Crisis Support
Louise Christensen
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
Education and consistent laws are the primary way to address domestic violence. Education must start in the community because people caught in the trap of domestic violence are not able to teach their children anything different until they escape their…
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Briar Miller
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
The effects of childhood abuse do not go away simply through the passing of time. In fact, the problems can be compounded and reinforced over and over again. Only when a survivor starts consciously working with them can they be…
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Lyn Michaud
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
Grieving comes naturally to most people. Any loss or change can result in emotional upheaval and a wish for everything to remain the same. While the process is similar for every person, each individual’s experience feels unique. Hearing unproductive advice…
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Rosemary Redfern
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
Emotional abuse is not at first obvious, either to the recipient or others. This is especially so if the victim has low self esteem and does not expect to be respected and this usually comes from emotional abuse. It is…
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Debbie Robus
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
I am not making this up. When my friend’s father passed away, someone walked up to him at the cemetery and said, “It’s going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better.” I still can’t believe someone could…
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Stefani Christenot
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
I have two sisters, in fact we are all the same age. Yes, we are triplets. But what I want to share with you is what our relationship has been like for the past few years. In the beginning, we…
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Victoria Tiegert
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
Honoring a mother who has done very little to earn even respect is a challenge, to say the least. A mother who has been abusive to you is one that you probably harbor anger and resentment towards. Maybe you haven’t…
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Emily Dent
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
The damaging scars of child abuse can remain hidden on the inside for years to come. You may have suffered from physical, emotional, or psychological affliction, one or all of them will still find a way to abuse your future relationships. All the pain…
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Tami Beck
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
Though we grieve when we lose a loved one, most people understand that death is a natural part of life. We might feel the void left when a grandparent or parent dies, but we know that death is part of…
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Joseph Scott
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
Women are just as capable of abuse as men. Just ask Genene Jones, Beverley Allitt, and Andrea Yates. Whether it be Munchhausen’s, or just straight rage, women can be surprisingly vicious. For example, the 1990s flick, “Misery” based off of…
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Jane Allyson
April 20, 2014
Crisis Support
Grief is something that we will all experience at some time in our life. We all deal with the process in our own individual way. Understanding the process of grief and the various stages that we must all go through,…
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Angie Lewis
April 20, 2014
Crisis Support
There Are Four Main Ways Couples Verbally Abuse Each Other – Some of us will never learn how to communicate our thoughts and feelings properly. Instead we go on a rampage and say things we mostly don’t mean to say,…
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Renee Morgan
April 20, 2014
Crisis Support
Growing up, I was always told that you should mourn the birth of a person and rejoice their death. With this being said, no, you should not morn the dead. The way it was explained to me was as follow;…
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Melissa Crossley
April 20, 2014
Crisis Support
The Cycle of Abuse is exactly what is says. Don’t make the mistake that this cycle pertains solely to those that are immediately involved in the abuse, it also applies to the children who watch it time and again. Breaking…
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Todd Daigneault
April 20, 2014
Crisis Support
The effects of domestic violence on adult children can be quite extreme. With adult children, it can generate incredible anxiety and stress to watch their mom or dad suffer abuse. They may be desperately trying to get them away from continuing harm and…
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Joseph Scott
April 20, 2014
Crisis Support
At four years old, I guess it could be concluded that I was a normal young boy who loved riding his bike with his friends, playing in jungle gyms and fishing with my dad. I wasn’t really much of a…
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Janine Forrester
April 20, 2014
Crisis Support
When children lose a loved one through death. Loss of Parent or sibling (Are you prepared just in case) People generally know it is important to have a will and life insurance, but something that is not thought about often…
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Katherine Mitchell
April 20, 2014
Crisis Support
Well I’m glad he’s not hitting me Emotional abuse can be just as painful as physical abuse. Without the bruises or contusions, Often there are very few distinctions between the two. First of all, let’s define abuse. It is a…
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April 20, 2014
Crisis Support
The family of a patient on life support would want to hold on to him forever, no matter what the consequences are. They are willing to suffer emotionally with him just to see him alive, even if he is physically…
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Jenna Pope
April 20, 2014
Crisis Support
Thirty percent of men and women who were abused as children will become abusers as adults. What happens to the other 70%? Most of them will become victims. • Abuse: Major Cause of Injury to Women Battering is the major cause…
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Claudia Bedwell
April 20, 2014
Crisis Support
While dealing with death, you need strategies for coping with the passing of a loved one. My coping skills were therapy sessions with my psychologist, having something to look forward to, and doing something new. All three helped me to…
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Christine Sandor
April 20, 2014
Crisis Support
Time, patience, unconditional love and above all refraining from judgment, are the keys to helping anyone through the grief process. It is in our nature to rush to the side of family and friends when there is a significant loss…
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David Brown - 226423
April 20, 2014
Crisis Support
Abusive relationships come in all types. What is not expected is the fact that most relationships unfortunately ended up in ruin because the parties to the relationship sometimes will rush into bigger and greater things that neither were ready for….
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Krystal Nguyen
April 20, 2014
Crisis Support
The death of a loved one can be a traumatic time for everyone not just those who are close to the person who has passed. It is important to understand how delicate of a matter it may be. You will…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
April 20, 2014
Crisis Support
Arranging a funeral is always difficult. It’s very hard because it comes at a time when acceptance of the death has not yet set in. Loss takes time to absorb. Talking about caskets and choices may seem terribly distasteful but…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
April 20, 2014
Crisis Support
The challenges of being a widow are many. When the bottom drops out of your world with the loss of a spouse, it’s not easy to pick up the pieces. As the days pass after the death, there will be…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
April 20, 2014
Crisis Support
Widows and widowers have a huge burden to bear. The death of a spouse is an experience that equates to nothing else. The person they chose to live out the rest of their days with has gone. This isn’t a…
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Laura Hinds
April 20, 2014
Crisis Support
Coping with bereavement is one of the hardest things that we, as human beings, have to do in life. Yet there are certain steps that you should follow in order to make things as easy as you possibly can for…
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Matt Bird
April 20, 2014
Crisis Support
Death is seldom a light subject to deal with. Nor should it be – this is the passing of somebody you knew and presumably loved, after all, a passing that will separate the two of you for the rest of…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
April 20, 2014
Crisis Support
Everyone suffers grief at some stage in their lives though no one is ever prepared. Grief is the unspoken problem that is only faced up to through necessity. Unfortunately, this “sweeping under the carpet” of something so fundamentally important doesn’t…
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