Signs he is Flirting
You have a crush on him, but is it mutual? The tall, dark and handsome guy across the bar is approaching you and asks your name. You cannot help noticing the guy from the office next door when you run…
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You have a crush on him, but is it mutual? The tall, dark and handsome guy across the bar is approaching you and asks your name. You cannot help noticing the guy from the office next door when you run…
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Do nice guys finish last? Well, as many others have stated it depends on how a ‘nice guy’ is defined. If he his a pushover or a self centered introvert, then yes. If he is a gentleman, a dignified…
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“That special someone” is the mythical significant other whom we all dream about, the person with whom we can have a happy, healthy and fulfilling relationship, the person who is, by definition, special. However, not only are they special, but…
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Can lying affect the intimacy of a relationship? Lying is easily one of the most dangerous and damaging behaviors possible in a committed, intimate relationship. Some say that close, stable relationships are based upon love, attraction, or need, but trust…
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It’s easy to be a doormat. Why? Because doormats don’t have to do anything, make any decisions, confront any troubles or deal with any problems on their own. The trash didn’t get taken out? Well, did someone forget to boss…
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Sensitive Men or Macho Men? You choose. Which group do you think is more popular; macho men or sensitive men? Personally, I believe it to be sensitive men. Take this from a woman that has dated and lived with at least…
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What do women look for in a man? In a word, chivalry. A lady in the street, boulevard or park may not be saluted by a gentleman, unless he has received a slight bow from the lady; he may then…
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A few weeks ago a male friend of mine found an article that detailed how men who were too nice could actually lose out on relationships. As he was the stereotypical nice guy, the idea itself concerned him. The majority…
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Women, watch out! There is a very fine line between a knight in shining armor and a real jerk! This may not seem logical to you at all, but take a moment and think about what these men are doing…
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The benefits of going on a group date The benefits of a group date comes in handy, especially if you’re already feeling awkward about being on a date alone with someone. If a couple decides to bring another couple or…
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How to approach a girl you see as a potential date It may be easy to some guys to approach a girl for a date, but for others it could be a nerve wrecking experience that can affect their love…
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Do Nice Guys Really Finish Last? This saying, which was more than likely written by a bad guy, is about as intelligent as, “He who dies with the most toys wins.” In this crazy world of stepping on someone’s head…
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I was twelve going on thirteen and in the seventh grade when I fell in love with Billy S. And Billy, if you’re out there,… you stink! Just kidding! Love is a very funny thing … a very funny thing…
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Raponzal Requested To get a better understanding of such behavior we need to go back to the days when chivalry still lived. Those who practiced such conduct did so by code while bound by honor. Rescue and protect became the…
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What does a girl want? In short, everything, but who does not want everything? That may be what a girl wants, but in reality, that’s not what they are going to get. So realistically, what does a girl want? Well,…
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All women are different and we are all complex creatures. But when we are disinterested in something or someone, we all say and do some of the same things. There are 10 ways to figure out if she likes you…
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Needy women provide everything a man thinks he’s looking for. Needy women are vulnerable, weak, lonely and usually desperate. They search for the want and that affection in a man because they have yet to find it in themselves. Needy…
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How to Know if a Guy Likes You There’s no way to know if a guy likes you unless you ask him and get the answer. Even then he could get shy and say no. Here are a few tips…
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Relationships are about emotion. What draws us to another individual and makes us emotionally committed to that person has nothing to do with truth or lies. It is has everything to do with our perception of that person and the…
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Is age really a problem when it comes to dating? How old is too young? How old is too old? Is there actually an answer, or just our own personal opinions? When seen on the television that a man of…
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Falling in love is one of life’s greatest mysteries. No one really knows how it happens. Is it simply a reaction to a physical attraction or perhaps a response to kindness and attention from a friend of the opposite sex?…
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“Hi, do you come here often”…seriously…don’t even go there! If there is a girl you think you might be interested in dating, if you find you have an opportunity, go up to her and introduce yourself and try to start…
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Los Angeles, California, 2009. Single female in her 30s. Let me repeat that… SINGLE FEMALE IN HER 30s. In a city of 9 million people, you would think that finding an eligible male would not be so difficult. It is….
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Relationships take a lot of work and sometimes we make mistakes. In most cases, we learn from them and move on. But some of us tend to repeat these mistakes for whatever the reason may be. Some of the time…
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I received many raised eyebrows when I expressed my personal view that moving in together before marriage is often not the best idea. Sure, I have heard many arguments ranging from “How do you know if your partner is right…
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Can you trust someone a 100% Yes, and no I think you can trust some one, one hundred percent. When you first start off. That’s when they show you things and ya’ll have things in coming. That’s why I believe…
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“Nice guys finish last” is a statement that every man, who has been rejected by a female, has murmured. While being nice is a preferable quality to have, this phrase is a self-imposed sentence to perpetually single lifestyle. “Nice Guys”…
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Dating is usually the first process that couples go through before they decide to get married or live together. Dating usually happens because two people are attracted to each other but in order for a meaningful relationship to build, there…
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When women are forming relationships with men, they are quite often dealing with a great amount of emotion. There is excitement, happiness, joy, and love being felt. There may also be some fear, insecurity, and trepidation. The woman may begin…
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Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but out of sight, can also mean, out of, mind. So which words of wisdom will ultimately prevail in a long distance relationship? If the amore, that is away, is truly genuine, then the…
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