Janet Henderson
June 18, 2015
How do you marry a millionaire? Many women-and some men-would probably like an answer to that question, especially since the economy is in a down turn. Unfortunately, there are no simple answers. I haven’t married a millionaire yet, but I have dated several, so I can…
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Victoria Tiegert
June 18, 2015
When you meet a man and a lengthy romance blossoms, there is likely to come a time that you him sans clothing, all natural, naked as a jaybird. It is important for a woman to understand the fragility of a…
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Marcus Emery
June 17, 2015
How to get things rolling on a first date? Bowling. Even if neither of you has ever bowled; I recommend it. Bowling seldom gets “rained out” so there goes that excuse for backing out. The decibel level is variable, but…
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Victoria Tiegert
June 16, 2015
Most people have been there…that first date crossroads where you feel the chemistry and have to decide whether or not you’re going to act on it and have sex. This decision can be made quite a bit more difficult if…
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Barbara FeliceHowarth
June 16, 2015
First dates can be both exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. There are so many questions running through your mind like what you are going to wear and how much of yourself you want to reveal. In my…
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Sharon Brook
June 16, 2015
For most of us who aren’t familiar with the term speed dating, it may come across as some sort of variation of Olympic sporting activity. Actually, speed dating is becoming the newest and hottest trend in the world of dating…
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Matt Bird
June 16, 2015
The first date is all-important if you’re aiming for a lasting relationship. Like any good first impression, this initial foray into the world of intimacy with another person can make or break your entire future history with them, because at…
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Matt Bird
June 16, 2015
Ah, the ever-important first date. Most of the singles out there yearn for it: and then, when they get on it, many of them try to take things too far, too fast. The vast majority of time all this will…
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Anna Hofman
June 16, 2015
A first date is NOT about how far you go, it is about seeing a side of someone you wouldn’t see in the workplace or around his/her friends. If you are male, don’t push for sex and don’t even hint…
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Matt Bird
June 16, 2015
Uh oh. You’ve taken a girl on a date to a fancy restaurant, you’ve ordered something really expensive, and now, sitting and waiting for your food and trying to make conversation, you’ve discovered that the girl isn’t paying attention to…
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Jennifer Eblin
June 16, 2015
There’s an old saying that you never talk about politics or religion on a first date. Others have adjusted this to include other things like exes, jobs and other personal information. By the time you take into account all the…
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Victoria Tiegert
June 16, 2015
First dates can be filled with uncomfortable moments. Here you sit, with someone you really don’t know from Adam, and you are supposed to let your hair down and have a nice evening together. One of the most uncomfortable moments…
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Aeryka Rae
June 16, 2015
The best first date conversation starters are the ones that got a couple to initiate the first date in the first place. Interest just doesn’t begin with a ‘first date’. There needs to be an attraction to begin with: an…
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P Reddy
June 16, 2015
A first date is a way to get to know somebody without the pressure of expectations of a relationship weighing down on either of you. However sometimes that is easier said than done. What will make a man run after…
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Matt Bird
June 16, 2015
Having trouble connecting with your dates? Are you getting dates at all? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. There are tons of desperate singles out there looking to find that special someone, and unfortunately many of them don’t make…
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Liyah M.
June 16, 2015
Now, imagine yourself out with somebody new (or simply new to date you) and think about how you can spark their interest, maybe simply get them talking. One thing you shouldn’t do is ask about their personal life too quickly….
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Betty Blake
June 16, 2015
Conversation is very important on a first date. This will allow you to acquire a glimpse into one’s personality, character and values of your date. It will allow you to determine if you have enough in common in order to…
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Nixie Lynn
June 16, 2015
Do yourself a favor and don’t go ask them what a ten tonne polar bear weighs just to “break the ice”. You are not going to do well with a stranger if you use lines on them, so save it….
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Linda Sajiw
June 16, 2015
We have so many rules. Dating is highly over rated. Do you want a friend as well as a lover that is a partner for life. If you do then you might agree that we need to change the concepts…
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Todd Daigneault
June 16, 2015
Conversation, language and what we say to each other, can carry a huge impact, especially in a first date situation. Choose your words oh so carefully, for you may not get a second chance. But before you proceed to what…
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Shaheen Darr
June 16, 2015
Here is a list of points that impress most girls so here goes: Communication: In order to impress a girl you have to be able to communicate with her at any level. Girls like to talk about issues that matter…
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Bobby Coles
June 16, 2015
First dates are extremely awkward socially, and conversations tend to be difficult to start. When you are out on a first date, try and loosen up and relax, and let the conversation flow freely by starting off with a few…
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Chris Englert
June 15, 2015
Going on a first date requires you to do your homework first. If you were in sales, you wouldn’t present your product to a potential customer without understanding the needs and wants of the customer? Therefore, treat your first date…
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June 15, 2015
Mistakes that will send him running after the first date are various and depend on what kind of person you are. There is always a question what he is also looking for. Remember, it is not the end of the…
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Ronnie Duarte
June 15, 2015
Since the dawn of mankind, men have always wanted to impress women. Whether it’s to court her, to marry her, or simply to charm her into bed with you, one must not forget the key is impression. To be able…
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Victoria Tiegert
June 15, 2015
There is little in life that produces more excitement than a first date. What accompanies that excitement, however, is one of the worst cases of nerves that most people will ever experience. Anxiety sets in before the date even starts…
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Effie Moore Salem
June 15, 2015
Why would anyone would want to ask a complete stranger on a date? but since the question has come up, surely there are ways to get an introduction to someone you would like to date. If you are a male…
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Karen Chaffee
June 15, 2015
It is a universal worry where first dates are concerned: what should we talk about? No one looks forward to awkward spaces of silence. Equally uncomfortable is the struggle to think of interesting things to discuss, or the worry that…
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Emily Cathcart
June 15, 2015
Have you had a first date recently? Was it successful? Clearly the word “successful”, when applied to a first date, would have more interpretations than there are recipes for barbecue sauce. Does a successful first date necessarily mean a promising…
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Effie Moore Salem
June 15, 2015
Knowing what to talk about on a first date depends on how the two of you met. If you have friends in common you can start out by mentioning them and how important they are in your life. Be positive,…
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