trust them implicitly. After all, from the moment you ‘met’ online, you have shared your innermost feelings and…
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J. Lee Kenser
April 4, 2015
Ah yes, the first date. You finally got the connection one way or another and now the production must begin. Remember, it is more about the personal connection than the inference of one. Do talk about things that include the…
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JQ Adams
April 4, 2015
There has always been a bit of a problem with dating. Guys finally get the guts to ask a girl for her phone number, only to call them up, and be incredibly nervous or disingenuous about who they are. People…
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Marcus Brooks
April 4, 2015
Since I turned 18, my social life was confined to cruising nightclubs of all types. Rock and roll venues, live jazz and blues events. I’ve enjoyed meeting all sorts of women. A few others I didn’t enjoy as much. However,…
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Laura Leigh Fields
April 4, 2015
The dating world can be a hectic world. It is full of more ups and downs than a roller coaster. For many people, this is a frustrating experience. Those who have about had it with the dating scene are giving…
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Amy Wilson
April 4, 2015
Over the years, the art of meeting a person has been transformed. The days of meeting someone in a social setting have not been totally abandoned, but new advances in technology have made meeting another person easier. Technology has brought…
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Loralie Lynn
April 4, 2015
Tips For a First Date: How to Relax and Have Fun First date jitters can be nerve-wracking when you aren’t quite sure what to say, how to act, or whether nor not she’s having fun. While it’s exciting to go…
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Summer Ross
April 4, 2015
No matter what girl you like you should always be yourself first. If you as you are is not good enough you will find out when she finds out. With so many opinions and so much advise out there for…
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Elisabeth Weirshousky
April 4, 2015
After going on more blind dates than I can even count I have fantastic advice for those about to embark on the world of blind dates. First of all it does not matter how much you have spoken to this…
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Ruby Jinga
April 4, 2015
This is a wonderful topic, particularly in this day and age. It just goes to show that communication is vital and so many things can go wrong when left unspoken. Although you may not like the term ‘going Dutch’ and may…
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Kacie Knight
April 4, 2015
The idea of meeting people on the internet terrifies my grandmother.She doesn’t understand how it works. She doesn’t understand how I can become friends with someone I have never met in person. She doesn’t understand the reality of social interactions…
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Sarah Williams
April 4, 2015
Online relationships are fast becoming the new “in thing” in the world of romance. There are thousands of website dedicated either strictly to dating, or to “social networking” which often times bring people together for more than friendship. Still, one…
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Tiffany Coley
April 4, 2015
Many young men work themselves into a frenzy agonizing over every syllable of a conversation they want to strike up with a girl. They are terrified of saying the wrong thing and of looking like a complete loser. If you…
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R.L Hanlon
April 4, 2015
First dates. Those two words are evoking some of my most wonderful learning experiences.First dates can be uncomfortable situations at first, until they start to warm up and everything comes naturally. But there are exceptions to the rule, sometimes people…
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April 4, 2015
Is a definite no-no! Remember that young woman you knew who used to dress very provocatively, was always dating someone and gave the impression that she is always open to fun? Guess what? She actually made him wait… At least…
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Tasneem Bull
April 4, 2015
as a day dreamer and romantic you would think the dating game would be easy. in theory the ritual of dating follows a simple formula, romance is easy to act, follow the steps and you can fake a little romance…
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Therese Daniels
April 4, 2015
Among the most painful experiences suffered in life is the loss of a loved one. It makes little difference if the loss is by divorce or death. The pain is profound and the experience will force a personal revolution in…
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Lelly Homas
April 4, 2015
There is a major difference between these two subjects for which they should be addressed separately. Divorce is the splitting up of two people who were once in love (or not as the case may be), still sharing common ground…
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