Gloria Edmonson Nelson
June 19, 2015
Fear of committing is a very sad way to live one’s life. You miss out on a lot of shared happiness when you suffer from this phobia. When you are consumed with this fear; you spend more time “running from…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
June 19, 2015
FALLING IN LOVE WITH A MARRIED MAN I have worked as a private relationship expert, life coach and therapist for many years. It is rarely the married man who gets upset when a woman falls in love with him, it…
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Elyse Williams
June 19, 2015
Tips for salvaging a blind date It’s not going well. He’s glancing at his watch. You have excused yourself to the bathroom about five times since you sat down at the table. Conversation has run out and you still have…
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Tammy Sandeen
June 19, 2015
There are several factors that can keep a woman from committing. One of the first things to look at is the age of the woman. If a young (at least in mind) woman wants to explore the world a bit…
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Gloria Edmonson Nelson
June 19, 2015
When people use excuses repeatedly; they are just that into you. Everyone has emergencies but not all the time. If they do, then something is wrong with the way they are living their lives, and you should not want to…
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Janet Farricelli CPDT-KA
June 19, 2015
In order to understand why spring is the time for love, it is sufficient to simply look at nature surrounding you for plenty of examples. There are an abundance of cues sent by mother nature suggesting that this is the perfect time…
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Pamela Gentry
June 19, 2015
When it comes to love and the opposite sex, it can often be hard to find the words to express how we feel about this individual in our life. Being in their presence makes our blood race and our heart…
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Todd Daigneault
June 19, 2015
For women, a fear of commitment could come from just having a bad marriage or relationship. Sometimes, deep down there can be deeper issues, like a male role model in their lives, such as a father, uncle, older or younger…
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June 19, 2015
It is an art and some males and females are experts without attending a course on it. You can’t force anyone to love you but you certainly can get some people to fall in love with you. There are people…
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Julie A. Wein
June 19, 2015
For the first five months i was with my future husband, we were in a long distance relationship. This kind of relationship is not easy, but it can work as long as both partners are willing to work for it….
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Ms. Glenda Rodgers
June 19, 2015
The Reality of Love is a complex, yet simple idea. We all have unrealistic expectations, where love is concerned. The problem is, we seek someone, to fill a void in our life. To truly love someone, we must love our…
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Maria Gordon
June 19, 2015
Expressing your love and feelings for someone is a big deal. It is definitely not to be taken lightly. When coming from your heart saying “I love you” can be a wonderful thing. It can lift someones spirits, show that…
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Todd Daigneault
June 19, 2015
Certainly, love can grow cold…It can start like an inferno, and end in cold, soggy ashes. The reasons for this are many, but some of the main reasons are too much separation, too much time apart from each other. Sometimes…
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Shelly Barclay
June 19, 2015
The spring is sometimes referred to as “the time for love.” While it may not literally be ‘the’ time for love, it sure does seem like a good time to fall in love or to be with the person you…
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Terry Marsh
June 19, 2015
True love can be found all around us. One of the profound truths of life is that true love need not be found, since it has never been lost. The problem is that far too many people search for love…
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Ashlyn Harden
June 19, 2015
Lust is when a person has a strong sexual desire for someone. Love is feeling romantic and most of the time, sexually attracted to someone who is important to you.How can you make the difference between love and lust ?…
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Dagny Roth
June 18, 2015
Why does love fade? Where is the prince charming or princess I thought I knew? A perplexing symptom which targets most couples at some point in their career of togetherness. Let’s explore why this happens. The most important relationship advice…
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Ruby Ernica Samy
June 18, 2015
He loves me …..He loves me not, He loves me ….. He loves me not? An extremely difficult question? Sometimes knowing if you are in love is tough and finding out if the other person loves you is tricky too….
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Das Govind
June 18, 2015
It is very easy for a guy to make a girl love him. All he has to do is show her that he really cares about her. This is pretty easy, because most girls will stick to a guy who…
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Christine Ha
June 18, 2015
There is a soulmate for everyone. Maybe you won’t spend the rest of your life with them, maybe all you had was a fleeting glance but in that fleeting glance, you see the mirror of your identity and the destiny…
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Angela S. Young
June 18, 2015
“Can’t buy me love, money can’t buy me love…” This line from a Beatles song says it all. Love, the real kind is above being bought. Who doesn’t want to find love? We all love being loved and many love being…
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Farzana Khan
June 18, 2015
What is unconditional love? But what is love in the first place? Love is a strong feeling of passion towards someone else. Unconditional love is when you are able to accept the other person with any flaws that they carry….
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Soothing Your Soul With My Voice
June 18, 2015
Can love grow cold? I believe so. So many nights I wait for my husband to come to me with lust in his eyes, but for a long time, it’s only routine. Is it that we grew apart as the years…
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Yew Baneberry
June 18, 2015
Sex. Sex. Sex. It seems that nowadays sex is everywhere. Life has become a hectic race and sex is a major part of that race. To answer “How much sex is too much” you have to look at the person…
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Sandra Canil
June 18, 2015
Synonymous with love, spring is a period of renewal. Shaking off the winter chills, it brings us feelings of refreshment and reawakening. Our feelings mirror much of what nature is unveiling. The blooming, budding and blossoming of the season create…
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Martine Pauwels
June 18, 2015
If love spells really worked, people would never end up broken hearted. Eventough you might not really believe much in it, as teenagers some performe some kind of “innocent” ritual for finding or prince charming. This is a game that…
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Joanna Fletcher
June 18, 2015
Spring is the perfect time for love! The days are longer and brighter, the nights are warmer and softer, and flowers are bursting into bloom. The whole world seems to be moving into party mode and you’d be a fool…
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Lj Jaime Cordle
June 18, 2015
Loving Someone Who Does Not Deserve Your Love. This observer is 70 years old. He has loved lots of people in many different ways. In order to address the topic, I must first ask: What is ‘love’? Are we to…
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Shelly Barclay
June 18, 2015
The dynamic of long-distance relationships is somewhat different from that of “normal” relationships. There is often very little physical contact, unless you are one of the lucky few who are able to visit your long-distance lover regularly; there has to…
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Joanna Fletcher
June 18, 2015
Spring is the ideal time to fall in love; it’s a fresh start for the whole world. The spring sunshine beckons us outside, where girls are wearing sandals and dresses again, and boys are breaking out the shorts and sunglasses to…
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