Paolo Alberto
April 16, 2015
So what do you do when your dream turns into a nightmare? Well, there are two problems that you need to solve in order to fully recover from a bad break-up: The first one is learning the art of letting…
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Colyns Agboju
April 16, 2015
“Our defenses reflect our wounds but no person can heal those wounds. They can give us love, innocently and sincerely, but if we’re already convinced that people cannot be trusted – if that’s the decision we’ve made – then our…
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Jessica Quinton
April 16, 2015
There are no step by step rules for surviving a relationship. All individuals are different and how two people will make a couple is often times unpredictable. Not to be without hope, there are common things that most relationships can…
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Danielle Balog
April 16, 2015
In life this can be the most terrifying decision you may ever make. Your life and time on this earth is short compared to eternity so you need to enjoy it and make things work for you. A great role…
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M.A. Dal Cero
April 16, 2015
Merriam-Webster defines the word “rebound” as “to spring back on or as if on collision or impact with another body”. A rebound relationship is one which occurs within a relatively short period of time after the break-up of a significant,…
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Thomas Mayne
April 16, 2015
Coping with a permanent break-up can be difficult, especially if you are the one getting booted out of the door, but there are a number of practical and easy steps to dealing with the situation in such a way as…
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Cody Hodge
April 16, 2015
How can you go about ending a relationship well? There are many things that you can do to make sure that you have the best possible ending to your relationship. If you are smart, you will allow for some time…
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Bryan Poole - 527603
April 16, 2015
Finding out whether or not you boy/girlfriend has feelings for their ex’s is not too difficult to find out. Sometimes it is just plain obvious but others it takes a little digging. First thing to watch out for is if…
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Jillian Debets
April 16, 2015
Break-ups are painful. Getting over an ex-boyfriend takes time. You need to give yourself at least as long as the relationship lasted to adequately deal with the emotions and sense of loss. If you broke off the relationship, often there…
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Sarah Dickinson
April 16, 2015
How to get over being dumped by the one you loved. Nearly everyone gets dumped some point in their lives. Because dumping is simply rejecting someone, individuals often feel really concerned. Dumped people usually question themselves on their life and…
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Jaclyn Campbell
April 16, 2015
It has been said that the end of a relationship is a lot like death. It’s the death of a relationship. The death of a love or the illusion of a love. The process of getting over death is grieving….
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Leslie Trotter
April 16, 2015
How to end a relationship well Ending a relationship is hard, especially when you still care for someone as a friend. You can end it respectfully by letting your soon to be ex know that you will always be there…
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Yvette Durham
April 16, 2015
To my mind, there is no doubt that break- ups are one of the hardest cards to be dealt in life. And, unfortunately, virtually all of us have to endure at least one painful split in our lifetime. Many of…
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Jack Frost
April 16, 2015
The best way to recover from a broken heart is to get back in the game as quickly a possible. The thing is it’s not always easy to see a way out of the pain when your heart has been…
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Ian Campbell
April 16, 2015
Believe it or not, all romantic relationships will not live up to your hopes and dreams. You can meet a wonderful woman but find out you aren’t wonderful together. Mr. Right could barge into your life whisking you up to…
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Adam Ugro
April 16, 2015
Let’s start by stating the obvious fact, there is nothing “great” about getting out of a relationship. The affects of ending a relationship is hard on both persons involved and usually harder on one than the other. Ending a relationship…
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April 16, 2015
Have you ever been in a destructive relationship? I hope not. Unfortunately I was in that kind of relationship. I think that partners should be for each other all the time, be happy for the success of another person and…
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Kim Robinson - 306234
April 16, 2015
CHALLENGING MEN ARE SEXY Women, for some unknown reason, are attracted to guys who don’t give a damn, guys who don’t call, and guys who don’t try. This is precisely the guy whom women will be flurrying around in a…
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JC Campbell
April 16, 2015
It would seem to be a contradiction in terms to suggest there are “great ways” to get out of a relationship, as ending a relationship is often traumatic and painful. Finding ways to break the cord though, could be easier…
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R.L Hanlon
April 16, 2015
The best way to break up with another is to do it in person, but sometimes a need for expressing your reasons and emotions is much easier in a letter. Usually a teenager or possibly those that are in an…
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Jamie Peltier
April 16, 2015
Broken hearts hurt. But then they’re done. And eventually someone so beyond perfect fills the void that seemed so huge at the time… And suddenly you’re heart feels like exploding because there is barely enough room to contain the feelings…
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Kat Catalano
April 16, 2015
Some people get angry over a break-up. I’ve always been the sort of person that believes that when things don’t work, two people are responsible, and two people are in pain. There’s no reason for anger, except immediately afterward when…
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Nicki Marks
April 16, 2015
One of the hardest things to go through as a teenager is the end of a good relationship, or worse, a broken engagement. Though most people imagine engaged couples to be in their twenties or thirties, it is more common…
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Carol Smith - 338661
April 16, 2015
It is clear that a relationship is ending when you just don’t feel the same anymore. It occurs that day you wake up and you find yourself in the same boring rut of a relationship that you’ve spent that last…
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Ian Campbell
April 15, 2015
The Dear John letter refers to a letter written from a woman to her husband or boyfriend. It’s meant to inform him that their relationship is over. Most often, it is because she has found another man. A letter from…
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April 15, 2015
Four Early Signs a Relationship is Heading for Trouble Could you be headed for a breakup? There are those marriages and relationships in which partners are constantly arguing. Then there are those couples that seem to have an “agreement”, they…
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Anthony Scaroni
April 15, 2015
For all of us who have been there, and for all of those that are going through it, the ultimate breakup is perhaps one of the hardest and bleakest situations for anyone to try and face. The subject alone is…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
April 13, 2015
Mastering the art of aloneness can be difficult if you are not used to or keen on your own company. Perhaps you used to be living with a partner, but you have become divorced or your partner has died, and…
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Steven Dontigny
April 13, 2015
Don’t Pick Your Nose! Alright thats not going to happen, I hope! However there are a lot of mistakes that people make during a date that they do not even realize are a turn off. Without explaining why nose picking…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
April 8, 2015
One wonders why women bother to get involved with unavailable men for as we know they are really on a hiding to nothing! The unavailable man may genuinely care about the woman, look forward to being with her and seeing…
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