Crisis Support
Angel Shrout
November 7, 2014
Crisis Support
You have just endured the loss of a loved one, where do you go from here. Everywhere you look something reminds you of them. Little snippets that draw your eye and find you getting misty eyed at the thought of…
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Author Name Withheld 61
November 7, 2014
Crisis Support
Being able to express tough love, whenever needed. There are times when being the best friend in your child’s life , will prove how great of a mom you are. It’s not a contest you try to win. Skills that…
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Angel Shrout
November 7, 2014
Crisis Support
Have you ever lost someone you were close to? A mother or father or grandparent? At some point in our lives we will all have to face the loss of someone we are exceptionally close to and it is going…
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Joseph Malek
November 7, 2014
Crisis Support
Without a doubt, the cremated remains of a loved one must be disposed of in a manner consistent with the wish and/or the request of the deceased. More ofter than not,such requests are included within the “Last Will and Testament.”…
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Dolly DeVonderland
November 7, 2014
Crisis Support
Self-injury is a hurting state to be in, and when someone you care about is or you suspect they may be injuring themselves, it can hurt you too. When someone you love reveals that they’ve recently cut into their arm…
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Laura Beth Caldwell
November 7, 2014
Crisis Support
Cremation is becoming an increasingly popular method of handling the remains of a deceased loved one. Not only is cremation a more economic choice, it also affords more options for funeral and memorial services as well as interment, more commonly…
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Todd Pheifer
November 7, 2014
Crisis Support
It isn’t as if taking self-defense classes are a poor decision. There are definitely bad people in the world today and unfortunately people get attacked every day. Rather than simply accepting an attack, some people choose to fight back and…
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Victoria Tiegert
November 7, 2014
Crisis Support
Self-injury is a very real issue today, especially among teens and young adults. When I found out that my daughter was cutting herself, I was shocked and devastated. My heart felt like it would break, as I tried to understand…
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Hanna M. Jagow
November 7, 2014
Crisis Support
Since the decision to cremate has probably been made by the deceased, most families will also follow the wishes of the person as to disposal of the remains. However, there are other cosiderations to be made for those left behind….
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Buffy Cranford
November 7, 2014
Crisis Support
The cremation process often occurs days after the funeral for your loved one. Determining a proper burial or resting place for the remains should honor the person who passed. Although some urns are masterfully crafted to adorn your fireplace, families…
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Vivianne Ellis
November 7, 2014
Crisis Support
Many times stopping a stalker begins with being able to say no at the first sign of them being persistent or annoying – and mean it. Many stalkers take advantage of most people’s habit of being ‘nice’ to everyone and…
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Victoria Tiegert
November 7, 2014
Crisis Support
This world is full of suffering, some of it occurring as a result of our own actions and some of it as a result of things that we have no control over. These sufferings that we have no control over…
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Victoria Tiegert
November 7, 2014
Crisis Support
Life doesn’t always come up roses and lemons don’t always make a nice, refreshing lemonade. This world is chock full of pain, from the couple who face the end of a relationship to a parent facing the end of a…
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Emme Setter
November 7, 2014
Crisis Support
Being a victim of rape is a horrific reality for many people, and deserve support and understanding while recovering from such a traumatic experience. This is not a topic even worth debating because rape is rape, regardless of the situation,…
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November 7, 2014
Crisis Support
Are some victims of rape irresponsible? I guess I don’t understand why people don’t see this. I admit I am not an expert in this, but neither am I blind. My opinion is based upon what I have seen. I…
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Catherine Perez
November 7, 2014
Crisis Support
It’s quite funny that this debate came up. I was discussing this very issue with some friends and emotions were running high. Before I really dig my teeth into this, I’d like to make something clear. Rape is for me…
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Victoria Tiegert
November 7, 2014
Crisis Support
There is nothing certain in this world but death and taxes, it is true, but there are ways that you can protect yourself from being a rape victim. The following ten rules are ones that everyone should follow to avoid…
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Kazlyn Bastone
November 7, 2014
Crisis Support
Suicide is a relevant topic in today’s world, and it certainly can not be avoided. Although many people try to avoid an awkward conversation over a human slitting his throat or shooting himself with a pistol in the head, it…
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Victoria Tiegert
November 7, 2014
Crisis Support
Obsessive thoughts, often which seem to come out of nowhere and have no logic, are typically a side affect of another problem rather than an actual problem in and of themselves. Anxiety disorders, which show themselves in the form of…
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Darke Serenity
November 7, 2014
Crisis Support
ABSOLUTELY NOT! The victims of rape are NOT and should NOT EVER be deemed irresponsible or at fault. More to the point, these “victims” as people and society have labeled these persons (whether they be male OR female) are just…
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Victoria Tiegert
November 7, 2014
Crisis Support
After spending years depending on my former husband for practically everything, from my self-esteem to my money, I was devastated when I learned that he was being arrested for some very serious crimes. Unbeknownst to me, the man I was…
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Pat Gray
November 7, 2014
Crisis Support
When I die, I will be cremated. I don’t choose cremation for religious reasons, or for strictly financial reasons, although cost is a factor. It may seem a bit depressing, but after my father died I started thinking about my…
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Victoria Tiegert
November 6, 2014
Crisis Support
Self-injury is a growing problem that is putting our youth especially in a high risk zone. It comes in many forms, with some of the most common being cutting, eating disorders, sleep deprivation, or drug/alcohol abuse. There are many other…
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November 6, 2014
Crisis Support
I’m a mother, a wife & a daughter/caretaker – preferably in that order. And nearly everyday I am overwhelmed by the demands that my caretaker position places on me. When my 2 year old daughter was ill and admitted to…
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patty smithe
November 6, 2014
Crisis Support
To understand PTSD you could do this. Imagine going through the day and being startled or panicked at least, ten times. Over simple everyday things like a car pulling up in the drive way. Or the dog barking. After these…
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Dee Cain
November 6, 2014
Crisis Support
The decision of abortion verses adoption as the best option should be a thought out process. I have known mothers who have opted for each side and the results have run a similar coarse. They have both agonized over their…
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Dale Sadler
November 6, 2014
Crisis Support
“Ask What, Not Why”One very difficult part of life is that we sometimes face tragedy. The unexpected death of a loved one, the loss of a job when your finances are strained, or a terrible health diagnosis can shake even…
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Ekamba Roland Oben
November 6, 2014
Crisis Support
CULTISM IN UNIVERSITY OF BUEA Rumour has been living with us about strange happenigs in the university of Buea campus,such as there is a point at the centre of the school where a live sheep was burried in an ocultic…
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Galen Daugherty
November 6, 2014
Crisis Support
Obsessive Thoughts……… The best way to deal with obsessive thoughts, is to start with where they come from, which is our old friend, Stress. All animals are born with the primitive Fight or Flight response, also known as “the acute…
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Kaitlyn Hamilton
November 6, 2014
Crisis Support
I’m sorry to say, but NO, you can’t prevent yourself from being a rape victim. There will always be violent, disgusting people in our society and no one can predict where or when they will attack. However, there are certain…
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