Aeryka Rae
June 10, 2015
I have (in my possession) break-up boxes, photo albums and other memorabilia (from past relationhips) stored; framed photos still line my coffee table to remind me of the tremendous growth I’ve experienced since those relationships terminated; and, it is okay…
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Akua Hinds
June 10, 2015
Before you marry a millionaire, you need to land him first. It seems as though the only people who the media casts light on are the rich and famous. If you find yourself fantasizing about being in that same position, that’s perfectly…
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Matt Black
June 10, 2015
Right now you’re at the bottom of a deep, dark well staring up at the speck of soft light in the distance. You’ve already tried to climb out, but your hands and feet slip on the cold, slimy walls. Memories…
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Sondra Gomez - 491755
June 10, 2015
Communication is a must for one to experience any good relationships, almost always a personal relationship without communication will ultimately fade away. And all to often neither of the two will find fault in their own lack of communication though…
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Roy Jacobs
June 10, 2015
With spirally divorce rates, single parents have become a fairly common scenario. However, because many who find themselves in this position are still quite young, the issue of dating is very relevant today (not that older folks don’t date), and…
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Paul Lines
June 10, 2015
You are single again, with the marriage or relationship over, and ready to pick up the pieces and build a new life. You are looking to find that perfect relationship. There are only one or two small problems, the child/children….
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Ms. Marie
June 10, 2015
The first interracial marriage, recorded in North American history was in 1614, that was the marriage between John Rolfe and Pocahontes. Interracial relationships were not always accepted, in fact at one point they were considered illegal in some states. Today,…
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Erik Van Tongerloo
June 10, 2015
Dating as a single parent is not as easy as if you have no children around. You need to recover from your broken relationship and you don’t want to stay alone. It is possible your marriage didn’t work or your…
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D. Victor
June 10, 2015
Organisms die and systems fail when critical functions can no longer be performed. Relationships, particularly intimate ones, are no different in that regard. A relationship is a system that requires inputs from two parties and various outcomes that include fulfilment,…
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Stacey Torres
June 9, 2015
The first thing we should come to terms with when we live alone is that we are good company for ourselves. There is nothing wrong with being alone, whether it is a Monday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday night. To be…
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Lynette Hatton
June 9, 2015
Once you feel you have done things to deliberately hurt the person you used to love, then it is apparent that you cannot be friends with your ex. I can offer an example from my own personal experience. I have…
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Leslie Trotter
June 9, 2015
The best way to deal with a flirtatious partner is to first let them know that their flirting with other people is not acceptable behavior if they want to continue their relationship with you. Your partner should know that it…
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June 9, 2015
Humans are a strange bunch really. We’ve never really seemed to “get” what it’s all about. And the more we’ve thought about it, the more we’ve tended to moan. You don’t seem to get much of that in the rest…
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Erik Van Tongerloo
June 9, 2015
The old cliche people get married and have children is often the main reason why desperate singles are going too far in the quest of coupledom. Many parents want to teach their children certain values and morals in life and…
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Carolyn Zidor
June 9, 2015
Love is such a wonderful feeling that every single time, every single moment in my mind I wonder why can’t we always have happy endings where both partners end up marrying and living happily ever after? During my childhood and my…
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Sammy Stein
June 9, 2015
Some people are single through choice. Others have not found the right person or people to share their life with yet and others are simply not going out with someone at the moment. However, time on your own in the…
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Enoc Flores
June 9, 2015
Long distance relationships do not work. There might be some exception such as when the separations occur for only a brief period of time and/or whether the couple has a lengthy history together. Unfortunately even in these cases long distance…
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Marz Evol
June 9, 2015
When life hands you lemons, make lemonade, right? Well what if life hands you an ex that wants to talk? What if life hands you an ex that claims they miss you? What if life hands you an ex that…
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Das Govind
June 9, 2015
As people get older, being single becomes more and more difficult. People have different reasons for remaining single, be it just getting out of a bad relationship, or just waiting for the right person to come along. The evenings tend…
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Victoria Tiegert
June 9, 2015
If you find yourself in an abusive relationship, the time to call it quits is NOW! Of course, that is often easier said than done. I know, I have stayed in them and I was raised in one. If leaving…
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Shaz Slaughter
June 9, 2015
I have had numerous friends that stay in contact with their exes. One instance I am reminded of is a time when a friend of mine gets a call from his ex-girlfriend, who at the time and is still married…
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Sandra Piddock
June 9, 2015
In a perfect world, people just wouldn’t cheat on their partners, and best friends would certainly not make out with their friend’s other half. However, this is not, and never has been, a perfect world, and there are several reasons…
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Matt Black
June 9, 2015
She’s really gone. The thought hits you like an elevator plummeting to the bottom of the shaft from the top of a building. The cable has snapped, and there you are at the bottom, looking straight up into darkness. All…
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Jen M. Hernandez
June 9, 2015
Relationships can be wonderful. However, these sought after unities flourish only when they are fostered with mutual love and commitment. Often times, individuals remain in relationships because they are comfortable and safe. To remain in a relationship for an unsound…
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Elaine Sihera
June 9, 2015
Q. What does it mean when the person you love says “YOU DESERVE SOMEONE BETTER?” Can you tell me your own perspective or your own view? A. This is the strongest indication of insecurity and low self esteem in the…
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Olha Romaniuk
June 9, 2015
Whether you are single and have no plans on a Saturday night, or worse – single and broke – your options for entertainment may seem pretty limited. Moreover, if your daily Monday through Friday routine consists of getting home after…
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Jennifer Eblin
June 9, 2015
I was fourteen when I had my first breakup. I tried throwing everything related to him away, but my mom convinced me to put it in an old shoebox and leave it in the closet, promising that someday I’d want…
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Andrea Reale
June 9, 2015
Dating; isn’t it horrible? Say what you may but when the going gets rough the dateless get desperate. With colder weather and the holiday season approaching, couple Dom is starting to rain down on the wonderful parade that is being…
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Marlin Bressi
June 9, 2015
If your girlfriend’s parents do not approve of you dating their daughter, there’s no reason to be alarmed. They probably don’t approve of any guy that their daughter brings home. While it is easy to view this as a personal…
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Maria C Collins
June 9, 2015
The other woman is not really a scarlet woman, or a scheming minx. She is a woman, just like you. He may not have told her that he is married. She may just be in love with him. You can…
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