Juanita Swyney
June 3, 2015
Jealousy is a deadly arrow that causes so much harm in families and in society. This is an inborn quality, and every human being does have a trace of this poison. Nobody gets to teach a young child about jealousy….
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Wade Hoover
June 3, 2015
Dating, the word itself makes you cringe. Once, an enjoyable social ritual, whereby men and women (for the purposes of this article anyway) could get to know each other in a fun and enjoyable setting, dating has become a sexual…
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Corbi Copeland
June 3, 2015
I like to think I am a woman of modern sensibilities. I strive to be strong and independent. I am all for gender equality and women’s rights. But alas, I am not without my own old fashioned tendencies when it…
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Thokozile Gurganious
June 3, 2015
Livingtogether before marriage has also been called “trial marriage” or cohabitation”. In some parts of the world, it is referred to in pigeon English as “come-we-stay”. Moving in before marriage is a growing worldwide phenomenon, causing concern to religious zealots…
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Can Tran
June 3, 2015
There is a distinct difference between flirting and cheating. One needs to know what the meaning of flirting is. Also, one needs to know what the meaning of being a flirt means. The definition of flirting is: the form of…
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Renee Garrison
June 3, 2015
Moving in together before marriage has become a popular “trial run” period to determine long term compatibility for many couples. Living together gives each person the opportunity to see the other in their own element – the good, the bad and…
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Nicolas Hargitay
June 3, 2015
He looks at my ass as if it is made of honey. He’ll stand face to face with me without the capacity to remove his eyes from my so-so breasts. Looks at my crotch with the adulation he should only…
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Ann Hannegan
June 3, 2015
So much drama, so little time on this Earth. If there was a drug available to cure you of jealousy, would you take the bitter medicine? I did. Years ago, I fell in love with a yacht captain. Andy is…
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Heather Tinker
June 3, 2015
In today’s world, Christian teens may be perceived as a group of stifled young people who never get out and never have any fun. It’s true that Christian teens have high standards when compared to the general teen population, but…
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Patricia Geneth
June 3, 2015
Once a woman declares her intent to live an independent, fabulously rich life, the number and quality of men available to her declines exponentially. Regardless of whether said woman has a checklist for potential mates, the sheer audacity of her…
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Andi S Green.
June 3, 2015
Dating someone with depression can present problems but it is not impossible to overcome the difficulties encountered. Depression is a common illness that most of us will suffer at some time in our lives. Depression is a mood disorder where…
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Christopher Kendalls
June 3, 2015
Perhaps the women are picking you instead of the other way around. Do you go after everyone who gives you some attention and encourages you or do you have a firm idea of what it is that you want in…
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Elijah Betancourt
June 3, 2015
SPM Seeks SPFI’m an endangered species. I am the Single Professional Male (SPM). My purpose is to find a mate and drop “Single” from my title. I belong to the usual social networking sites where I am encouraged to Pimp…
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Natasha Jervis - 477668
June 3, 2015
The Problems Professional Men Face in Dating The dating world isn’t as easy as it used to be and it can be rather confusing for men nowadays. The roles between men and women have changed over the years and it…
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Janette Waldron
June 3, 2015
Romance has the heart soaring, the eyes sparkling with happiness and the sweet endearments melting you to your very core. You just can’t get enough of those passionate kisses, sweet caresses. You hate to be apart and think the time…
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Lucinda Davis - 477501
June 3, 2015
Are we dating or is he looking for a meal ticket? Sure some men will wine and dine you, but is it all a front? As a professional woman it’s so difficult to know if they are really into you…
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Tom Rubenoff
June 3, 2015
Dating a woman who works in the same office as you do is like being in prison. You do everything and I mean everything in one room, and everybody sees you. People who date coworkers undoubtedly come back as goldfish…
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James Dubreze
June 3, 2015
Women are the only creatures who do not think with two heads. Some would argue that women couldn’t possibly think with two heads since they only have one. But is it really true? Is a question that doesn’t correspond with…
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Dave Shumway
June 3, 2015
So here’s how it goes: You meet a girl. You like her, for various reasons, many of which you can’t explain. You ask her out. She says yes. You go on a date, and then another, and another. Somewhere along…
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Cathleene Filmore
June 3, 2015
Dating Guidelines for Christian Teens Dating is such a tough thing for anyone these days whether you are a teen or a single adult. It can be a game that questions your ethics, compromises your morals and in some cases…
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Jolene Ellimac
June 3, 2015
The common misconception around juggling men is that it has to be done dishonestly, and it is associated with being slutty. When people resort to lying, cheating and sleeping around, they and their partners end up hurt, or worse. On…
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avante guardian
June 3, 2015
‘Ya Pays your money…. and ya takes yer chances!’ While I can’t attribute this phrase to it’s original owner,( I heard it from Daffy Duck, it about covers dating now. As a ‘Professional’, time is the enemy. Working 60 to…
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J.N. Martin
June 3, 2015
“Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” (2 Corinthians 6:14). There you have it, the number one rule that Christian teens need to…
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Sarah Dickinson
June 3, 2015
Flirting is in a sense illuminating your inner light through your words and actions in such a way that people are irresistibly drawn to you. Women are often more subtle then men when it comes to flirting; comprehending whether a…
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David B Hitchcock
June 3, 2015
Many young single urban professionals today find it hard to date successfully. By successfully I both a regular schedule of dating as well finding quality people for second dates. I work in the computer industry, and I’m in my late…
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Desiree Adams
June 3, 2015
Ladies and gentlemen, it is a wild world out there. Dating involves complex strategies, a large dose of technology, and Mapquest to ensure your date lives in a location you can easily access from home and work. The list of rules…
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Victoria Tiegert
June 3, 2015
The world seems to be getting busier every day. The age of technology, which was supposed to make life easier, has overtaken most of us with commitments, constant communications, and general chaos. Our interpersonal relationships have taken a harsh blow with…
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Renee Garrison
June 3, 2015
No one likes to think of romance as an obligation to be squeezed in between the responsibilities of life. After all, when you first fell in love, making time for each other was easy. Most of the time it was…
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Sarah Williams
June 3, 2015
One in ten people in the United States will battle some form of clinical depression in their life(NIMH). Everyone will be affected by depression at some point in their life, either their own or that of someone else (Australian Institute…
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June 3, 2015
When asked what counts as cheating, most people in our society would respond that being sexually intimate with someone other than your partner is cheating. But don’t single people in our society have “meaningless sex” all the time? What would…
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