Crisis Support
Amanda Banning
June 7, 2014
Crisis Support
Should rape victims be interviewed by members of the same sex? We, as a society, have come to see around us that the standard stereotyping of “the good guys” and the bad guys” has crossed all gender, racial, and ethnic…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
June 7, 2014
Crisis Support
No matter how many friends you have there will probably be a time when a close friend comes to you asking you for help. They are going through a crisis, they are at their wit’s end, they do not know…
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Hopefully Helpful
June 7, 2014
Crisis Support
How do you begin to help someone pick up the pieces of a bad past that has shattered their life and probably those who loved them? It takes compassion, patience, understanding; and the ability to not judge them for making…
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David Clark - 670733
June 7, 2014
Crisis Support
You find yourself in the following situation: at a club, bar, restaurant, on the street, or at home, someone grabs one or both of your wrists. The grip is tight, and they may or may not be pulling on you….
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Kimberly Hagen
June 7, 2014
Crisis Support
There is a new campaign here in Britain showing pictures of women wearing big jewelery, short skirts and flirting with men, with the slogan “This is not an invitation to rape me!” Have a scenario. A pretty girl, just turned…
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Thom W. Conroy
May 4, 2014
Crisis Support
Suicide-related behavior in the elderly may be more prevalent than most of us think, and often times the symptoms go unrecognized to family members and friends. Collectively as a society, we tend to view Senior Citizens as that strong founders…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
April 27, 2014
Crisis Support
The idea of a child having to go through abuse from an adult is abhorrent. It’s an uncomfortable subject for a book, which certain writers have cashed in on as a means to win the sympathy vote from readers. In…
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Melody Landeros
April 27, 2014
Crisis Support
“The next place that I go will be so quiet and so still that the whispered song of sweet belonging will rise up to fill the listening sky with joyful silence and with unheard harmonies of music made by no…
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Timiarah A. Camburn
April 22, 2014
Crisis Support
Emotional abuse occurs when one person chips away at another’s self esteem, confidence, sanity, and emotions with intent to either destroy or control them. Emotional abuse is usually learned from the individual from a parent or another person who may…
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Linda Cann Pearson
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
Domestic violence most typically occurs when one person in a relationship seeks to control and manipulate the other. The National Center for Victims of Crime defines domestic violence as “the willful intimidation, assault, battery, sexual assault or other abusive behavior…
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Zahra Hamdani
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
“Domestic abuse” is a term that you may have heard on the evening news or on a courtroom drama, but you may not know the true facts about this dilemma. In fact, numerous myths surround domestic abuse, a term that…
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April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
Domestic violence can have detrimental effects on the way you develop as a person. If not handled properly, it can essentially ruin your relationships with others, or at best case, create serious damage. At workplace, those effects may even cost…
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Cathy Kaufman
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
Abuse in any form can be difficult to detect. The natural instinct for any person regardless of age, is to hide abuse. For children, this is especially true, mainly because they have been told not to tell. As one…
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Jessica Rangel
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
Physical abuse can happen in just about any type of relationship. There are a variety of warning signs that can lead a person to question if an individual is in an abuse relationship, and if they are getting seriously hurt….
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Linda Cann Pearson
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
Children who live in homes with the presence or potential for domestic violence are often at high risk of becoming victims of child abuse, frequently by a parent lacking the necessary parenting skills or by a parent involved in his…
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Michele Mathews
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
If you have been the victim of abuse, you know your self-esteem has been sufficiently lowered from the abusive words and the physical hits. Rebuilding your self-esteem can be done, but it will take time on your part. With these…
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Elaine M. Doxie
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
Domestic abuse is a big problem in American today. Many people claim to be against abuse in any form, but when it comes down to actually doing something about it, they either cannot identify it, or just don’t think it…
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Jessica Rangel
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
For any person that has ever been the victim of domestic violence, it can be easy to see how handling this problem can affect other parts of their lives. Domestic violence is not only a problem but a serious offense…
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April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
Child abuse is an unfortunate event that can scar children for life. It is very difficult to help children get through this, therefore it is highly recommended to learn the risk factors that contribute to child abuse, in an attempt to…
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Timiarah A. Camburn
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
Physical abuse occurs when a partner, parent, or another individual uses his/her physical strength in order to intimidate another human being into staying and/or obeying. Physical abuse mostly occurs in romantic relationships but does exist in other types of relations….
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Aanya Rose
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
What to do if a woman you know is abused Typically when someone hears that a woman is suffering from abuse, they want to step in and “rescue” her or solve the problem. This is not always the best solution,…
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Charlotte Maine
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
When it comes to Domestic Abuse, the hardest decision you can make is to finally walk away. I say finally because generally the turmoil of thoughts and emotions attached to the decision making process, coupled with the hope generated from…
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Victoria Tiegert
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
There are many different types of abuse, but no matter what form abuse takes, it is always demeaning, degrading, and devastating to the victim. While physical abuse can be much more obvious to see the signs and effects of, the…
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Stefani Christenot
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
We can stop domestic violence no matter what the local news may say. We don’t need to see the statistics. We need to be making a choice when it comes down to hostile family members. I have dealt with one…
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Mona Gallagher
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
Most people think of home as a safe place, a haven that protects from the elements, and a place where families meet their challenges with reason. Conflict is a natural part of human interaction and this is certainly true within…
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Victoria Tiegert
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
Being an abuse survivor is often challenging, as is being married to one. For most, if not all, who were abused during childhood, there are many effects that linger on far into adulthood, many times for the rest of their…
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Victoria Tiegert
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
There is no doubt that sexual abuse is a terrible thing to go through, at any age, any gender, by any person. It is a destructive force that will come in and wreak havoc on the very soul of the…
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Debbie Springer
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
Abuse…why me? Abuse in a relationship it is not your fault,it isn’t something you said to have ticked him or her off,its not something you wore,it is them,they are the abusers they are the ones that are at fault, not…
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Can Tran
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
Every second that we exist on this earth, we may end up losing someone special. How do we lose them? It can be due to the following: natural causes, car accident, murder, line of duty, sickness, unfortunate event, and so…
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Ft Wells
April 21, 2014
Crisis Support
Causes of Family Violence Despite decades of research, family violence remains a public health concern, one carrying immense emotional, psychological, medical, and social costs. Moreover, recent studies indicate that the incidence of family violence remains extremely high with no indication…
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