Love Relationships
What is love? Why ’tis a many splendored bombshell that is capable of splintering your heart. It’s the only thing that can all at once create a huge surge of energy and bravery in the face of danger and totally…
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What is love? Why ’tis a many splendored bombshell that is capable of splintering your heart. It’s the only thing that can all at once create a huge surge of energy and bravery in the face of danger and totally…
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It is no secret that plenty of men will do almost anything to get an attractive woman – or pretty much any woman if the mood is right – into bed. Even some really smooth operators who get lucky at…
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He loves you so much, and he’s so danged handsome you just can’t stop yourself. You have to send him the money for that plane ticket from Nigeria to the States so he can meet you in person. Besides, he…
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What Do You Deserve? As we enter into a relationship, it often seems like the world is all butterflies and candy. Then after a period we realize that perhaps it wasn’t the best decision we have ever made. I often…
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It’s amazing how opinions about online dating have evolved so much in the past ten years. There are still some people who think that only geeks, losers, and perverts look for a mate online, but most people have come to…
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Are you ready to take the plunge into the vast and limitless pool of online dating? If you are ready to see other fish in the proverbial sea of opportunities, dating websites offer you more selection for your money and…
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I guess the best way to think about this is to consider how many times has one walked out of a movie theatre thinking that was the best movie you ever seen and there is no need to see any…
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The internet has become a perfectly acceptable, and even “normal” means of finding a potential mate in today’s society. Many things that were “taboo” even 10 years ago, are today commonplace. While the means of finding a partner may have…
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Sometimes it can feel like being romantic is a lot of work. However, this is not the case. There are simple things that you can do to be romantic and keep the romance alive in a relationship. In fact, many…
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Relationship communication: Top 5 ways to say “I love you”… We should make our spouses feel they’re loved without orally having to say the words, “I love you” and there are several ways we can do this while we’re socializing with other people…
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Although both men and women may be looking for someone significantly special, men usually approach dating differently than women. Online dating opportunities allow both genders to display their best attributes and what they are looking for, kind of like a…
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You are standing in a dark room – surrounded by an infinite number of photographs representing eager, potential suitors, all who want to desperately meet you for a possible relationship. Any physical characteristics and personal information provided may be true,…
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With busy lives, longer commutes, and a computer almost always available, it’s no wonder that online dating has increased in popularity. While it was once stigmatized, online dating is now generally accepted as one of many “normal” ways to meet…
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While the abundance of online dating has increased over the last few years, the dangers involved in cyber romance have increased, too. You are no longer opening yourself to the girl or the guy next door. You are leaving yourself…
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Since my early teens, I’ve been living a good portion of my life online. At one point, the only people I considered my friends were online. At other times, I spent more time talking to people online than in the…
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Online dating can be a wonderful journey as long as you know what you are doing. Many people make the mistake of joining any dating website that catches their eye without narrowing down what kind of people they hope to…
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It’s a sweeping generalisation to say that men always want sex more than women. Not all men constantly think of sex, and not all women constantly try to avoid sex. Ladies do not have a perpetual headache, and men don’t…
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Refreshing a long distance relationship is not always an easy thing to do. Both partners have to want the relationship to work out for the better. Long distances affairs never last that long unless both people have clear boundaries of…
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Relationships come with time and are difficult to fall into. Dating, on the other hand, is easier and can be fun because for both men and women, the chance to meet new people of varying backgrounds and do new things…
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Are you new to love? Here are some of the signs that we experience when we fall in love, most of them you already know. Falling in love is like finding something or someone that you simply adore, begin to…
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The internet holds countless opportunities for people. It has greatly shrank the world, and makes it very easy for people from around the world to communicate, and learn from one another. It is a great provider for jobs and employment,…
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“Fun-loving bipolar seeks sugar daddy to support me in my endeavors to pursue my acting career.” Yes, we’ve all seen the types – those overzealous females that just cry out for an online dating profile makeover. Well, ladies, if you’re…
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Should the federal government set a national age for sexual consent for teens? The obvious answer to this question is a resounding no. Having said that, what is the answer? Aside from being an impossible law to enforce in most…
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The Internet has opened an entirely new approach to meeting people. To have the best experience and also to protect yourself, you need to consider the advantages and the disadvantages. Caution is key to Internet dating. Be smart not gullible….
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Great for Cowards About three years ago, my daughter was dumped by her boyfriend, via text, to my phone. I had to pass that message on to her. (Yuk) Fortunately I overheard her a little while later excitedly telling her…
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Not believing in soul mates is not the same as not believing in love. People connect and fall in love all the time. I am not denying that. I am not denying the existence of love and romance. What I…
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Some employers frown upon their workers dating but if you are impossibly attracted to a co-worker and choose to date, I have one bit of advice, don’t tell anyone. You can successfully date a co-worker if you keep your relationship…
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Internet dating sites don’t need affiliate cafes to keep them afloat. Most singles appreciate dating websites because of the freedom that online dating provides them. Internet dating is the best way to connect with other singles from all across the…
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Websites, both ones that are dedicated to dating and social network sites are becoming more and more popular for meeting and dating and although they do have a place, there are some drawbacks and flaws associated with them. There is…
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The woman I am writing about in this article is personally connected to me. She became a reborn again Christian about 4 to 5 months ago; but she has been a believer in God for most all of her life….
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