Crisis Support
Grace Angel
September 25, 2014
Crisis Support
Coping with the loss of someone that you love is one of the most emotional experiencees a person can ever have. Even if the person is not doing well health wise, it can be extremely difficult to emotionally recover when…
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Victoria Tiegert
September 25, 2014
Crisis Support
The death of a relative is never an easy thing to go through. There is a great deal of pain involved for the family members that are left behind to grieve the loss. The emotional toll is very heavy as…
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PS Gifford
September 25, 2014
Crisis Support
TOGETHER, FOR ETERNITY Two nights ago I went to bed as I always did. I took up a hot milky drink and a good book and as my wifedrifted into her dream world, I drifted into the imagination of thewriter….
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N. A. Green
September 25, 2014
Crisis Support
I never knew what kind of pain the loss of someone I hadn’t even met yet could cause me, until I had a miscarriage. What shocked me even more was how profoundly the loss would affect me, change me and…
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Christyl Rivers
September 25, 2014
Crisis Support
Is miscarriage a once upon a time story which could have a second chance for a happy ending, or a giant fairy tale in a bubble that never really had any reality to it at all? Our modern world is…
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Larry Gonzalez
September 25, 2014
Crisis Support
Like everything in our lives dealing with death is subjective. Is it traumatic? Devastating? Just one of those things that happen? Depending on who you ask, the answer will change from person to person. One thing that is not subjective…
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Steve Bro
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
When I was a little boy, I heard about dying. I was curious, fascinated, and I wanted to know more. My parents explained death to me as tactfully as possible. That night, I pondered it. The word which kept entering…
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Amanda Banning
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
While most people tend to think that tragic or catastrophic events will never happen to them, invariably the reality of being wrong catches us unprepared. Since we tend to believe in happy endings, we tend to think we will never…
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Amelia Randall - 546119
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
Unfortunately we all have to experience the loss of a loved one. There is no easy way to accept it and there is nothing we can do to stop it. It is something that can hit us at any time and…
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Grace Angel
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
Going through grief is never an easy for the average person process. There are many stages to the grieving process and each person will go through them at their own pace. When something tragic first happens, the natural reaction is…
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Joyce M. George-Knight
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
Children respond to the vibes they feel from others. Children also react to the facial and vocal expressions of the adults within whom they place their trust. The initial reaction of a child to seeing a dead person is to…
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Donna Hamlin
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
What to Avoid Saying to A Grieving Person My mother passed away after a long, difficult condition which left her beleaguered. I stood in the line at the wake and was surprised by how ill-equipped so many people are for…
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Jasline Qiu
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
Through the death of my father in a traffic accident a year ago, I have come to realise that there is no ‘formula’ through which we can follow to help us in ‘getting over it’. Different people have different ways…
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Grace Angel
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
Shipping the remains of person that you love after they have passed away can be difficult. You need to see what this is going to cost and also the specification of the shipping process. You should contact a local funeral…
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S A Dalton
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
Although death is an inevitable part of life, it’s a subject that many people go out of their way to avoid. No one wants to discuss a family member or loved one’s funeral. Just recently, I have chosen for my…
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Mark Downie
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
Sometimes in life we believe that we are alone simply because that is what our state of being is proving to us at the time. By believing and therefore accepting’ that we are alone, whether that be due to failures…
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S Reiter
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
Many of us truly believe that this only happens to other families, other situations, other towns, cities, countries. I was one of those people, our family was perfect in my eyes, healthy, happy children, good jobs, no divorce, just so blessed…
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Mari-Jo Layante-Cordova
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
Coping with grief after a loved one commits suicide is not easy. Powerful emotions are involved. It may create mixed feelings of pity and anger, sorrow and guilt to the bereaved ones. Worst, such tragic death may have disastrous effect…
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September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
When faced with a grieving person it is often hard to know what you should or should not say to them. You want them to know that it will be okay and eventually get easier. You also want to express…
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Tammy Mac Callum
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
It has happened to each and every one of us at some point in our lives. Perhaps it was your mother or father, your brother or your sister, your husband or your wife, even your child or a very close…
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Debora Spadafora
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
No one can be or should ever be considered irresponsible if they were raped. Rape is a violation against another human being. It is defined as sexual intercourse without consent. It’s a cruel face that wears many masks such as…
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Nancy Horton
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
Coping with loss for those who are grieving, such as family members, and friends; is truly something that is difficult for everyone who was close to the individual. And it goes without saying that it is an experience like no…
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Joe Allen Phd
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
DEALING WITH A LOSS-By Joe Allen,PhD Today I am attempting to demonstrate how to deal with grieving oversomeone near and dear to you. First we must examine the proximetyof such a grief-causing loss.Of course, most losses arrive at a time…
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Jake Betz
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
Death is the only thing in life that is inevitable. (Truly creative people, employing shrewd attorneys and brilliant accountants, can and do manage to successfully avoid paying taxes). How you leave this world says as much about you and how…
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Can Tran
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
In the wake of a heinous crime, the family members and others close victim are not the only ones suffering. At the same family members and others close to the perpetrators of the crime are also suffering. One could ask:…
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Elizabeth Bridgette
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
“He’s being cremated,” barked my mother. My father, the object of our discussion, sat by in his chair and quietly looked at me and shrugged. There was something in his eyes, his stare, that made me question the fierce decision…
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Victoria Tiegert
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
The death of a family member is never easy, but if you have been estranged from the relative that has passed, it is even more difficult. There are often feelings of guilt and regret that you weren’t able to make…
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Kaye Boss
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
Life is like a roller coaster ride; sometimes you are riding quickly up the path to where you want to go and sometimes you come racing back down the path, almost back to where you started. Sometimes it is relationships,…
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Suzanne Rose
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
There are few events as devastating as the loss of a parent. If your spouse has suffered such a loss, then you will want to do as much as you can to help him or her get through this time….
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Jennifer Wells
September 24, 2014
Crisis Support
Being estranged from your relative does not necessarily imply that there is love lost between the two parties, or sides (in cases where the family has lined up multiple members), but it always implies a great loss of communication. It…
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