Crisis Support


In today’s world the idea of stepping in to help our fellow man has become something that many are very cautious about. After all, most of us have heard news stories where someone helped out and was later charged or…
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Funeral Ideas

Sending flowers is the most popular way of showing respect when someone dies. It is a thoughtful gesture and will likely continue. However some people want to find different ways to show their respects and help out the deceased family…
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People choose to be cremated for different reasons. Some believe that cremation is the least expensive way to dispose of their earthly remains. While this may have been true at one time a price check at the local funeral home…
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Misery loves company.  When your partner is depressed, it can be pretty depressing for you, too.  In order to cope, you need to come up with strategies not only to get help for your partner, but to cope with it yourself.  This isn’t…
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