
Being Dumped

How often have you heard the sad statement, “I’ve been dumped” by so and so, or you’ve used it to bemoan the loss of a valued partner? It is a common term used to express regret and perhaps resentment at…
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Love Relationships

There’s a beautiful old song called, ‘Love is a Many Splendoured Thing,’ andone of the best lines from that song is this: ‘Then your fingers touched my silent heart, and taught it how to sing.’ So what are the tell-tale signs…
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Why Relationships End

Dating relationships are transient associations firmly grounded upon the principles of communication, honesty, and patience as understood and interpreted by two individuals open to exploring a physically intimate relationship. The reasons for their deterioration are possible to identify, though frequently…
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First Date

First dates are all about impressing the other person. You need to get yourself stuck in their mind so thoroughly that they’ll be incapable of getting you out – so, naturally, they’ll come looking for a second date. And a…
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Love Relationships

Love seems to bloom in spring.This likely scenario may be due to the fact that the fresh, spring air, the blooming of trees and flowers, all set the mood to incorporate a renewed sense of well being, giving love a perfect…
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Like spring love  brings freshness and vivacity . Like a bare  branch is a heart without love and tenderness, waiting for spring to come and bring life.  No matter how cold we might have felt, spring sun playing on leaflets…
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Love Relationships

Any season of the year is special for romance and love.  However, we cannot deny that spring is especially spectacular for a budding romance.  Spring is a time for rebirth, a period of hope and delight.  Isn’t ironic that the…
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Tips to Pick up

Guys pick-up tactics have gotten sloppy. All the pick-up lines are the same. Some sound really desperate. While others sound very disrespectful. You have to know what not to do or you can end up looking like a fool. I…
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