Victoria Tiegert
April 19, 2015
Females are a fickle sort, known to be a bit more complex than their male counterparts, especially when it comes to the workings of the heart. Males are often heard expressing frustration as they try to understand women and interpret…
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Victoria Tiegert
April 19, 2015
A roller coaster relationship is just what it sounds like. It has extreme highs and extreme lows, twists and turns and can be exciting and nauseating all at once. They are great for a time, as the good times are…
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Flora Glenn
April 19, 2015
I always thought of myself as a stubborn soul. Relationships don’t always benefit from a person who have an iron will. In fact, no flexibility at all is a real detriment to a mature relationship. Young love believes perfection exists…
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Saron Maramo
April 19, 2015
Jealousy is feeling that you are lacking, or that something important that you need or desire is not being supplied to you. If you have a healthy sense of self-worth jealousy will not flourish in your life. We must learn…
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Sherri Scolaro
April 19, 2015
I’ve come to the realization that in order to love and truely be loved you must first open your heart and let go of everything. You cant think…you just do. You can’t worry about what other people think, or how…
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Carolyn Tytler
April 19, 2015
Why would you even consider being friends with someone who had an affair with your spouse? This person is just not someone who would make a good friend or even an acceptable acquaintance. Here are some reasons why: * They…
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Karon Brandt
April 19, 2015
If you want to grow old together, yes. If the woman is beyond child-bearing years and the man wants a child, age matters. In general, we’ve become more accepting of May-December couples and feel that it’s their business, not ours….
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Loralie Lynn
April 19, 2015
Having a suspicion that your man is cheating is not easy to deal with. The very thought of the person you love and trust being unfaithful can make you stressed, cause you great pain, and force you to have to…
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Kat Ballew
April 18, 2015
Lust can divide two people who love each other, and when one partner lust after others, it can cause problems of an otherwise happy relationship. When a couple first meet, the attraction is often one of lust, however, once the…
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Juliet Ogah
April 18, 2015
Why do men cheat? Everybody that cheats knows that cheating is not good, but for one reason or the other, they still end up cheating. There are many reasons why men cheat; some men cheat because they feel it’s a…
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Mona Gallagher
April 18, 2015
Love is a very important part of life. It allows us to connect emotionally and physically and enriches our existence. Committed love is more than a casual and temporary coupling, it’s a force that gives life meaning and can lead…
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Sandra Piddock
April 18, 2015
Whether sex is worth the physical effort depends mainly on three things: your own health and fitness and that of your partner, the importance of sex in your life, and the person you are going to have sex with. If either…
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Julian Kelly
April 18, 2015
What we call “love” is the cocktail of oxytocin and dopamine swirling around in the brain, caused by the ingestion of pheromones. This is why those who claim they are in love experience feelings of euphoria followed by periods of…
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Theresa Wind
April 18, 2015
Everyone asks themselves this question at one time or another. If you looked up the definition of love in Webster’s dictionary you will find the basic definition, to have strong affection for another arising from personal ties or devotion to…
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Adelaide M.
April 18, 2015
Regardless of how long you’ve been dating someone (and that includes being married), everyone is looking for a few date night ideas. Since no one has a ton of money, many of these ideas are free or cheap as well!…
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Darren Prine - 408760
April 18, 2015
We are constantly barraged with articles in magazines and sites on the Internet about how to “find” or “get” your match. With so many articles, experts, and books published, how is it that we do not have a definitive solution…
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Wayne K. Wilkins
April 18, 2015
There are many things that can attract two people to each other. In some situations it is merely pure exterior attraction which is commonly associated with one night stands, but also love at first sight. It is impossible to meet…
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Lauren Sade
April 18, 2015
When I was in college, I worked in a adolescent psychiatric hospital as a psychiatric technician. Basically, I was the babysitter for the adolescents between school and therapy. The adolescent patients had been admitted to the hospital because they were…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
April 18, 2015
To have a successful relationship you need to stick to a proven workable formula. Just as you need to stick to a recipe when baking a cake. Each of us needs to alter that formula to suit our personality, needs,…
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Debbie Cipolone
April 18, 2015
Often I feel so unsure, afraid, almost unable to breath because I am so happy. I look around at all that I have and wonder if I am just lucky or is it that I am truly blessed. A gambler…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
April 18, 2015
If you want to keep your man, and have a happy life with him, you need to learn how to please him. While it is obvious that all men are different some things will not change from man to man. …
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Rachael Spires
April 18, 2015
This can be a tough one. At what point do you come to realise that you have fallen in love? Has it always been there but you have never taken the notice? Is love being masked by lust? Love can…
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Sandra Piddock
April 18, 2015
‘I love you’ – three little words that have so much power over life and happiness, and three little words that can be said in so many ways. So what are the best ways to say ‘I love you’ to…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
April 18, 2015
How do you know if you have found your soulmate? Trouble is that you get too many false alarms. Red herrings, people who come along and seem to be the one and then turn out not to be. Or, you…
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Sam E. Jones
April 18, 2015
It’s something that most of us of the male gender aspire to, finding that one girl that is perfect for us, and that finds us just as perfect for them. It’s an age old story; men have always searched for…
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Kris Vaassen - 261730
April 18, 2015
I pondered how to start this article and I decided to recant the answers of some of my best guy friends. Their ages range from eighteen to forty years old. Some of their answers and viewpoints surprised me but open…
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Jimmy Patrick
April 18, 2015
Most men will admit that the definition of loose sexual behavior for a woman has been skewed over the years. Women are more open about having sex. So, where is the new line drawn? Have standards dropped to the point…
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Courtney Keskinen
April 18, 2015
Since the beginning of time, there have been unfortunate stereotypes placed on women’s sexuality. If a man has multiple sexual partners and boasts of his exploits to friends, he seems to gain a sense of notoriety. However, a woman meeting…
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Todd Daigneault
April 18, 2015
Premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, low staminia, and a host of other problems can haunt any sexually-active male from 18, onwards. Sometimes even the fear of failure can be enough to cause these problems. The thing to do is to relax…
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Jack Winter
April 18, 2015
Modern Man’s take on woman sexuality. When I came across this topic I wondered, “What is a Modern Man?” I really did not have a clear idea. I know that I live in this modern world and I know for…
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