Joan Miller
May 10, 2015
A couple centuries ago, there were far more social stigmas about wealthy people marrying poor people. In literature, at the very least, a couple made up of a poorer person and a wealthier person generally work out. In real life,…
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P.D. Rivers
May 10, 2015
How do you know if your partner is marriage material? Just because you think he/she loves you does not make him/her a good partner. Maybe he/she is just there for the “benefits”. How do you know? Have you ever had…
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Margaret Paul Ph.D.
May 10, 2015
Are you aware of how you may be hurting your partner? Are you aware of how your partner may be hurting you? Are you aware of the painful feelings of loneliness, heartache and heartbreak you likely feel when you are…
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Corinne Bernat
May 10, 2015
Trading in your personality for a relationship is a risky swap that could leave you with the lemon; a partner who lacks the necessary skills, pluck or motivation to accept you as you are. That’s not to say that compromise…
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Sue Kennon
May 10, 2015
Ok, I saw it again today! A friend posted on her Facebook, ” I’m not settling for anything less then EVERYTHING!” First of all, I feel I must tell you that I am not single. I have been with my…
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Dea Szekely
May 10, 2015
Do you like me? Do you like talking to me? These are the questions that I might ask you if we were talking to each other face to face. Still, usually people don’t really ask such things, because there are…
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Delson Adeoye
May 10, 2015
Qualities Men Want in A Woman These are some of the basic qualities men want and like in their mates, dating or possibility of a marriage. Women in their quest for a good relationship should critically consider the issues discussed….
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Shelly Barclay
May 10, 2015
Some women look in the mirror and see a woman who is unattractive, regardless of the fact that attraction is subjective. She will pick out every flaw she can find and emphasize it in her mind. Sometimes she will buy…
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Jenny Tan
May 10, 2015
You found him! He is wonderful, caring, attentive and understands you better than anyone you know. The only glitch is that you are miles or even continents apart from each other. This could be due to the jobs your hold,…
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Jean Haut
May 10, 2015
Women today have more control over relationships than they had in the past, but they still don’t have total control. Men today still seem to have control and power over women. There are men out there that are very controlling. Some…
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Jenna Pope
May 10, 2015
In spite of what you’ve read in fairy tales, there is no perfect man. But you can still find the man you want and be happy in love. What a woman wants. Most women know what they want in a…
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Natasha Head
May 10, 2015
When you step away from the valentine and cupid definition of love, of course it is possible to be in love with two people at the same time. Centuries of religious dogma, moral pressure, and the like, has made the…
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Nichoel Zimmerman
May 10, 2015
So your heart has been broken, whose hasn’t? Throughout life, we all are so caught up in searching & searching for that right person that we never really get to know ourselves along the way. And often, being in a…
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Sensei Soloman
May 10, 2015
Men do not need an excuse to be irresponsible. It is hard wired into their genes. The original creation story showed the first man making excuses to God for his actions and blaming them on both God and the woman…
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Krystal Nguyen
May 10, 2015
When we find someone we can’t imagine being without, the thought of losing them becomes our worst fear. We become anxious and paranoid living in fear of never feeling their embrace or touch again. The thought of losing those moments…
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Victoria Haden
May 10, 2015
Jealousy can be seen as insecurity, devious, or a from of control, or lack of it. When someone feels jealous of another be it in the work place or in a personal relationship shows insecurity on their part, it also can mean that, the…
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Dawn Atchley
May 10, 2015
So when they handed out the stupid genes there are a lot of guys who got back in line for seconds. Before all the men out there get too upset, I did say a lot, not all. That said, let…
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Leslie Trotter
May 10, 2015
First of all, you have to recognize that your happiness and well-being should be of most importance to you and if anything threatens your happiness or well-being it is not good for you. Anything that feels horrible is not in…
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Lolito Tampus
May 10, 2015
The simple way of understanding love by any ordinary lover is to allow a humble opportunity and freedom to love one another, and to love another one, in this mad, mad world. It may either sound romantic or corny. The…
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Cody Hodge
May 10, 2015
What are some of the risks of remaining single for too long? While there is nothing wrong with being single, there can be some drawbacks to being single for too long, or being adverse to being in a relationship. There…
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Chelsey Gaston
May 10, 2015
In the time of corsets and balls, the women of England were put down and held back from reaching their true potential. While America was growing, they were stuck sweating behind the stoves that cooked their husband’s meals. Their…
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Sonja Bell
May 10, 2015
A conundrum often presented in today’s society is the idea of being in love with two people at the same time. Certainly it can be agreed that there are many different types of love. One does not love pizza in the same way…
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Linda Joyce
May 10, 2015
What qualities do most men search for in a woman? Who can say for certain when there are probably thousands of qualities that might apply, not to mention that desired qualities most certainly will differ from country to country and…
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Greg Dalton - 553015
May 10, 2015
The best way to get real answers to why men cheat is to ask a man who has cheated. As a man who has cheated in the past, I think you may be shocked by the answer. Basically, it comes…
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Darcey Lee
May 10, 2015
Dating sites have a variety of men to choose from. Women search profiles and pictures and search for the perfect match. Some profiles are long and some profiles are short winded. Whether you find someone in real life you would…
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Christa Visperas
May 10, 2015
Single-blessedness is both a curse and a blessing. The curse is brought by this society of humans that looks pityingly (“oh dearie, all the things you’re missing!”) and concernedly (“Isn’t it time you get married?”) at singles. Not to blame…
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Jane Ganly
May 10, 2015
Being a romantic date isn’t rocket science. It just takes a few moments of extra thought and care. Your goal is to make your date feel special, and adored. Here I have listed 10 ways to be a romantic date:…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
May 10, 2015
Without realising it most of us end up repeatedly dating the same type of person. Most of us realise we have a type, whether we choose someone for their looks, money, sense of humour or brain. We think we are…
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Christine Sandor
May 10, 2015
Been there, done that; not interested it doing it again. Once upon a time I thought I would find the right person, settle down with nice house and have my 2.3 kids and a dog. Well, four outta five ain’t…
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Victoria Tiegert
May 10, 2015
There was once a day when ladies were ladies and gentlemen were gentlemen…the days of chivalry, modesty, manners, and token gifts. Most of us don’t even remember them, but they did exist. Today, however, the lines between the “strong man”…
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