Alice Wolf
June 3, 2015
Life is all about what is aesthetically pleasing. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Indeed. Why do we like art? We like what we like because it looks good to us…we like to look at it…it pleases us,…
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Jared Garrett
June 3, 2015
Are rules made to be broken? Do laws constrain our lives and restrict our freedom? Whatever your answers to these questions, it is a fact that all kinds of organizations, from clubs to religions to nations, use rules to guide…
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JC Campbell
June 3, 2015
The speed dating event is a fun, social event for both men and women even though they might approach it from different perspectives, having reasons for being there that they won’t readily admit to. Speed dating from the perspective of…
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Sarah Dickinson
June 3, 2015
Here is a fact; most people struggle to make visual contact. Most of us initially make eye contact and then look away when the other person makes eye contact back. A number of people find it a lot easier to…
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Misty Lewellen
June 3, 2015
Laughter I believe it to be one of the most important elements in a lasting relationship. If it was not for laughter shared between my husband and me, I do not think I could make it. My husband and I…
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Adeaga Adegbite
June 3, 2015
HOW TO TELL IF A GUY LIKES YOU Different things happen to young people most especially between opposite sex. During the adolescent stage, a lot is being observed, noticed and concluded. A young girl should be able to interact and…
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Jerome Espinosa Baladad
June 3, 2015
To recognize the value of this subject in a more honest, authentic manner, it has to be better expounded from the viewpoint of an individual perspective, rather than by someone who would view it as an outsider. Also, it may…
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Timo Cerantola
June 3, 2015
Save the World, Marry a Geek! I can think of at least one extremely important, planet-saving reason why women should consider marrying geeks. That’s right, ladies. Love a geek, save the world! Seriously, have you ever wondered why our planet…
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Vicki Phipps
June 3, 2015
Depression hurts. t’s true. Depression does hurt and if you are dating a depressed person, you probably won’t be dating them for long. Depression tends to isolate the person who suffers from the feeling of hopelessness. Sometimes it’s hard to get…
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Karen Blackwell
June 3, 2015
Its important to be with someone who you can laugh with. Laughing really reduces the stress of a situation and makes people feel better. I recall the first time my boyfriend said “I love you” to me and really seemed…
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June 3, 2015
I am confused. What has happened to men? Why is it, that all of a sudden, women are expected to be forward when out looking for potential mates? What is that? What happened to the days when it was the…
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Ernest Udalla
June 3, 2015
To tell whether a girl likes you can be technical as well as psychological . This is because human beings are dynamic and can be deceiving as well in terms of behaviour. Action, sometimes, does not portray intention. This is…
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Krystie Bohmer
June 3, 2015
When it comes to dating, getting to know someone that has struck your interest, whether it is a new person you plan on dating or someone who you have been dating on a regular basis, the amount of money you…
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Vicki Phipps
June 3, 2015
To me, courting comes before dating. It’s when a man catches the eye of a woman, or a boy spy’s on a girl. You see, courting is the way we human beings find the courage to actually date and eventually…
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Angela S. Young
June 3, 2015
How can you even think of being with someone who cannot make you laugh? Laughter is a stress reliever, and links people together. It creates an atmosphere of fun and misadventure. Being able to laugh at yourself is a good…
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Carolyn Tytler
June 3, 2015
If you live in a cold climate, you need to develop alternate dating strategies for the winter season. Those long, lazy days at the beach will no longer be appealing, for a few months at least. Outdoor activities are still…
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Sheila-Ann Bender
June 3, 2015
Courtship. I think the last time I heard the term was when that cute little television show called “The Courtship of Eddie’s Father” aired back in the late sixties or early seventies. It was about a young widower, played by…
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Lawanda Ray
June 3, 2015
Too Soon to Cohabitate? Do you find yourself buying two sets of personal items; one set for your place and one set for your boyfriend’s place? Is it getting harder and harder to remember the last night you slept by…
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Jenny Turpin
June 3, 2015
There are a lot of things to consider if you are interested in dating someone that is a single parent. There are things that you may be faced with while you are establishing a relationship that you would not normally…
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Krystal Nguyen
June 3, 2015
The biggest problem with moving in together too soon is that you do not really know the person. You may feel that magical sparkle when you look at them and feel your heart flutter but how long will that last?…
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Tirzah Hawkins
June 3, 2015
Depression is a very hard thing to deal with in the best of circumstances. When you add a relationship into the equation, things become even more difficult. A dating relationship is stressful in itself but having depression amplifies this stress….
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Sharmal Kelambi
June 3, 2015
It may be just few months back that you met him for the first time. Still it’s so hard to be without him for just a single day. Alone at home on a cold dark night, with no way of…
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Janet Farricelli CPDT-KA
June 3, 2015
If the hustle and bustle of every day life is leaving you exhausted and with little time to spare, very likely your relationship will be suffering, leaving a trail of disappointment and much frustration. Truth is, catching up on things when working…
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June 3, 2015
As strange as it may seem there is a connection between laughter and romance. In fact, in my opinion, laughter is very important to romance. When most people think about romance they think of getting flowers unexpectedly, their partner doing…
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Sharmal Kelambi
June 3, 2015
It’s a cold dark night and you are curled up on your bed and keep on calling your boyfriend. The phone keeps on ringing on the other side but there is no answer. All sorts of strange thoughts get into…
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June 3, 2015
In the vast world of relationships, there are unspoken yet understood boundaries to respect, in order to preserve faithfulness. The do’s and don’ts of dating are as universal as the sign for choking when it comes to knowing where the…
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Daron Smith
June 3, 2015
There are a lot of sign which tells you that he/she is cheating. I’ll start by pointing out the signs that are usually visible when a female is cheating.Most women are pro when its comes on to cheating, you will…
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Paul Lines
June 3, 2015
If you are an introvert like me, the idea of speed dating, or at least the thought of the first visit, can be quite daunting, and no doubt some of the ladies feel the same way. I guess one of…
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Carol P. Bartlett
June 3, 2015
Being a married couple is sometimes the hardest task in the world, much less finding time for romance. Usually when couples are first married they make time for each other, as the relationship matures. People gets so busy with the…
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Olivia Bredbenner
June 3, 2015
There he did it again. I turned away as he wiped the coffee off his laptop. He is so darn cute but he never looks my way. Every Tuesday and Friday he and I sit in the same places. Not…
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