Margaret Ekukinam
June 6, 2015
The use of flowers to express personal emotions, intimate feelings or just mere feelings of friendship among people, have long been in practice. As with most symbols, flowers convey feelings which cannot or have not been spoken out aloud, or,…
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Lorie Spencer
June 6, 2015
Women and Their Sexuality It is a common misconception that a woman will reach her sexual peak from her late 20’s to mid 30’s. Of course every woman is different and the events in her previous years will certainly have…
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Jennifer L. Thompson
June 6, 2015
Twin flames are a number of different things to one another. These can be differentiated from soul mates by an absence of karmic relativity between the twin flames. Soul mates love one another with intent to release a karmic bond…
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June 6, 2015
Being a teenager can be so hard at times. Having to juggle studies, family life, balancing social life with friends and also dealing with relationships issues. Especially when it comes to sex. Peer pressures are just everywhere and sometimes, a…
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Derek Oxley
June 6, 2015
Was it love at first sight? Do you to spend hours talking on the phone or in person with a free flow conversation? If you’ve have answered yes to both questions it’s probably safe to say you’re on your way…
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Kathryn LaVon Davis
June 6, 2015
Driving home with rain pouring down, she was scared. She drove slowly over the overpass but could barely see it and her car skidded a few times. She was scared and she was mad at herself. “Don’t sleep with any…
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Margaret Paul Ph.D.
June 6, 2015
“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not…
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Jane Kay
June 6, 2015
Some opposites repel instantly, and others attract. Whether opposites should attract is another story. Different is good; opposite can be good or bad, but one thing is for sure – it’s interesting and attractive. I find people who think and…
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Nathaira Celtwood
June 6, 2015
Unconditional love is a love that will not die even when something terrible happens. All good parents feel this way about their children even if the choices their kids make is not something they agree with. When you…
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Laura Guelfi
June 6, 2015
Live unbuttoned. I couldn’t believe my eyes or my ears when I heard this slogan on a TV commercial for a popular blue jeans brand. In the commercial, a young, unmarried couple who know nothing about each other break into…
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Carole Somerville
June 6, 2015
How do you know a relationship is going well and it is time to take it to a new level? If you sense a romance is good and ou would like more intimacy, how do you know what to do…
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William Berry
June 6, 2015
It has been my intention for some time to write an article on attraction. It is one of my favorite topics in psychology. I often catch myself looking at couples and wondering why they are together, what their relationship is…
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Audrey-Anastasia Alleyne
June 6, 2015
Feeling Guilty After Sex Call-girls, or escorts, to use a more dignified title; and prostitutes, do not fit the bill here. Adults in that category are fully aware of their mission. Sex is their profession; they do it for the…
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A. R. Caldwell
June 6, 2015
All too often teenagers in the US and around the world do not fully know their rights when it comes to reproduction and the consequences therein. Whether because of fear-mongering religious leaders, incompetent sexual education programs, or other causes, few…
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beth king
June 6, 2015
Romance. We all want it in our lives, and yet, so often we fail to get it. Romance is something so intangible and subjective that it is hard to pinpoint what is or isn’t romantic. Sometimes, in our quest to…
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April J Evans
June 6, 2015
The best sex ever! The best sex ever, sex with no limit, no circumstances, no expectations on the outcome, and no questions. Okay one question is allowed, “What’s my name”. Other then that one question, there should be none. The…
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B.J. Tolentino
June 6, 2015
A romantic relationship is different from any other forms of relationships in the degree of intimacy. The feeling of intense and overwhelming sense of oneness (a feeling addiction to your beloved one) in any romantic relationship is a result from…
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Russell Rhyne
June 6, 2015
Well, good sexual health often starts in bed. Let’s face the true facts. It is never easy asking the one you are about to have sex with whether they are completely healthy or if they are harvesting some sort of…
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Hal Peters
June 6, 2015
Some practical tips. Never make the mistake of forgetting that Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars, as this famous Greek insight has been described. Remember there is a biological and fundamental disconnect between the sexes. In a…
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Ellis Hayford
June 6, 2015
Closing the intimicy gap in a marriage that has lost its closeness can feel like an overwhelming chore for many married couples. At times, the thought of being intimate may even appear as a fairytale; existing only for the lucky…
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Akua Hinds
June 6, 2015
Which man or woman wouldn’t want a confident, successful and evolved partner? From the beginning of time, women have wanted to be paired with accomplished and successful men by their sides. It was not uncommon for a man to be…
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Victoria Tiegert
June 6, 2015
In the beginning of a romantic relationship, there is almost always a spark that ignites the flames of love and intimacy. That is one of the most exciting and breath-taking times in our lives together. Those sparks in the beginning…
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Jerome Espinosa Baladad
June 6, 2015
Be strongly aware that you’ve been given a gift that’s uniquely yours, a most interesting facet of which shines through your sexuality. You can choose to ignore it to your detriment or harness it to your advantage to lead a…
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Paul Manalo
June 6, 2015
Seduction is a skill. In some places, there are people who are referred as pick up artists or social dynamics experts. The existence and thrive of these group of men prove one point, Seduction can be taught. Staying in those…
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Renee Garrison
June 6, 2015
Intimacy in a relationship goes far beyond the physical closeness of a couple. Before that happy day when you finally found the soul mate you’ve been looking for so long and hard, you probably had some preconceived ideas about romance…
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Lija Neal
June 6, 2015
If only you knew he has been cheating on you with “Juicy Stacy” for awhile. There is nothing more terrifying than finding out the one you poured your heart and soul into is a dog indeed. As you recall all…
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Jerald Cogswell
June 6, 2015
Let’s start with a simple fact. Elderly people get married. They likely remember the Cole Porter lyrics, “Birds do IT; Bees do IT; Even educated fleas do IT; Let’s do IT; Let’s fall in love.” – Emphasis mine. Let’s face…
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Virginia L. Allen
June 5, 2015
Unfortunate as it may be, when two individuals have been together for some time, the romance in the relationship tends to fizzle. Gone are the days where you used to sit and talk for hours about absolutely nothing, spontaneous surprises,…
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Natasha Grigorash
June 5, 2015
Having received a most conservative upbringing, I believe that it is wrong to have sex with someone unless that someone is your husband. Furthermore, as a Christian I must note that the Bible strictly prohibits it, it is considered a…
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Megan Stoddard
June 5, 2015
Having sex is one of the most intimate things people can do. When, where, and with whom to have it is a deeply personal decision. As with all such personal decisions, the right answer is not necessarily the same for…
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