Terri Register
June 11, 2015
College campuses attract more than just college boys and young adults. Many men target college campuses for potential flings and other one night stands. They don’t do this looking for relationships. The college girl stereotype is often a depiction of…
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Leslie Trotter
June 11, 2015
Most dates take place at night, that is when everything is popping, like concerts, parties or going to a nightclub, so if you take a job at night time it is very possible your dating life will take a backseat…
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Kerry Howlett
June 11, 2015
To entertain the notion one can be “in love” with more than one person at the same time is inane and impish. The problem lies within the fact that most people haven’t a clue what love TRULY is, but many…
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Lorraine Hummel-Brown
June 11, 2015
How to overcome jealousy in a relationship. One answer. Trust each other. Put away the high school insecurities. Forget about what happened in the last relationship. This is a new one. A new start. And trust has to be the…
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Margaret Ekukinam
June 11, 2015
Getting married one day is the dream of every girl. This much anticipated day holds a lot of promise for her and she’ll look forward to it with great zeal. However, there are several mistakes a woman can make before…
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Leslie Trotter
June 11, 2015
Your girlfriend being your best friend will benefit your relationship on all levels. If you’re in a serious relationship with a woman who loves you and will move heaven and earth to be there for you anytime you need her….
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June 11, 2015
Ideally two people who have a date would go out together and enjoy adult conversation, perhaps fine dining and maybe a movie. The purpose of a date is to get to know one another and spend time together. Children generally…
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Blaize Shepherd
June 11, 2015
There are many different things to savor about both the single life and non single life; usually there is some balance between the two that would make either situation great depending on your personal situation. However, when comparing a non…
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D Dupont-Day
June 11, 2015
First we must agree to disagree. No two people will ever completely see eye to eye on what constitutes cheating. This can become a very hot issue in any relationship. As relationships grow and change, so, too, may the characterizations…
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Lonnette Harrell
June 11, 2015
In this competitive world we live in, there are so many ways to feel inadequate. Images from magazines, television, and movies, tell us that our teeth have to be bright white, our bodies have to be pencil thin, our clothes…
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M. Morrison
June 11, 2015
Whether she wants to admit it or not, every woman has a mental checklist of qualities that her ideal partner must possess. While the list will differ somewhat from woman to woman, these ten qualities are almost always found somewhere…
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Molly Mullen
June 11, 2015
Love can be the most hurtful feeling known to life. It can rip your senses and blind your focus. As many past poets have written, love can be devastating, especially if it is not returned. But for those moments that…
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Angela Diggs
June 11, 2015
Cheating is never OK because it is wrong. It is never right to be unfaithful to someone you are in a relationship with. It does not matter if the person you are with has been cheating on you. Two wrongs…
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Adesipo Adesiji
June 11, 2015
A shy girl generally avoids saying or showing her feeling when around you. You may observe that she wants you around her, that your presence is welcome. When you suddenly reduce the numbers of visit to her, she will be…
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Renee Garrison
June 11, 2015
We all have a definition of love. Most of us seek it, desire it, rejoice when we think we have found, and mourn when we think we have lost it. The opposite of love is not what you might expect….
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Matt Bird
June 11, 2015
The single life can be great. It allows for a level of independence and self-assurance that you may never get when you’re one half of a couple. There are plenty of advantages to coming home and having a bed all…
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Victoria Tiegert
June 11, 2015
Fear is one of life’s strongest holdbacks for most people. It can keep them from accomplishing their goals, fulfilling their dreams, and even from finding the true love that they crave in their hearts. Fear is an incredibly strong and crippling emotion that many…
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Sarah Williams
June 11, 2015
A first date can be one of the most frightening experiences that any of us will ever have to endure in order to find love. Most of us tend to psyche ourselves up so heavily prior to a first date…
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James Douglas Doorsman
June 11, 2015
Can you make a good first impression? Now, can you do this twenty or more times in a few short hours? Most people can’t so don’t get discouraged if you only fare moderately and welcome to speed dating. It is…
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Cody Hodge
June 11, 2015
If you have just broken up with someone, chances are there are tons of emotions going through you. You probably feel like you are lonely, and feeling like you need to get into another relationship in order to feel whole….
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Lyndora Jackson
June 11, 2015
A few years ago I got into a heated debate with one of my male friends regarding women’s roles in relationships. My friend’s opinion was that women (and specifically minority women) need to be more submissive. Needless to say this…
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Matt Bird
June 11, 2015
This probably goes without saying to even the densest of daters, but the first date is crucial. That initial outing can make or break the entire relationship before it started, because it’s on that date that first impressions will be…
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Bobby Coles
June 11, 2015
Making a great first impression is of the utmost importance throughout society, but not to quite the extent that it is in regards to speed dating. First impressions are what get you noticed by potential mates, employers, friends, co-workers, neighbors,…
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Matt Bird
June 11, 2015
There’s nothing worse than sitting across a table from somebody in a restaurant and discovering you have nothing to talk about. Or, worse, that every topic you come up with is sure to offend them. Trust me, it’s much easier…
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Cadeisha Queen
June 11, 2015
Young. Open-minded. Goal oriented. Fun. Attractive. Sophisticated. Outgoing. Yet still, single. The wonderful world of dating is so full of discomfort and possibilities. I like to call it figure eighting because just when you’ve conquered the awkward stage and you…
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Tiffany Belle
June 11, 2015
A recession can affect dating in many ways. It may mean that you have to find free or cheap date ideas so that you have money to pay your bills instead of spending on entertainment. Don’t worry, there are some…
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Jennifer Eblin
June 11, 2015
Calling it a night means ending the date early and heading home. Instead of drinks, dinner and dancing before crashing out at midnight or later, you find yourself home by ten and suddenly craving a drink. What is it that…
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Matt Bird
June 11, 2015
I can’t exactly call myself a love guru. I’ve had girlfriends, sure, and I’ve been on dates; but my experience is hardly as extensive as some. That said I DO have a lick of common sense in me, and there’s…
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Lauren Smith2011
June 11, 2015
There are many ways to find a date today. All you have to do is take the proverbial bull by the horns, be brave and go for it. I, personally, am all for the proactive approach to dating. Forget being…
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Erik James
June 11, 2015
Throughout life, we are faced with adversity on a daily basis. Every single day, we need to overcome either a minor or major problem to get the most out of that day. Many days, we will feel that we don’t…
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