Crisis Support
Can Tran
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
If and when a relationship fails, most people are going to feel very bad. Yes, this is a very emotional time of being. I myself am by no means an exception. Chances are, you may not be an exception that…
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Nikki Albert
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
When you have chronic pain eventually you will engage in negative thoughts and suicidal ideation. Generally, the state of depression itself sneaks up on us. For example, I rather do not like the label of depression, however I do engage…
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Rachel Torres
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
My refelections Mom Thank you for honoring my mother with your presence today. Many of you today have various memories of my mom. However, I beg to differ with anyone present if she wasn’t famous for this nickname given to…
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Vicki Phipps
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
To whom it may concern: Today as I write by the light of my magnified computer screen while blind as a bat and having a hot flash, my immune system is no longer working. This means that I might die…
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Marlin Bressi
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
These things I probably should have said when you were alive, but for whatever reason I never got the chance. On a cold winter night five years ago you decided to leave us behind, and I still can’t seem to…
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Can Tran
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
People can cry for many reasons. Perhaps these are tears of joy or tears of sadness? If these are tears formed out of sadness and sorrow, there are ways to stop people from crying these rivers of tears. However, I…
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Bethan Jones
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
The decision to reduce or stop self harm, or self injury, can be a very hard one to make. This article is designed to help you think about why you self harm and deal with those issues in order to…
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Sammie Joe
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
There are many topics in the world today that are avoided in discussion due to the labels that people insist on putting on each other. Suicide is just one of those topics. All to often people are ashamed or scared…
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Barbara Griffin
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
Rape is a brutal act against women, children and the elderly. It has reached beyond female victims to boys and men. The state of our society is in peril due to such perverted crimes which culminate from childhood abuse or…
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Victoria Tiegert
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
Life is filled with unexpected moments and events. There are so many things that we find ourselves unprepared for. If we are lucky, we avoid the most tragic of crises and catastrophes, but we may know people who aren’t so…
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Boxer Wyze
September 23, 2014
Crisis Support
Living with a stroke survivor and acclimating the rest of your family More and more people are surviving strokes these days due to improvements in detection and treatment of its various causes. This also means that more families are learning…
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Todd Daigneault
September 23, 2014
Crisis Support
Stalking, otherwise known as ‘criminal harassment’, has been classified as such in many regions, starting in the 1990’s. This terrible crime which has instilled fear in so many women (and men) has led to stronger punishments in the justice system…
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Sharon A. Walsh
September 23, 2014
Crisis Support
Stalking is more common and damaging than we realize. According to the national center for victims of crime, stalking commonly occurs in intimate relationships that are about to end. The statistics show that fifty nine percent of women and thirty…
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Kyle Bynum
September 23, 2014
Crisis Support
There are numerous actions that can be taken to get ready for sudden emergencies or situations. A number of disaters can be foreseen, but there are still some that occur unexpectedly. If the right plans and preparations are made, further…
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Ganelle Davis
September 23, 2014
Crisis Support
A caregiver position is a demanding and rewarding act of sacrifice simultaneously. Caregivers take on many roles in order to provide the care that is needed. The elderly and the sick and in-firmed reap the benefits from a caregiver. It’s…
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Lisa Piper
September 23, 2014
Crisis Support
Post traumatic stress disorder is an anxiety disorder that is caused by a traumatic event. It could have been physical such as being attacked, or emotional, such as being threatened. It also occurs in people that have seen something traumatic…
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Juanima Hiatt
September 23, 2014
Crisis Support
When PTSD Strikes I’ve been sitting here, trying to think of where to begin because PTSD doesn’t come on you like a common cold, causing discomfort and fatigue for awhile and then improves with chicken noodle soup and rest. No….
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Bethan Jones
September 23, 2014
Crisis Support
Self harm is not an easy thing to deal with. There is a huge stigma around mental health issues and self harm, and it’s not always easy to get help, much less stop, on your own. But opening up to…
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Cheryl Williams - 266697
September 23, 2014
Crisis Support
Some rape victims are irresponsible. Are all rape victims irresponsible? No. Does being irresponsible mean that a victim was “asking” to be raped? No…just as a person who leaves his keys in his car is not asking to have his…
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Vonda J. Sines
September 23, 2014
Crisis Support
It’s a support group unknown to most Americans. Launched in 1994, the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) provides assistance for the families of military personnel killed in Iraq or Afghanistan or while on other assignments. The organization seeks to…
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Valentine Logar
September 23, 2014
Crisis Support
There is no “best” option between these. There are only choices that a woman can make based upon a number of variables including; who she is at the time, what her personal belief systems are, what support she will have…
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September 23, 2014
Crisis Support
As that old tale talks about fishing for someone gives them a meal, teaching someone to fish, means they’ll never be hungry again. That is the simplest explanation of support versus taking over responsibility. Supporting someone should feel good to…
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Alberta Birkoff
September 23, 2014
Crisis Support
The resume of a mother provides a momentary glimpse in her life and of mothers around the world. Sometimes the word “mom” doesn’t quite sum up all of the multiple hats we don during the day. If you’re a mom,…
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Penny B
September 23, 2014
Crisis Support
How many times in you life, might you have said, “I just can’t live without you”?Sometimes the love for another person is so great, that when you find yourselfwithout them for whatever reason, you really feel as though your world…
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Sally Hall
September 23, 2014
Crisis Support
Depression in the elderly is often overlooked in our busy society. If the physician is not familiar with the patient, a short visit may not reveal any problems. When asked, a patient may not admit that he is depressed or…
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Chrissy Linn
September 23, 2014
Crisis Support
Adoption versus Abortion: The hardest decision any woman would have to make upon accidental or unwanted pregnancy.Everyone has their own choice between the two, and their own reasons behind their stance.If placed into a position, forcing me to choose whether…
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Victoria Dorain
September 23, 2014
Crisis Support
When you are depressed and there is no-one to indulge in you, no one to console you, to understand, to dismiss your moodiness and to soften your heart or to forgive, what do you do? It feels as if people…
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Angela Nuckles
September 23, 2014
Crisis Support
This debate will never have an end as long as America is a democracy. We have the right as Americans to choose how we live. Now with that being said, as humans, we will always think that if someone does…
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Angelique Reder
September 23, 2014
Crisis Support
This journalist is not a believer that Abortion should be legal. When the law was empowered that allowed Abortions to be legal there were no where near the amount of ways to protect against pregnancy as there is today. Many…
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avante guardian
September 23, 2014
Crisis Support
To a minimal degree perhaps. You can be prepared and take precautions, but if you are in the reach of a rapist, he will very likely try fulfill his vile addiction to power. First, rape isn’t about sex per say….
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