Jessica Savrock
June 3, 2015
What’s that? You’re a 20-something (or older!) and still single? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Gone are the days of high school – or even college – sweethearts living happily ever after. Nowadays, it’s more common, not to mention smarter,…
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Renee Garrison
June 3, 2015
The first stages of a new romance are magical. It may have been love at first sight or you may have simply realized after a period of being together that this person was your soul mate. However it happened, the…
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Jennifer Bergan
June 3, 2015
How to deal with infidelity So your partner cheated? You feel like you are on a roller coaster headed for nowhere? You had no idea you could be so mad, hurt, jealous, lonely? It may seem like your entire life…
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June 3, 2015
Returning the Stolen Key of Wedlock. The wedding cheers were over. The guests started to wave goodbye at the newly married couple. The happy and noisy chit-chats slowly faded away, the party music has stopped, and the bright lights got…
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Karen Buckner - 476233
June 3, 2015
Common dating problems faced by professionals: A female perspective I wonder if Eve worked for a living and made more money than Adam if there would have been as much romantic bliss in the garden of Eden. Today’s working woman…
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Kimberly Bunch
June 3, 2015
Depression affects 80 million Americans. 121 Million World-Wide suffer from depression. There are effective treatments for the prevention of depression if medical help is received. Up to 80% – 90% of those who seek treatment can feel better within a…
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June 3, 2015
When the desire to maintain an affair outside of the marriage wanes, you will find yourself wanting to end it completely. Extra marital affairs require a lot of time and energy that most people will eventually grow weary of. Trying…
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June 3, 2015
Life is often too hectic to enjoy it as much you would like. Many couples are so busy trying to meet tight deadlines at work and run a thousand errands that their love life has to take a back seat….
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June 3, 2015
To fully comprehend what constitutes as cheating, it is important to understand the concept of faithfulness and human nature and its physiological/ sociological/ psychological characteristics. Primarily, an act of cheating consists of lying and deceiving; of depriving a person morally…
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Eric Weinstock
June 3, 2015
Is she dating you, or is she dating your profession? Is she a fellow professional with an inferiority complex because she makes less than you, or a bad attitude because she makes more? I hear you friend. It’s hard enough…
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B.K. Foreman
June 3, 2015
A recent article in Psychology Today (November 2008) stated that women prefer men with stubble or some facial hair whereas men that are clean shaved or have a full beard were less attractive. Yet the article claims that women prefer…
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Sheila-Ann Bender
June 2, 2015
Whether Christian or non-Christian, there are universal dating rules that all teens should follow. They should be a standard norm for any pre-adult old enough to date. Naturally, there are additional guidelines that Christian teens should adhere to, but the…
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June 2, 2015
Everyone wants to have healthy relationships; however, often enough people tend to create and even maintain toxic relationships. Learning how to detoxify your relationships is therefore a must. Detoxifying your relationships Get rid of the negative energy People with negative…
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Carol Gioia
June 2, 2015
Busy couples, juggling two careers, raising a family, and maintaining a home, might have little time for romance. A “date night” noted on the calendar, and squeezed in, between “end of month reports due” and “Junior’s soccer game,” however well-intentioned,…
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DD Sow
June 2, 2015
In any meeting, it is very common to feel a little uneasy not because you are on trial or waiting to hear your sentence but much worse. You will go on trial and will have a hearing all inside the…
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Sheila A
June 2, 2015
I was completely honest with him about my past and I expected the same in return. So when he told me about 3 of his previous relationships, I assumed that was it. Little did I know that the truth would…
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June 2, 2015
You can be the hottest, sexiest, six figure salary woman in the office, but they prefer the hottest, sexiest, airhead secretary whom they will always be superior too. No challenge, just a good time. As for the hottest, sexiest, six…
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Terry Marsh
June 2, 2015
Being in a relationship with someone who has depression can be stressful, but it does not have to be an emotional death sentence. It may prove to strengthen one’s ability to nurture and communicate in ways not previous employed. Most important…
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Dia Camm
June 2, 2015
It’s an emotion, and we can all expect to feel it at one point and time. Jealousy, doesn’t seem to be such a big deal. But if allowed to set and simmer, it’s nothing of the kind. In fact it…
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Elizabeth Blankenship
June 2, 2015
Professional women need new, and interesting ways to connect with men. It’s a jungle out there. So, what’s the best way to meet Mr. Right? Depends on your comfort level. There is a fine line between putting yourself out there…
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Dia Camm
June 2, 2015
No matter your sexuality or gender there are rules and regulations that all should follow when in a serious relationship. First, before a person can officially “cheat” he or she is very much aware that they are in a committed,…
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Margaret Ekukinam
June 2, 2015
There is no easy way of dealing with a partner who literally gawks and gazes-longer than is normal-at another lady when you are beside him, especially if this has become a habit. This is because, as a woman, your self-esteem…
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June 2, 2015
There is much talk about the difficulty encountered by women in the dating game, but much less mention of the problems that men have. Professional men in particular have are subjected to a host of complications, Many are of our…
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Cathleene Filmore
June 2, 2015
Dating Vs. Courting Although my husband and I met long after high school, he has always been and will always be my high school sweetheart. The reason being that we had a courtship as apposed to a dating relationship. Hearing…
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Jacci DiCarlo
June 2, 2015
” Do you promise to love, comfort, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, being faithful only to her so long as you both shall live?” “I…
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Jennifer Lee Snelling
June 2, 2015
The good men are not gone. They are hiding where you seldom think you will see them. They are not the ones to conform to popularity or determined to fit in with the crowd (in which they might have tried…
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Derwin Mellish
June 2, 2015
A relationship is a very hard thing to do. When too people say they love each other it should be considered a very sacred thing. You see I’ve learned over the years that being in love is considered a supreme…
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June 2, 2015
If you ask ten different people exactly what counts as cheating, the chances are you will get ten different answers. Why? Because most people have very different ideas about what does and what doesn’t count as cheating. When defining “cheating”,…
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Jennifer Lee Snelling
June 2, 2015
The signs that your boyfriend (or ex) has a faulty specification of a borderline personality disorder is summed up in one word: Loser. A.K.A. “A has-been, a big front and a pretender”. The loser is diagnosed as the typical common…
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j. staffeld
June 2, 2015
There are few things more difficult in life than maintaining a relationship with a significant other. Even under the best circumstances, dating is a test of one’s heart, willpower, vulnerability, and most importantly, honesty. Long-distance relationships tend to up the…
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