
Age of Consent – No

Given the Federal Government’s inability to handle it’s current workload, it seems ill conceived to put anything else on their plate. I also think that to invite the Federal Government into a situation that could, and should be dealt with…
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Love Relationships

Before you can identify your life partner take a quick evaluation of yourself. Are you ready for a life partner? Are you really ready? Do you love yourself? Because let me warn you, you cannot love anyone else without first…
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Dating Etiquette

The way you behave on a date says more about you than most of the words you speak to your date; this is because people are quite attuned to the small, seemingly inconsequential actions of those around them. This includes…
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Womens Sexuality

Almost 50 years ago, in the early 1960’s the anti contraception pill gave a new sexual freedom to women that revolutionized their sexuality. How easy it was in those days to make out with a woman or, the women make…
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