Thom W. Conroy
June 8, 2015
In any relationship concerning affairs of the heart there are any number of negative associated issues that a couple must eventually conquer,and humor is important in a dating relationship as a tool to initiate positive emotions. In order for any…
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Stephanie Anderson - 569771
June 8, 2015
When on line gaming affects whether or not you sleep with your husband at night, there might be a problem. Or whether or not you watch your children when your wife or husband is away, this could also be a…
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Becky Hopkins
June 8, 2015
There are many horror stories relating to internet dating gone bad. Every so often there will be a particularly horrendous tale which will be splashed over the news, through newspapers and in magazines. For a while we pay attention to…
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Destiny Eve
June 8, 2015
I have learned that online dating can be a nightmare. I have always lived in small towns and finding a good man is like finding a needle in a haystack. They are either married, gay or taken. Frustrated I turned…
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Kristen M. Anderson
June 8, 2015
Finding a date is perhaps the most nerve wracking aspect of prom. Unless you have a high school sweetheart to take to the dance, high school students spend many hours agonizing over who to ask, worrying that no one will…
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Ann-Katherine Souilliard
June 8, 2015
I joined eHarmony at the insistence of my sisters, who believed the commercial hype and thought that this site would be the one to help me find love. I took that ridiculously long personality survey and did my best to…
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Monika Johnson
June 8, 2015
In all your dreams your prom was a magical event. You and your date danced the night away in perfect bliss and harmony, admired and envied by all. Then the unimaginable happens: you find out that your date does not…
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Nick Somoski
June 8, 2015
We’ve all been through those awkward moments of affection. High school seems to be filled with them, especially when it comes to boys asking out girls. Generally, they don’t know what they’re doing, and what could be a beautiful, heart-warming…
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Eunice Nisbett
June 8, 2015
They were the ‘perfect’ couple. He love her, she loved him. To their friends they appeared idyll. One day Jill approached her best friend and said to her “I have some news for you. Tom and I are getting a…
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Manette Mae
June 8, 2015
People surf the net, looking at pictures and reading profiles. They are looking for the perfect man or woman to share their life with. They find someone that strikes their interest and begin communicating online and on the phone. Within…
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Francois Thurston
June 8, 2015
Internet intimacy: Reality or illusion My good friend Sonja had alluded to me 3 weeks ago that she had started talking to this guy that she was interested in on line. This had startled me but only a little as…
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Kiki Perry
June 8, 2015
Playing games has thrills, but when it comes to love, they are not games worth playing. When you get someones heart completely, they are giving you the power to make or break their whole entire life. A heart is the…
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Victoria Tiegert
June 8, 2015
Dating is a special time in your life and when you have a boyfriend, the two of you can do more than just “hang out” together. You can use this time to do some fun things together and build your…
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V Sullivan
June 8, 2015
I have been online for at least 15 years. During that time I have watched the advent of various dating sites spring up. For me, it started with Love@Aol, at least that is the first one I can recall. In…
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Lance Bell
June 8, 2015
Prom- The high school frenzy where juniors and seniors get together for an all night party. Depending on the school, this party can get quite crazy; and the person you bring can make all the difference. Out of school dates…
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Monika Johnson
June 8, 2015
Speed dating may seem a little awkward and intimidating at first, but it can be great fun and potentially very successful. While it is certainly not the most romantic way of meeting a potential date, it does have advantages over…
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Lauren Almeida
June 8, 2015
Showing up on prom night with a date from another school really does have its advantages. It is up to you who you want to bring, and who you want to make that prom night memory with. Your date should…
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Philo Gabriel
June 8, 2015
Well, the little devil perched on one shoulder tells me that there’s zero mystery to the “how to get guys to ask you out” question, that everyone knows the answer and everyone knows we’re not supposed to give that answer,…
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Peter Stern
June 7, 2015
Women probably know more about this issue than men do. Most women know exactly what to do to get a guy to ask them out. If a woman is interested in a man, she may decide to show it in…
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Victoria Tiegert
June 7, 2015
It is sad fact, but true, that the majority of relationships today will end at some point. There are very few relationships that really do make it to the “happily ever after” anymore. Instead, the lines in the family courts…
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Katerina Nikolas
June 7, 2015
Increasingly some women are looking to prisons as a place to find love, with incarcerated men who are more than happy to settle for any female attention they can get. For those who prefer to date men who really aren’t…
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Russell Waldron
June 7, 2015
Stepping into a new relationship can be exciting, romantic, challenging and at times a little overwhelming. Sweet kisses have the heart pumping faster, the knees going weak and the mind in overdrive focused on hopes, dreams, the future and so…
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Cynthia Wall
June 7, 2015
As much as we like to think that the entire student body likes one another, it’s a sad fact that it’s often divided into cliques. Your own status is determined by who you date, you eat lunch with, and who…
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Melissa Close-Swickard
June 7, 2015
This one is for the guys who are looking for more than a roll in the hay. If you want to attract a woman and keep her, then remember the appropriate course of action to be followed, with the number one…
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Jules Martin
June 7, 2015
When you first find yourself tied up in the excitement of a new boyfriend you may be content with just sitting around with each other. However as time progresses you may start thinking about what there is to do over…
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Sherry Goodman
June 7, 2015
Here I was thinking that all women thought like me! Of course women want sex as much as men. I think we want it more! I mean I am sure there are the ones that just haven’t enjoyed pleasures that…
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Kristen M. Anderson
June 7, 2015
Having a boyfriend opens up a whole new world full of romance, dressing up, and most of all, fun activities. As fun as it is to have a boyfriend, being in a relationship can also be stressful due to heightened…
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VK Freelance
June 7, 2015
Can love exist without lust? Love comes in many forms, the love of family, the love of our children and the love of men and women. This love that exists between those we seek to share our lives with is…
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Monika Johnson
June 7, 2015
A red flag is more than a difference of opinion or a problem that can be worked out. A red flag is a danger sign. It indicates behaviors in your potential partner that are detrimental to your health or well-being….
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Todd Hicks
June 7, 2015
Are you a female who has a special relationship with a guy or is planning to do this? If so, there are a lot of things that the two of you should do with each other for pleasure. By reading…
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