May 31, 2015
First off, there are many different relationships. There are friendships, dating relationships, marriage, employer/employee and relationships, familial relationships. Each relationship has its own dynamics based upon the tone of the relationship and the individuals involved in the relationship. I believe…
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Melissa Aytche
May 31, 2015
Healing from bad relationships can be difficult. You often dedicate so much time to making things work that when they fall apart you feel failure. There is no greater hurt than failure and often times we feel compelled to examine…
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Suzanne Fort
May 31, 2015
I was set up with “Eddie” through mutual friends. He was going through a divorce. He was not someone who abused his wife or cheated on his wife so the divorce was a bit of a surprise for him. “Eddie”…
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Kelly A. Mello
May 31, 2015
After a relationship ends, whether a person is dumped or if they are the one doing the breaking up, people often keep mementos of their ex. Since this relationship once meant something to both parties, this is a normal response….
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Sylvia Woodham
May 31, 2015
Moving Forward without Going Back “So what you’re saying is that you are going in a new direction and it doesn’t include me?” “Yes.” Although it was the hardest conversation I had ever had, it was surprisingly freeing. Even though…
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Kevin Whittle
May 31, 2015
1st timer. so go easy on me, The truth is i just had to jump in on this one. Im recently in the past 6 months seperated from my long time partner of 18 years, we were teenagers when we…
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May 31, 2015
How To Recover Form A Broken Mental State It’s really quite elementary that one still considers the organ that’s called,” the heart,” can truly become broken. It’s more of a mental state that everyone sometimes become a victim of. “How…
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Cherie Camins
May 31, 2015
There is no getting around that break-ups in relationships happen. Sometimes they are amicable for both parties involved, but many times they are not. In the case of the latter, whether you are the one breaking up with your lover…
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Tammie Croft
May 31, 2015
For those of us who actually have an ex-file, or two, we understand the concept of holding on to things of the past. Unfortunately, we tend to cling to stuff that we need to leave in the past with the…
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Angela Diggs
May 31, 2015
Writing a breakup letter is one of the most difficult tasks because an individual must convey a lucid message and inflict minimal damage at the same time. Words are powerful so when a person decides to confirm it in a…
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Can Tran
May 31, 2015
When you get into high school or college, you should have already known what a “rebound” relationship is. I learned about it back in high school through a person I was in Drama and JROTC class with. I had nothing…
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James B. Hay
May 31, 2015
Is staying in a relationship longer than you should ever the right thing to do? If you care about someone and do not want to hurt them, should you stay in that relationship for their sake? As soon as you…
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J. Lee Kenser
May 31, 2015
It can be hard; it may in some cases take years. Keep your chin up and try to keep smiling if only on the outside. First, you must go through the 5 Stages of Grief. (According to online sources as…
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Ashley Moreno
May 31, 2015
Human beings are now suffering from an injury so severe, spreading so quickly, that no reasonable doctor or friend can save one person from unbearable pain. It starts with an ache in your chest, a sore throat from the screaming…
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Amanda S.
May 31, 2015
Having your heart broken by the person you thought you were going to spend the rest of your life with (or at least the foreseeable future) is one of the worst kinds of pain. It’s the pain of realizing that…
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Kari Haywood
May 31, 2015
It’s inevitable in the dating world-the break-up. For most, dating is a means of pouring yourself into someone else; sharing your thoughts, your dreams, and your interests. However, for all relationships there is a turning point at which you must…
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Patrick Tay
May 31, 2015
As there are many reasons that lead to a broken heart, I will like to confine my discussion within the context of failed romantic relationships. For those of us who have ever been through one-sided romantic relationships or failed ones,…
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Stephen Weston
May 31, 2015
A Song for Catherine. Her beautiful face offers me comfort and remedy,when even darkness and trouble takes the best of me,her mouth it told me she loved me more –my heart inclines to beleive her so,every emotion we shared together,you’re…
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Julie Mauldin
May 31, 2015
After you get through the initial anger, sadness, heartbreak, denial and sadness stages of mourning for a lost relationship, you’re going to realize that the relationship that ended was holding you back in some way from where you need to…
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Daisy Rosario
May 31, 2015
Unless there are children between “exes”, there is absolutely, undenialbly, no question as to why these two should be still talking… It’s a danger zone. Like my grandmother used to say, “Donde hubo fuego, cenizas quedan…” (Where there was fire,…
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Michael Allen - 464646
May 31, 2015
If you have made the choice to date, then chances are you have broken up with or have been on the receiving end of a break-up, with a partner. The first thing to remember is that you are not alone…
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Elaine Sihera
May 31, 2015
Six key tips for coping after breaking up Breaking up is a very difficult time for anyone and, no doubt, there would be lots of advice, especially from people who might not have experienced it! However, there are six simple…
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Elaine Sihera
May 29, 2015
We are all nervous of speaking to strangers, especially those whom we might like or fancy. There is usually some apprehension of how the other person might react, whether they might be wondering about our real motives for contact, whether…
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Paul Manalo
May 28, 2015
Is real love possible in a May-December affair? Most people would believe that the only reason a younger woman will date an older man is for the sake of money and security. This is the common societal belief. For what…
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Leslie Trotter
May 28, 2015
How important is money in a relationship Money is not the most important thing in a real loving relationship. Two people really in love will live in a box under a bridge together when the money runs out. Truth be…
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Natalia Jones
May 28, 2015
Even fairy tales say that you may have to kiss a few frogs before you find your prince, but if your frog shows no hint that he may magically turn into a handsome knight, it may be time to move…
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Carla Herrera
May 28, 2015
More American women over 45 are single, than ever before. According to the latest population surveys, someone turns 50 every 8 seconds in the U.S. and more than half of that figure is female. According to Christian Science Monitor writer,…
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Jennifer Burton - 691173
May 28, 2015
The dating game can be brutal, even for those with tough skin. But what extra considerations must be made before embarking on the dating journey when the man and woman looking to find love have kids of their own in…
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Paul Lines
May 27, 2015
“He’s how much younger than you?” “The years don’t matter,” you smile at you friends and parents, “just look at the benefits!” Many women date younger men and a lot of these ladies are of the opinion that the benefits…
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Scarlet Henderson
May 27, 2015
I hate to say it, but it’s true. A good black man is hard to find. This is not to say that there are no wonderful black men around, but there just are not enough to go around for black…
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