Rosa Belkadi
April 30, 2015
Long distance relationships; just like all relationships are hard, but there are a few things you can do to maintain your relationship, and even use the long distance to create and deepen your bond. Make sure that you’re both willing…
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James Burgess
April 30, 2015
Getting over the nervousness of asking out that cute girl is NOT simple; but by following a few guidelines, you can help rid yourself of the post question jitters and make her your girlfriend. First and foremost: Before you invest…
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Maria Gordon
April 30, 2015
There is indeed biblical support on dating and courtship. The bible touches on numerous expectations when it comes to matters of the heart. It is very important to consider biblical teachings. When doing so, you will prevent some potential heart…
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Christopher Hodges
April 30, 2015
While other writers here have opined on the physical “cheat”, so to speak, I feel that the emotional “cheat” is just as bad, if not more detrimental to a caring, healthy relationship. It’s hard enough to have an open and…
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Sandra Piddock
April 30, 2015
The tango is a beautiful passionate dance, but you have to have a partner – no matter how much you admire the dance, or how much you long to perform it, you just can’t do it alone. It takes two to tango –…
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Jynx Marie
April 30, 2015
Finding out a partner has been unfaithful can be truly devastating. It can leave you feeling hurt and confused. Deciding what to do after the fact is often the hardest part. With the flurry of emotions that come from hearing…
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James Kent
April 30, 2015
There seems to be a perception that romance has to be expensive. But it doesn’t have to be and romance itself is free and often the cheap or free ideas can work out as well as the expensive ones. Therefore,…
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Heather Birt
April 30, 2015
Trust and communication are the most important tools one has in a relationship. If you suspect your partner of cheating, it is likely these are not options for you at this point. We all want to be able to trust…
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Rebecca Deen
April 30, 2015
There’s a simple answer to the question at hand here, and that simple answer is NO! A relationship may last for a little while after you’ve been cheated on but you’ll always have that doubt in your head. You’ll always…
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Linda Joyce
April 30, 2015
You’re all excited about your new relationship. You think you’ve finally met the man of your dreams; but, alas, after inviting him over for dinner, having prepared the one thing you know how to make, it’s apparent that your new…
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Lucinda Davis - 477501
April 30, 2015
Everyone lies. If you say you don’t lie then that’s a lie. However, we can strive to be honest. Lying in any relationship whether it’s family, intimate, friendship or business can eventually destroy the relationship. If you are in an…
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Janette Waldron
April 30, 2015
Relationships are made up of great number of continual tests. These basically reveal whether or not two people are compatible. The greatest test to a relationship is often deemed the setting up of a house together. But this may not…
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Victoria Tiegert
April 30, 2015
If you are the girlfriend of a guy that seems to want to casually date forever, while you are looking to build a serious relationship based on commitment, you are probably getting incredibly frustrated. These boyfriends are usually the stereotypical…
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Ted Sherman
April 30, 2015
Should you move in together before marriage? Today’s social attitudes are to just go ahead and do it, although some still hold on to the belief of the old-fashioned tradition to wait until the union is all nice and legal….
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Jim Kerrigan
April 30, 2015
There are several things a person should know about another person before moving in with them. One, are they orderly or are they still living like they are in college. You want to know this because this says a lot…
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David Greenwell
April 30, 2015
Being in a relationship can be a really hard job if jealousy is involved and can very well lead to a break-up or cause a lot of unnecessary fighting and arguing. The relationship will eventually be destroyed because of trusting…
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Janette Waldron
April 29, 2015
New relationships are exciting, they thrill you to the very core. We all wish to be loved so when we find that special someone who makes us feel so special, we often rush into moving in together without giving it…
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Donald Cheung
April 29, 2015
As love is spoken as what the heart, body, mind, soul speaks together based on asense of warmth dwelling on the bottom of your heart. At, times love could beconsider as “never giving up” feeling, that somewhere along deep in…
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Ted Sherman
April 29, 2015
Moving in together can be a very romantic thing to do. It may be the beginning of a warm and lasting love, complete with candlelight, champagne dinners, and long nights of great passion. On the other hand, it could be…
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Carolina Dream Chapman
April 29, 2015
The age old quest of finding the right partner to spend our life with. We silently wonder…..How do I find the right partner? How do I know if this is the right person for me? I believe that in order…
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Dossie M Terrell
April 29, 2015
It is impossible to have one single guidebook for love. Philosophers and poets have extolled the virtues of love for centuries and will probably go on until the end of time and still, there will be no well-defined meaning of…
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Laura Metcalf
April 29, 2015
Everyone knows spring is the time for romance. In the springtime all of creation seems to be in search of the perfect partner to share the season of love with. In most human cultures, as in the majority of animal…
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Theresa Wind
April 29, 2015
Everyone asks themselves this question at one time or another. If you looked up the definition of love in Webster’s dictionary you will find the basic definition, to have strong affection for another arising from personal ties or devotion to…
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April 29, 2015
Instead of people looking at is as “Finding the right partner,” maybe they should look at it as more of a process of elimination. Meaning, you don’t want to go around looking for certain qualities or something of that nature,…
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Amanda Pridgen
April 29, 2015
What is the true meaning of love? There are many types of love. How do you know the difference? For instant, you can love your favorite pair of shoes. This type of love is material love. The meaning of loving…
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Alana Sekiguchi
April 29, 2015
Haven’t you ever wondered why romance books and movies are the most popular among women? It’s simple, the book is written in a way that gives you a vague outline of what a “perfect” guy should be and the rest…
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Ganelle Davis
April 29, 2015
What is unconditional love, and more importantly, who is deserving of this love? Most will say, they love their children unconditionally, just as God loves us. There are no expectations in unconditional love, it is not merited or earned. In…
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April 29, 2015
A long distance relationship can easily fade away, more often than not, before you even realize it. In a long distance relationship you know from early on that you cannot see your partner on a regular basis, and that means…
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Trecia Webb
April 29, 2015
The statement itself is pseudo. The idea that we can somehow find true love, is to accept the falsehood that love can be fake or for lack of a better word, untrue. We always yearn to define the situation by becoming over analytical. We label ourselves and others experts and the…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
April 29, 2015
Dating a coworker always poses a dilemma, and the solution lies in being able to assess the full situation. Many companies have guidelines for relationships between staff for a very good reason, though it would not be unreasonable to suppose…
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