Victoria Tiegert
June 10, 2015
Breaking up is usually a difficult task, even for the one doing the ditching, believe it or not. When you realize that you are unhappy in your relationship and begin thinking that it may be time to move on, you…
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Barbara Kasey Smith
June 10, 2015
When asked the question, “How to break up in a relationship?” I would have to respond, this is a terrible situation to be in and you need a solid plan before just breaking it off with a partner. Everyone is…
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Jennifer Eblin
June 10, 2015
“That’s a pretty cool chair.” “Thanks.” “So, where did you get it?” There it was, the six words that I didn’t want to hear coming out of my boyfriend’s mouth. I could lie and tell him I picked it up…
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Elaine Sihera
June 10, 2015
How often have you heard the sad statement, “I’ve been dumped” by so and so, or you’ve used it to bemoan the loss of a valued partner? It is a common term used to express regret and perhaps resentment at…
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June 10, 2015
Some couples seem to get a bit cynical about Valentine’s Day ( that’s the 14th, which is a Wednesday so no excuse for forgetting, people), saying that, like Christmas, it’s become over-commercialised, a Hallmark holiday, that a couple don’t need…
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Trisha Arnez
June 10, 2015
That is the million dollar question. Is love really worth it? The answer is yes. Some of you may not agree that it is, since you have probably been wronged when it comes to love. Think about it for a…
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Sandra Piddock
June 10, 2015
There’s a beautiful old song called, ‘Love is a Many Splendoured Thing,’ andone of the best lines from that song is this: ‘Then your fingers touched my silent heart, and taught it how to sing.’ So what are the tell-tale signs…
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Barbara Paulus
June 10, 2015
Dating relationships are transient associations firmly grounded upon the principles of communication, honesty, and patience as understood and interpreted by two individuals open to exploring a physically intimate relationship. The reasons for their deterioration are possible to identify, though frequently…
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Matt Bird
June 10, 2015
First dates are all about impressing the other person. You need to get yourself stuck in their mind so thoroughly that they’ll be incapable of getting you out – so, naturally, they’ll come looking for a second date. And a…
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Reverend Ashira Goddard
June 10, 2015
He Shoots – He Scores ! A Guy’s Guide on How to “Score” on the First date Scoring on the first date means getting that all important second date. The thought process of a woman can be very different. Many…
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Marlin Bressi
June 10, 2015
If you feel that there is a possibility that your partner is cheating on you, then you are probably right. Either that, or you’re a psychological trainwreck with trust issues. Assuming that you are of sound mind, then you probably…
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Jessica Young
June 10, 2015
Don’t be down on Valentines day just because your single Valentines Day should also be something to celebrate with your friends and family, I mean it is all about love and I love my friends and family so why shouldn’t…
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Dean Tellwright
June 10, 2015
Can long distance relationships work? Yes, of course they can! The key thing to remember is that any relationship can work if both parties involved want it to work. I speak from experience when I say long distance relationships are…
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Katerina Nikolas
June 10, 2015
The chances are that if one of your aims is to marry a millionaire without having met one, your main motivation is the desire to get your hands round his wallet, rather than his waist line. If you have a fancy…
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Daniele Rogers
June 10, 2015
Someone once said, “One is the loneliest number.” While the name of who spoke those words constantly slips my mind, the words have always rang true countless times. One can be the loneliest number, whether you’re reduced to one by your own…
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Opal Minott
June 10, 2015
The generally accepted meaning of ‘love’ in the proverb ‘love is blind’ is the romantic variety. It has its roots in the Greek term Eros which describes the emotional and physical attraction between a male and a female. Eros is…
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Todd Daigneault
June 10, 2015
It helps to show love and affection. When you are walking with your partner, hold their hand once in awhile. Be attentive and supportive to your spouse or significant other. Hug them and kiss them in public once in awhile. …
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Brenda Cruz
June 10, 2015
Ah spring. The awaited season of the year. Each season brings its own glorious splendor but none is quite anticipated as that which brings far more than tender young leaves and budding blooms. Spring brings what no season can rival…
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Eva Perry
June 10, 2015
Love seems to bloom in spring.This likely scenario may be due to the fact that the fresh, spring air, the blooming of trees and flowers, all set the mood to incorporate a renewed sense of well being, giving love a perfect…
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Svetlana Cherevik
June 10, 2015
Like spring love brings freshness and vivacity . Like a bare branch is a heart without love and tenderness, waiting for spring to come and bring life. No matter how cold we might have felt, spring sun playing on leaflets…
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Saron Maramo
June 10, 2015
“What am I doing wrong?” “What am I not doing that they did?” They ask themselves over and over. And they will find no end of people to tell them that they are doing lots of things wrong when really…
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Betty Blake
June 10, 2015
Any season of the year is special for romance and love. However, we cannot deny that spring is especially spectacular for a budding romance. Spring is a time for rebirth, a period of hope and delight. Isn’t ironic that the…
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June 10, 2015
Guys pick-up tactics have gotten sloppy. All the pick-up lines are the same. Some sound really desperate. While others sound very disrespectful. You have to know what not to do or you can end up looking like a fool. I…
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Monika Johnson
June 10, 2015
Spring has sprung and love, or at least lust, is in the air. If you are a single male looking for a new love interest, this is the time to make your move. No matter if you are attracted to…
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Rachel Purser
June 10, 2015
This was not what I had expected. I had been invited around for what might have been a first date or at least an opportunity to get to know the intelligent, good-looking man I had just met. He was going…
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Brian Botdorf
June 10, 2015
Why is spring the time for love? Spring has become synonymous with love. It’s a new life from a long drawn out death we all know as Winter. Literally and figuratively its a new beginning. A chance to break out…
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Jess Narcisse
June 10, 2015
Women go through a cycle when it comes to recovering from a broken heart. She lay awake staring at the nothingness that surrounds her. Silence echoes throughout the darkness that is pulling her deeper into oblivion. Rain dances outside her…
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Shelly Barclay
June 10, 2015
Having someone make romantic advances at you when you are not interested can be very uncomfortable. In fact, it may just be one of the most uncomfortable social situations you can find yourself in, if you don’t know how to…
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Layla Randle-Conde
June 10, 2015
In an abusive relationship you’ve often left in your heart long before you do so in real life. This article is for the confused, the battered and the emotionally shattered. It’s my view, but the conclusion is pretty much what…
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Nathalie Weston
June 10, 2015
Affairs can be a marriage saver! I never thought I’d stray but after 3 years of loveless marriage, and with divorce or separation not an option, I joined illicit encounters, a dating site for married people seeking affairs. On there…
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