Shelly Barclay
May 5, 2015
It is often difficult for an adult to think about, or hear, teenagers talking about sex. It is even more difficult for a parent to think about, or hear, their own child talking about sex. It’s a tough issue because…
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K Lochery
May 5, 2015
It can be hard to fit a bit of romance in your life especially if you have a busy schedule, a buzzing family to support and a house to clean. Sometimes shaving your legs and feeling sexy are the very…
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Kim Sharpe
May 5, 2015
Sex appeal is something that is unique to an individual. I think that we all differ in what appeals to us. I can never put my finger on what exact ‘type’ of man I find sexually attractive. I think that…
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Amanda Kringle
May 5, 2015
True love-making is among the best experiences in any committed relationship. It is the ultimate bonding and intimate act. Meant to bing you and your partner closer together in body and soul most relationships who include a fair amount of…
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Rosemary Redfern
May 5, 2015
There is an unspoken acceptance, and expectation, that men will sow wild oat; that they have a high sex drive which must be satisfied. It is considered a manly thing to do; the penalties are fewer for men who are…
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May 5, 2015
Achieving intimacy is definitely not an easy task, as it requires mustering up all your courage to try it, knowing that there is always the risk of getting hurt in the end. If you want to establish a strong and…
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John Roumain
May 5, 2015
In the deep and distant past, romance for women always seemed to grind to a halt as they approached the dreaded “five-oh”. Women in the olden days, had always been conditioned to believe that at fifty, romance was no longer…
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Aisling Ashbery
May 5, 2015
It’s no secret that there is a blatant double standard when it comes to sexual openness for men and women. Sexually open men are seen as secure, normal, and powerful. Sexually open women are seen as unnatural, immoral, and sometimes…
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Can Tran
May 5, 2015
Do opposites attract or do opposites repel each other? To me, it simply depends on the people. Of course opposites can attract. However, the two of them should still have plenty of things in common. Yet at the same time,…
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Mimi Crowe
May 5, 2015
Bondage on a Budget A little bit of innovative thinking can ensure that your expenditure is kept under control however extreme your leanings. At first glance the hardware store is perhaps not the sexiest place on earth, but to the…
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Janette Waldron
May 5, 2015
The beginning of a romantic relationship is thrilling, the sparks are flying, igniting the flames of love, intimacy, passion and mystery. It is the time for breathtaking experiences, passion which thrills to the very core and excitement which seems to…
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Chad Weissman
May 5, 2015
For teenagers this can be a very complicated question. In our society we are condemned by adults and commended by our friends for having sex at an early age. Who should we listen to? Neither. The real answer lies inside…
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Emily Dent
May 4, 2015
Individuals come from all walks of life. Sexual attitude derives at an early stage in life. From the time we begin to understand and form words of our own. We begin to see all types of body language that gives some kind of…
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Caroline Sumner
May 4, 2015
I consider myself something of an authority on this topic since I was actually proposed to during Christmas! A few days before the holiday, I was cooking dinner for myself and my boyfriend. When he got home, he told me…
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AJ Stephenson
May 4, 2015
Would you buy yourself a new outfit without trying it on first? Or a new car without taking it out for a test drive? No? so why would you commit yourself to one person for the rest of your life…
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Lauren Smith2011
May 4, 2015
Romance. What is romance? People die for each other in romance? Why? People feel shattered if a breakup occurs? Why? Why write poems and notes on romance? Romance, to me, is the appreciation of two people who are celebrating the lucky coincidence…
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Michel R. Baylor
May 4, 2015
Reproduction is absolutely not the sole reason for sexual activity in humans! It is the sole reason for sexual activity in every living thing! Mankind is constantly busy trying to second-guess, or re-write nature! It cannot be done! There is…
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Jade Fitzgerald
May 4, 2015
We’ve all heard the saying “Opposites attract,” It happens in the movies all the time. There’s Princess Fiona and Shrek, Edward and Vivian in Pretty Woman, David and Natalie in Love Actually and Danny and Sandy in Grease to name…
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Daniel Relph
May 4, 2015
No, absolutely not and here’s why. The idea behind the age for sexual consent is that we don’t want our pure and chase children being corrupted by dirty old men; and, sometimes dirty old women. This is why laws set…
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Amanda Kringle
May 4, 2015
” I don’t have time for romance by itself, let alone romantic sex!” or how about ” I’m just too tired to worry about it.” are these similar to the excuses you use when talking about romantic sex? If they…
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Indy Anna
May 4, 2015
People have come along way to break down barriers and abolished pregidous views. Our technology has allowed us to be able to become closer with other nations and furthering our understanding of different cultures and customs. Still we do not…
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Can Tran
May 4, 2015
If you are not familiar with sex and you participate in unsafe sex, prepare for “unforeseen consequences.” It makes me thing of a scene from Valve’s first-person shooter game called “Half-Life 2.” Sex of any kind should be treated as…
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Nick Somoski
May 4, 2015
It’s often believed, usually by parents, that talking about sex leads to having sex. A fair assumption, sure, but it’s more of an opinion than it is a fact. All teenagers are walking hormones. These raging hormones lead to the desire…
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Christian Fann
May 4, 2015
Well, its fairly obvious where there isn’t as much interracial dating as there should be. Folks are afraid to go over the brink of their comfort zones. It is one thing to have a friend of another culture, but to…
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Raven Lebeau
May 4, 2015
I don’t think anyone could answer “no” with a straight face and a sane mind. Of course sexual promiscuity is considered worse for women than it is for men. You could argue otherwise by citing religious or legal texts. That…
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David Furritus
May 4, 2015
I would definitely have to disagree with this one. I’m not saying that High IQ folks are necessarily more sexually active, but I don’t believe that they’re less active. I just like to think that they approach it differently than…
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Shelly Barclay
May 4, 2015
Sometimes when you are with someone whose presence in your life is greatly appreciated, they do not always know how important they are to you. If you want them to know, you have to show it to them. You have…
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Music Gal
May 4, 2015
“The Case for Abstinence: Understanding Limitations of the Teenage Brain” “The teenage brain is different from the adult brain. The impulse-control center-the part of the brain that enables us to think ahead, consider consequences, manage urges-that’s the part of the…
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Terry Marsh
May 4, 2015
She caught my attention as soon as the door opened. Within seconds of gliding effortlessly into the room, every pair of eyes were upon her. Her smile brightened the small, dark establishment, which now seemed desperately overcrowded though only a…
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Robin Harp
May 4, 2015
What makes a man sexy? There are many men that you notice just walking down the street that could be described as sexy. It’s in the way that they look and carry themselves with confidence. We love eye contact. But…
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