MD Lynn
April 5, 2015
When’s the Right Time to Ask, “Will You Marry Me?” Deciding when to propose, when it’s the right time to ask for someone’s hand in marriage, can be a nerve-wracking decision to make. When is the right time to propose?…
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Cody Hodge
April 5, 2015
So you are going on a first date with someone. Not bad, but what are you going to be doing? There are so many things that can go wrong on a first date that you are going to want to…
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Kristy Lynn
April 5, 2015
Confidence determines one’s success in all aspects of life. This is especially true when it comes to dealing with strangers. When asking out a stranger, whether it’s a man or a woman, confidence is most definitely the key. Be certain…
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Pat Lunsford
April 5, 2015
Blind dates are usually arranged by well-meaning friends or family and more often than not, they turn out to be virtual nightmares. Ar first you begin to wonder if maybe it was a practical joke, until you realize, it’s no…
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Katherine D
April 5, 2015
A relationship with the right person can be a wonderful experience. However, a relationship with the wrong person can lead to years of heartache, emotional and even physical damage. At the beginning of a relationship, “the honeymoon stage” it is…
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Jane Plane
April 5, 2015
Unrequited Love? Yes thats something I can relate to but unfortunately its a case of me being seen as the “big bad monster” as I have fallen out of love with my boyfriend and he is blissfully unaware and currently…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
April 5, 2015
Your first date can be exciting but also quite scary. You want to make a good impression so that your date likes you and wants to see you again, so you are scared to say the wrong thing, scared to…
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Linda Sajiw
April 5, 2015
Do you really want to impress a girl or is it a woman you want to impress? Whether you are still operating from your child self, your teenager or whether you have made the connection with your soul essence will…
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Tammy Dukes
April 5, 2015
Why not stay with someone who has cheated on you? Why not give them another chance?Maybe it was a mistakemaybe they won’t cheat againMaybe it was my fault All the above questions and the what if’s,the maybe this and maybe…
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Christine G.
April 5, 2015
My uncle used to say, “I tell people what they want to hear. It makes them happy, and there’s nothing more important than happiness.” He and his buddies cheerfully acknowledged that they were full of bull. Perhaps they had a…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
April 5, 2015
Your first date is hopefully the beginning of a wonderful relationship. It gives you an opportunity to get to know your date and tell them what you want them to know about you. You want to make a good impression…
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Leslie Trotter
April 5, 2015
First date safety tips for women You haven’t dated in a while, you’ve been away from the dating scene for a few years and now you’ve decided that you want to date again especially after you’ve been talking to this…
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Catherine Mcnerney
April 5, 2015
A blind date is overwhelming enough, but having to experience a bad blind date just might be enough to send you back into hiding for another year. Unfortunately, blind dates are a very important part of relationships. I think every…
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Jennifer Metz - 392050
April 5, 2015
Pictures not to post online (advice for a guy…) If you have surfed through an online dating site, you know the importance of having a photo. However, just as important of having a good photo, it is vital to NOT…
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Kenny L. Mitchell
April 5, 2015
“Soft Kisses In the Pale Moonlight” I have to admit something. Although I am a guy, I have never been a ladies man. I used to get so flustered over the daunting task of asking a COMPLETE STRANGER out for…
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Sheila-Ann Bender
April 5, 2015
Ahh, the infamously feared blind date. The most hated of all dating forms-and certainly the most stressful. It should only be attempted by men and women who have a sense of humor and enough confidence to handle any situation that…
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MiLa Driver
April 5, 2015
I’m not a cynical person; far from it, but in my forty five years on this earth I have learned that no one is 100% trustworthy. I think that the only thing we can trust is that we cannot blindly…
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Ryan Moss
April 5, 2015
Ah, the first date. Beginning with the call and actual agreement to the date, everything can go good or bad from there. When you go on a first date with someone you give them a taste of what you would…
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Bridget Webber
April 5, 2015
First dates, as well as being exciting, can be tricky. Especially if you are stuck with what to say and are feeling shy and awkward. As with any situation where you don’t know what to talk about to someone else…
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Victoria Humphrey
April 5, 2015
Posting pictures on a dating website is fraught with many factors that can affect one’s chances of meeting somebody one would like to date or a person one might find less than compatible. There are many do’s and don’ts that…
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Leslie Trotter
April 5, 2015
Preparing for the big date Sometimes it seems you have to be a rocket scientist to prepare and plan a big date. However, it isn’t hard as long as you know what you like and your date likes. Compromises comes…
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Kevin Federline
April 5, 2015
Meeting people online can be daunting. There are lots of free site hosts to choose from, all with their own particular emphasis: MySpace has the edge over Bebo in terms of meeting new people and getting the site set up…
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Anna Greenslade
April 5, 2015
Your eyes meet across a crowded lecture theatre. You discuss the usefulness of archaeology in today’s society, the intricate details of Schubert’s unfinished symphony, the functions of the white blood cell or the parallelisms between Robinson Crusoe and normal society….
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Ted Sherman
April 5, 2015
There are hundreds of online dating services, and new ones are being added every day, including many who offer their features for seniors. However, for most elderly people who are serious about seeking actual dates in areas where they live,…
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Rebecca Davies
April 5, 2015
Quite frankly, I can’t think of much worse than a bad blind date. I know that sounds over the top, but if you’ve ever been on a blind date, you’ll understand the pain involved. For a start, there’s all that…
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JC Campbell
April 5, 2015
Sadly, for more and more people, the halcyon days of boy marries the girl next door have disappeared into oblivion. In this age of the Internet, it’s now boy marries girl in the next continent. Dating online is the new…
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T. Marie
April 5, 2015
Every girl is different, so there is obviously no right or wrong way to impress a girl. There are, however, some things that women in general are attracted to.The best advice I can give is don’t try to impress a…
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Theodore Philus
April 5, 2015
It’s the question that every man desires to have answered. How does one ask a complete stranger out on a date? The answer is simple – just know that they are not strangers, if you wish to meet them. Allow…
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DM Zwack
April 5, 2015
As far as I’m concerned, it is sometimes easier to ask a stranger on a date than someone you have known for a while. Every situation is different, of course, and it could be the person with whom you’re already…
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Cody Hodge
April 5, 2015
So you need some good dating advice? There is really no one way to get a girl to like you, but there are some rules that you might want to follow to have the most success on your date. Just…
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