Reasons a Man will Marry a Woman Men and Marriage
A man will marry a woman for a variety of reasons. Love When a man truly loves a woman with all of his heart and soul, he will take her to be his wife. When a man has this level…
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A man will marry a woman for a variety of reasons. Love When a man truly loves a woman with all of his heart and soul, he will take her to be his wife. When a man has this level…
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New relationships are fantastic. When men and women get those familiar feelings for each other and relationships start they are exciting and fun. The couple spend a lot of time together and enjoy each other’s company immensely This is the…
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We’ve all seen an older man with a young woman and thought, “I can see why he picked her but why did she pick him?” There are many reasons why some younger women are drawn to older men. There are…
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It is an exciting thought; moving in together, but if done to soon it can end in disaster. The following is a list of pitfalls that can occur when people move in together too soon. -Incompatibility- While people may be…
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There comes a time in every relationship when it’s time to fish or cut bait. You have to make the choice on whether or not to get serious and if you want to continue, or simply move on. For some…
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Nothing is worse than the dreadful realization when you’re on a date that you’re going out with “The Womanizer” or “The Sarcastic Guy”. You sit there and find yourself wondering, “How did I end up here…again?!” Well, you can’t blame…
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Considering that a blind date will be your first face to face meeting with the other person you likely have not invested much into the “relationship”, for lack of a better word. There may have been a couple of phone…
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Men and women are both guilty of making dating mistakes, but as most men would probably agree, your lack of understanding in terms of what the average woman wants and needs from you places you in the unfortunate position of…
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Men with a fear of commitment embody a rather common stereotype that seems to plague far too many relationships. Not only does this phobia deprive a male’s mate of her desire for a stronger connection, it can divide a couple…
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Fear of dating can develop for a variety of reasons, from having gone through a bad experience previously, to having low self esteem which prevents you from entering into relationships. Building self confidence will help you overcome your anxiety about concerns….
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What counts as cheating to you? Your spouse flirting with someone else? Your mate becoming best friends with someone of the opposite sex? Or maybe even something as detached as someone denying that they are even in a relationship. These…
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If you are in a relationship where you depend on your girlfriend or boyfriend for every need or want you have, you might be in for a rude awakening one day, and that is the day you’re really going to…
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Perhaps the first most important step before stepping back into the dating scene is to ask yourself: am I ready to date again? Sometimes the loneliness or hurt of a recent past relationship drives us to seek out new love…
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When it comes to falling in love with your best friend, I’m not the person to ask advice from. When I mentioned this topic to a friend who knew both me and the man in question, she laughed hysterically. Then…
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Where to begin. Women these days expect way too much, they forget the cardinal rule, relax be yourself and if you click, you click. Instead, a date is more like a job interview, What do you do?, How much money…
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Mr. Right: Attributes of the ideal man My ideal man would love me unconditionally, faults and all. He would accept me just as I am and not try to change me to his idea of the “perfect” Barbie doll figure…
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Relationships have certainly changed over time. Traditionally there was a courtship and marriage between a man and a woman. Brides were expected to be virgins until their wedding night. Living together was a sin. Same sex marriage was unfathomable. We’ve…
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You never get a second chance to make a first impression.’ That’s an awful lot of pressure contained in a single sentence isn’t it? And speed-dating is supposed to, at least in theory, reduce the pressures of the ‘dating process.’…
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He’s sooo cute, got ‘all’ the right answers, everybody loves him, he knows everyone and he’s always so busy! CAREFUL ladies…I smell a player. Now there are always exceptions to the rules but it’s important to be aware of…
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The difference between affection and obsession… *Affection: I’ve discovered throughout my lifetime there are many kinds of affections such as, fond feelings, high regards, goodwill, liking, fondness, warmth, love, tenderness, closeness, etc., and affection could be for the love of your mate,…
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After picking my fiance up from County Jail for the second time three years ago, it hit me; I had probably chosen the wrong guy to shack up with. I chewed the bite of reality over and over in my…
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The “Golden Question” in most relationships is “why do we play games”? Most of the times it’s because the very start of the relationship was spawned upon a game…cat & mouse, and the strategies plotted to win the prize. Usually…
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An anniversary is a special time in any couple’s life, whether they are married or just dating. An anniversary is the celebration of the time they have been together and often is a day to remember great times. Sometimes at…
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How To Pick Up A Chic At A Bar: 1. Look the part: If you want a ghetto diva, throw your grill in, put on that new SJ shirt and rock out that diamond crusted “$” necklace. If you want…
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In a relationship depending on what kind it is, you sometimes have to give a little. Over time some people say that there may be a lot of taking but hardly any giving. Some may say that they can’t ever…
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We all want someone special in our lives; someone to hold us, love us and ultimately someone to have a committed relationship with. Dating someone new can be a wonderful and scary time, as two people begin getting to know…
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You might feel you know your partner through-and-through but until you actually live with each other, it’s unlikely you do. Be prepared to discover new aspects of his or her personality once you decide to move in together and it…
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Chemistry between two people happens when the conditions are right. They have to be ready, willing and able to commit to one another. It doesn’t always turn out that two people are compatible with one another so chemistry will not always…
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There is a trap where any man does not want to fall in. This unpleasant situation is happening when after many wasting times, money spending, and worst emotional involvement. You realize that you cannot get a girl only because from…
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Dating and the Single Parent Carries with it a whole lot more responsibility than when you were just single, and often we are unprepared for what happens along the way. Before you begin dating as a single parent, you need…
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