Bridget Webber
May 18, 2015
Many people are desperate at some point in their lives, however, if you’re a single man on the dating scene you don’t want to come across as being intense, and give the impression to women that anyone will do. While confidence…
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Jenny Tolley
May 18, 2015
I believe that lying can absolutely affect the intimacy of a relationship in a negative way. A person who habitually lies cannot be trusted, and trust is the cornerstone of any relationship of significance. In my opinion, true intimacy also…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
May 18, 2015
Whether or not your partner is marriage material is a very important question and one you need to be sure about BEFORE you decide whether or not to marry him. Naive people assume that if two people care about each…
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Ann E. Smith
May 18, 2015
You’re smart, pretty and intelligent – or so you’ve been told. But you’ve also been informed that you intimidate men. You can’t help but wonder: What’s the problem? You strive to be nice, warm and compassionate. And don’t men like…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
May 18, 2015
Having chemistry in a relationship is vital if you want the relationship to be sexually and physically satisfying, happy and lasting. Unless we want to be with a person where the relationship is more like a sister with a brother…
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Louven Guimbao
May 18, 2015
People often confuse kindness (or, for the sake of this argument, niceness) with weakness. Most of these so-called nice guys spend their weekends playing World of War-craft instead of meeting new people and honing their social skills. Come Monday, they…
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Linda Joyce
May 18, 2015
There are certain qualities in women that intimidate some men. It’s not all men, mind you, but men who may not be as secure as they would like to think they are. If you are a woman who is dealing…
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Elizabeth Howard - 548565
May 18, 2015
I think that the saying “Nice guys finish last” is totally incorrect. When a girl chooses the “one” to her it is someone who is nice. I don’t think any female in this world will admit to wanting to be…
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Adrian Hall - 544320
May 18, 2015
And the winner is…the bad guy. Often times, women want a bad guy with good qualities, but that is why he is a bad guy, because he has bad qualities or habits. I have heard so many women say that…
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C.K. Matthews
May 18, 2015
There is an old saying used mostly by men who feel rejected, “Nice guys finish last.” The reality of the situation is that the “nice guy” who is feeling rejected lacked in other areas that are equally important as being…
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Laurie Pielak
May 18, 2015
Jealousy. This emotion can cause a person to mistrust, be manipulative and bring doubt to one’s self worth. None of those things are healthy. I have heard many women of all ages say with excitement, how their boyfriend, husband or…
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Victoria Conroy
May 18, 2015
How Do You Say Enough is Enough How do you say “enough is enough” to a person you thought you loved? From the beginning of your dysfunctional relationship, you let him know that you want a monogamous relationship, and that…
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Das Govind
May 18, 2015
Independent professional women generally have a harder time finding the perfect relationship partner. Men tend to want to run far away from a woman who is paying her own way through life, and fighting for herself. It can be quite…
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Sandra H.
May 18, 2015
I always thought I’d know if I were being controlled. I thought it would be obvious; that I would recognize it in a degrading tone of voice, an overbearing action, or an unnecessarily forceful touch. But, as it turns out,…
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Heather Ashline
May 18, 2015
Relationships are tricky enough without the added weight of lead baggage. We all know the way it feels to deal with a broken heart, be it from a broken relationship or unrequited love, but it is unfair to allow these…
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Victoria Tiegert
May 18, 2015
If you have a friend that you beginning to feel some measure of romance towards and are considering asking him or her out on an official “date”, the first thing that you should do is take a day or two…
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Tammy Cramblett
May 18, 2015
The holiday season means different things to different people. For example: some people celebrate the religious aspect of the holiday. Some view the holidays as a special time to be with family and close friends. There are others that see…
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Can Tran
May 18, 2015
If you are a single parent, the chances are that it may be pretty difficult to reenter the dating scene.There are major factors that you would need to think about. One major factor would be dividing time between yourself and…
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Renee Garrison
May 18, 2015
True friendships are a rare and treasured commodity in our lives. It can take years of nurturing, concern and sharing before your relationship with another person reaches that level of trust and commitment to withstand the tests of time. As…
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Sandy Barnes
May 18, 2015
There are many reasons to not move in together before marriage. The first and foremost one is that there is no real commitment, no real reason to work at the relationship. At the first hint of trouble you can just…
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Lucy Jordan
May 18, 2015
There is one and ONLY one way to deal with unrequited love. Trust me. MOVE ON.I have always frankly been bewildered by people who spend months and even years mooning over someone who does not respond with equal enthusiasm to…
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Elaine Sihera
May 17, 2015
What is correct time and age for marriage? Age should only be a factor in marriage where there are plans to have children because women cannot have children after a certain age. But there should be no perfect time or…
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David Greenwell
May 17, 2015
Everybody needs attention. Especially those in relationships. Trust has become a big issue today with couples suspecting cheating by their significant other. If you are worried about your relationship and worried about being lied to or cheated on, ask yourself…
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Leslie Trotter
May 17, 2015
If you have been in a relationship with a guy for a long time and he never had a problem kissing you, there can be a reason he’s not kissing you anymore. If he doesn’t feel any attraction for you…
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Terry Marsh
May 17, 2015
Infidelity has contributed to more dysfunction in relationships than any other relationship issue. Until the twentieth century, it was virtually unheard of for a woman to be found guilty of abandoning Victorian virtues to explore passion outside of monogamy. But…
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Kimberly Joseph
May 17, 2015
Relationships; Is trust and suspicion ruining your relationship If you have ever been told that your significant other was out doing bad things with some other person you know exactly what this article is addressing. The suspicion that your “baby”…
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Thom W. Conroy
May 17, 2015
A successful relationship need not be a perfect union of companionship and affection, but it must have a considerable element of flexibility at it’s core. As every aspect of life is constantly changing, relationships require the ability to expand and…
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Peg R
May 17, 2015
When is it love – from the eyes of an older woman. Men and woman are not that different when it comes to love. There are silly romantic woman just as there are silly romantic men. I recently found myself…
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Maureen Mower
May 17, 2015
Although I am married, both my husband and I feel it’s important to keep the romance alive in whatever way we can. Quite often the details and distractions of daily life can leave little room for us to just be…
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Amber Goff
May 17, 2015
Everyone’s terminology of ‘the right one’ is different. Instead, I will tell you how I knew when I met the right person for me. I met my husband on March 16, 2004. I was 17 years old, and he was…
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