Crisis Support
Tamar Brady
September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
I am a survivor of domestic abuse as are my two children. I married the man of my dreams and loved him appropriately. I had two beautiful sons. I had a secret too. My husband was abusing me in a…
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G. Schettino
September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
Living in Domestic Violence Changes Who You Are The effects of being raised in a home where domestic violence and abuse are a daily occurrence, last a lifetime for the children raised in these homes. Any fear I’ve encountered in…
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JoAnne Windsinger
September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
When Someone You Love Loses a Child. Losing a child is probably the worst experience one can go through. It is a devastating, life-altering event. People who never experienced it seldom understand how horrible it is and how much strength…
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Leslie Coleman
September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
Break the cycle. Adult children of domestic violence will either battle the demons associated with this category of child abuse, or fall victim to the continuing cycle. When we consider that the child is powerless during these violent episodes, confined…
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Laurie Childree
September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
Life takes many turns along the way and there are things that we think we will never survive. When we do we are shocked beyond belief. There are things that we saw coming and things that when we look back…
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Nicole Frey
September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
When my son was 9 months old he got a nasty eye infections, which caused his eye and the area around it to turn red and swell up. We took him to his doctor and received medication for it, and…
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Ted Sherman
September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
There is no absolutely correct answer to this question. Each case, especially at the end of a very old patient’s life, has to be decided by the family and/or the patient. My wife and I, now in our 80s, have…
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Callista Meyer
September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
I could not imagine losing one of my children to death, but i am fully aware that it occurs. Speaking from a not so personal opinion i would believe the parents may want some time alone to grieve their loss…
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Karen Story
September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
Heebie-Geebies “Go on Karen” Momma said as she pushed on my back with the palm of her hand. “Go on up the steps and give your Great Uncle Ed a kiss goodbye” she pushed a little harder as I stumbled…
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Belinda Brown - 426963
September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
Physical domestic abuse is recognized and is now dealt with harshly within the legal system in Australia, but the darker side of domestic violence is emotional abuse. Sadly, it is not being recognized for it’s brutality within a relationship. Emotional…
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Danelle Karth
September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
Facing the death of a child is something that no parent should have to deal with, but sadly this world isn’t perfect and many do. It causes grief, anger, depression, and a whole host of feelings many can’t even begin…
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Alapaki Gomes
September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
I am a survivor of child abuse. I have known the nights, up waiting in fear, hoping beyond hope that my father would end up staying at a friend’s house rather than come home. I have known what it is…
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Penny B
September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
Sadly, we’re just not doing well enough in protecting our children from sexualpredators. Even one more child who must endure such a horrendous act is one too many. There are too many predators walking amongst us, and unfortunately, we just…
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Holly M.
September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
Your childhood past is like your mentally life-long baby blanket; you can go to it, hold it in time of need, and think back on all the times it never failed you. When people are stressed, exhausted by the hustle-and-bustle…
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September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
Suffering is a very personal thing. Pain takes a toll on everyone and may make the difference between being willing to fight a named ailment or giving up. If one has a desire to end their own suffering, the family…
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Meghan R. Coleman
September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
How to prevent domestic violence. There are ways? There are many precautions to take, such as “stay away from people like that”. Many of the people that commit violence acts do not wear it on their sleeve. Even if you…
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Faith Gonzalez
September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
As April’s National Child Abuse Prevention month draws to a close, I am reminded that many infant and child deaths are preventable and are not caused by abuse but by neglect. Neglect caused by parents who can be tired, forgetful,…
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Sharon Lea Hill
September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
Home Funeral or Funeral Home? You have the right to choose how to bury your loved one. Before the 20th Century, funerals for loved ones occurred at home. Families could find closure by staying with their loved ones, saying their…
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Laura Leigh Fields
September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
There are many different forms of grief. Death, divorce, break-ups, and our children are a few common examples. The symptoms and situations vary yet it all hurts just the same. No matter what your relationship is with a person be…
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Tere Scott
September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
Statistics on miscarriage vary. The most common sources say that approximately 1 out of every 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage. But, because many losses occur before a positive pregnancy test is used, some statistics imply that as many as 40-60%…
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Victoria Tiegert
September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
Coping with grief when a loved one has been lost is very difficult. It can be made easier by the love and support of caring friends and family members. When someone that we care about is going through the various…
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September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
At one time, an honorable death was something to be coveted. Now, with medical breakthroughs and technological advances, death can sometimes be prolonged far past the point where nature would have intervened. Now the question is, should we hold on…
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Jamie Yeager
September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
There is no perfect fix or special remedy to heal someone who is dealing with the loss of a loved one. Sometimes you feel like you can’t make it through the day, and the last thing you want to hear…
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Rebecca Hartin
September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
There are no words that can be comforting enough, nor are there any specific remedies on how each of us deal on a personal level with the news of a loved one’s passing. Some people may never actually fully heal…
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Miranda Rhuda
September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
Death comes with no warning, it heeds no notice. It just comes and takes our loved ones away. We struggle to understand. We struggle to find comfort. We struggle to cope. It is not easy to say goodbye. This is…
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John Huetteman
September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
Removal of the end of life counseling requirement from the health care bill has made headlines recently due to health-care reform. Should the bill pass without such a requirement, this could prove to be counter-productive since planning for the end…
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Sarah Williams
September 30, 2015
Crisis Support
In a perfect world, our family, the people closest to our hearts and our minds, would know our wishes and would fulfill those wishes without regard to their own feelings…unfortunately, this is often not the case, either because families truly…
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Pam Sal
September 29, 2015
Crisis Support
I have to answer Yes to that question. I strongly believe that when people are dying they go through there own transformation almost like a metamorphosis. Sometimes, it is hard for people that do not believe in the next life,…
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Donna Rayne
September 29, 2015
Crisis Support
I have had my share of coping with trauma and isn’t it odd that sometimes it hits us one right after the other? First for me, I got injured at work, was bedridden for about 5 months or so, suffered…
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Jason Ray France
September 29, 2015
Crisis Support
1) Let it flow. You are hurting, and there will always be a void. Peace and healing will come in time. It’s a process. Allow yourself to experience whatever emotions that you feel. It’s not healthy to hold it in….
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