Crisis Support
Todd Daigneault
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
An abused victim is going to suffer horrendous emotional/psychological scars and signs of physical assault: bruising, scarring, broken bones, strained tendons and ligaments. The physical symptoms usually heal with little or no notice. But the emotional scars remain and they…
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Cleveland Dingle
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
I am a victim of child abuse by my father. He used to beat me so bad when I was a child, that if it was today – he would have long gone to jail. I was a little child…
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November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
You see a woman in an abusive relationship and ask yourself why she stays? There are a number of reasons why women do not get out of unhealthy relationships. Fear. Often abusers threaten to hurt or kill their victim or…
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Samantha Warner
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
Relationship abuse, otherwise known as domestic violence, is an epidemic in our society that many choose to ignore. Although women as well as men can be the abusers, most often it is the woman in a relationship who is the…
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Amber Gent
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
Domestic violence. It’s a term that shouldn’t be so common, yet it is. However, what many people don’t realize (women and men included-yes domestic violence happens to men too!), is that there are signs that every abuser displays BEFORE the…
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Summer Tyme
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
A toxin, as everyone knows is a poison. Poisons maim and kill the victim. A toxic relationship maims the people involved. If toxic enough, they may kill. Unlike poisons of a chemical nature, only the victims of a toxic relationship…
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Rene Johns
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
Sexual abuse effect’s victims in so many different ways. Moving on after abuse like this never holds a quick fix, for the most part it often takes years of forgiveness, first for self and then for the predator who in…
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Helen Stuart
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
It isn’t easy to leave an abusive man The first step in leaving an abusive man is to decide whether or not you are being abused. For some women this is difficult because they may be living in a cycle…
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Angel Shrout
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. In my family I would call it a generational curse of sorts. It has literally taken nearly all of my 40 years of life to completely realize the long term impact that…
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Natasha Ooh
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
It’s easy to justify hitting a child by saying you came from an abusive childhood. In fact it’s done often; in courts if you were to be questioned on the accusations of domestic violence and child abuse, and you replied…
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Jay Jones
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
I would agree that this is indeed a very touchy subject for everyone involved. I say this because in order for a relationship to succeed, a balance needs to be struck between the needs of both parties. Often times, it…
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Angelique Yvonne
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
Sadly in most cases it is easier and extremely likely that an abused person will stay in a bad relationship. Although it may not make sense to anyone that hasn’t ever experienced a bad relationship that was in fact abusive….
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Darla Betson
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
There are many forms of spousal abuse, some of us our unfortunate enough to have to deal with all types. I don’t know that I would say that a person can actually stay in an abusive relationship because I was…
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Aanya Rose
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
Common Myths About Verbal Abuse Most people think domestic abuse is a problem involving physical abuse or trauma only. This couldn’t be further from the truth however. Verbal or emotional abuse is often more prevalent and sometimes even more…
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Elaine M. Doxie
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
There comes a time in each abuse victim’s life, that they must choose to move from being a victim, to becoming a survivor. This is not as easy as it sounds, and they will often hear the words uttered, “don’t…
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Bridget Webber
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
Every now and then you may be unfortunate enough to become involved in a relationship which may be classed as being toxic for you. Just as you can suffer from toxic over-load via food, you can also take the brunt of a relationship…
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Amy Dunne
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
Abuse in lesbian relationships Domestic violence is still something of a taboo subject. When asked what domestic violence is, most people would answer when a man hits his female partner. There is a reason why this is the case and…
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Shannon Lane - 548132
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
Low self esteem is the ribbon that ties together an abusive relationship. One can only fee sympathy for people who in this situation because there is no easy answer. The people involved do not love themselves and find it very…
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Dr. Susanne Babbel
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
Escape Paralysis Many people wonder, “Why don’t kidnapping victims like Jacee Dugard try to escape when they have the chance? Why do they bond with their perpetrator?” Research shows that these behavioral patterns are typically experienced by sexually assaulted people;…
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November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
Strange how I was sitting here rating articles when this topic popped up on my screen just days after I found out my favorite brother-in-law was diagnosed with lung cancer, inoperable stage 3 lung cancer. My brother-in-law is one of…
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Kristy Ellen
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
Domestic violence is not just characterized by a woman being physically hurt. It entails mental, emotional, sexual and physical abuse by a man that is living in the home with her. It does not have to be her husband, it…
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November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
I am living proof of life after domestic violence. I survived nearly two years of being battered and verbally abused by a man I foolishly believed loved me. My story is not so different from others who have endured the…
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Victorious Heart
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
Domestic Violence-Prevention and awareness The woman asks her partner a simple question, needs to talk to her partner about his behavior towards her, or simply needs to discuss something that is important to her. The response she gets? Instant anger…
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November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
Abuse has occurred, charges were filed, a court date is set – and then the victim recants. This happens far too often. People who have never been in that situation can not understand why a victim would recant a story…
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Sarah Simpson
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
How to move on? Well this is what everyone is afraid of. But, I bet no one has ever thought how teen’s move on, after a death of a teen friend. Modren Relationship, BrokenAlthough everyone says to be “Careful” while…
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Cooper DeAngelo
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
A verbally abusive relationship is domestic violence. It’s a grave misconception one has to be physically beaten to ‘qualify’ as domestic violence. The word ‘violence’ itself also means rage, fierceness, profanation, (indicating wicked, crude, vulger, obscene, and mocking behavior.) So…
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Amanda Devlin - 399820
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
To me suicide is a selfish act. Now, I do understand that certain things happen in peoples lives and suicide is a “easy way out”. It is the fast street from reality because you don’t have to pick up any…
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Holly Rogers
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
There are many reasons why an individual would consider suicide as an option to end their suffering. Perhaps they have experienced a traumatic event, such as the loss of a loved one or a severe form of abuse. Perhaps they…
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Meena Menezes
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
FACING UPTO DEATH When the phone rings at 3am in the morning, you know it is not a social call and you are hoping it is a wrong number, but this time it wasn’t. All I could hear was sobbing…
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Karen Loudermilk
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
It is hard for anyone to understand, even the person going through it. No one wants to feel that way, we all want to feel normal. What is normal? Really, everyone has some problem and any one can get to…
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