Crisis Support
Author Name Withheld 61
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
The absolute most important thing anyone can do, is search their soul and pray for guidance. When doing so, you are making a positive step in making the right decision. When you pray, your reaching out to the person who…
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December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
I met this awesome man a little over two years ago. He was two and a half years clean. All it took is one needle, then two, then three. He was clean until he turned to his old friends. He…
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T.L. Winters
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
I was 17 years old when the Exorcist came out. The movie was supposedly based on true events. To an impressionable 17 year old, this was a documentary. It was one of the scariest things I ever saw. My brother…
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Rodney Harris
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
With very few exceptions, there is no justification for suicide whatsoever. Love lost would not ever be one of those exceptions. I will lay your questions to rest right now and say I believe the only justification for taking your…
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Kriti Rajkarnikar
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
Young and Energetic. Everything seems so good and correct in my life. A degree holder in technical field like architecture. A job in hand. Just married to the person you loved. Everything seems so right. Life like this is great!…
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Joy Mosenfelder
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
While it is true that rape survivors are often at their most vulnerable when they first choose to come forward after the crime assuming that a survivors ability to give testimony about what happened to him or her is dependent…
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marie almond
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
The choice to be cremated instead of a burial is a personal decision and there are many reasons one can come up to do one over the other. The first thing you should do is let it be known with…
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December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
“Finding Your Secret Place” My family and I were in a crisis. All we could do was pray and hope for the best. My daughter was missing. She was only thirteen at the time. Too young to be wandering inner-city…
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Bianca Hart
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
There are two basic reasons to choose traditional burial or cremation: religious beliefs and personal choice. Some cultures and religions forbid cremation, while in other cultures; cremation is the only method of burial. My mother is a devote Catholic and…
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Cassandra Wells
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
Article: Our family has been dealing with the separation from a husband and father as a result of him being convicted of a crime that has resulted in a prison term. Through this we have discovered there is not much…
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Sandra Piddock
December 14, 2014
Crisis Support
It doesn’t take guts to end it all – it’s the coward’s way out. Stay here and work it through. You owe it to yourself and everyone around you. ‘But I’ve got no friends,’ you may say. How many friends…
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Matthew J. Geiger
December 14, 2014
Crisis Support
Rape is a crime that tests the very limits of social justice; beyond murder, rape not only hurts a family and community, but inflicts suffering onto the victim for the rest her, or his life. From sexual assault to child…
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Holly Rogers
December 14, 2014
Crisis Support
Rape. It is a topic that will never get easier with time. Each time you share the recollections of the tragic event, it brings the memories back and the victim is swapped with emotion all over again. Many rape victims…
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Donald Courtney
December 14, 2014
Crisis Support
Cremation, Burial at Sea: I believe that everyone knows that cremation is the burning of a human corpse in a special furnace and the ashes put in an urn, buried or dispersed of in some other way. This practice began…
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Kaitlyn Hamilton
December 14, 2014
Crisis Support
There are many different types of emergencies that people face every day and we need to do our best to be prepared just in case. FINANCIAL EMERGENCYIt is always a good idea to put a little money back each pay…
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Dawn R. Babcook
November 9, 2014
Crisis Support
Most women who are involved in a violent relationship, whether it be living with a significant other or a marriage tend to find it easier just to stay in the relationship. Some however just plain choose to stay in, others stay…
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Elaine M. Doxie
November 9, 2014
Crisis Support
If you find yourself in an abusive relationship, the first thing that you need to do is learn to protect yourself. This sounds so simple, but with the conflicting emotions that always seem to accompany abusive relationships, it’s anything but…
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Elaine M. Doxie
November 9, 2014
Crisis Support
Abusive relationships can be both frightening and embarrassing for the victim. They often don’t want to admit the abuse is happening, even to themselves, so they keep it a secret from the rest of the world. Chances are also that…
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Rena Sherwood
November 9, 2014
Crisis Support
Lack of money is a main reason why many women in abusive relationships do not simply get up and leave. The woman does not have money, will not have a home if she leaves home and may not have a…
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Elaine M. Doxie
November 9, 2014
Crisis Support
Domestic violence is a huge problem in our society today. In order to stop domestic violence, it helps to understand where it can come from and why it happens. I would interject a word of caution, however. No matter what…
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Melody Hearndon
November 9, 2014
Crisis Support
The answer to this will always remain a mystery. We can speculate, theorize, and study this until the end of time, and be no more closer to an answer then we are now. Since the question begs an answer, it…
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Elaine M. Doxie
November 9, 2014
Crisis Support
Why doesn’t she just leave him? People ask this question regarding victims of abuse every single day. The truth is that the reasons for not leaving are as diverse as the people themselves. For some, it is a matter of pride. …
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November 9, 2014
Crisis Support
“The louder he talked of his honour, the faster we counted our spoons.” Ralph Waldo Emerson I had to buy this book after reading numerous recommendations on the etiquettehell forum, of all places. The ladies there would occasionally ask “Was…
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Corey Hayes
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
Everyone interacts with abusive people. They are parented by them, work with them, and go to school with them. Some of them even marry them. Many victims of abuse are completely unaware of the fact that they’re being abused. Others recognize the…
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Dolores Moore
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
Those women who have never suffered a life where an abusive relationship is just the norm, will find it difficult to understand why some women stay in abusive relationships. But there is nothing more true than that song which says “Noone…
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Amber Gent
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
In any instance when domestic violence is occurring, we all know what should be done. The victim should pack up their bags, get themselves out of the situation and never look back. Unfortunately, for a person who has been abused for…
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Melody Hearndon
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
Society is riddled with those that have been subjected to domestic violence albeit as victims or as survivors. What unfortunately takes place is how society views “domestic violence.” When the nightly news reports of another woman who has been displaced…
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Elaine M. Doxie
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
Domestic violence affects us all. Even if you are never personally abused, you probably know someone who is. It may be a neighbor, a friend, a family member, or even a member of the church you attend. The abuse victim…
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Christie Quimby
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
Stories of abuse in foster homes are easy to find but do not rely on the government to shed any light on the cause of the abuse, real life statistics, possible solutions. The U.S. Government is responsible for protecting thousands…
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Susan Nichols - 230687
November 8, 2014
Crisis Support
I had always been told about abusive relationships, the signs of an abusive relationship, and what to do if you are in one, but I never imagined I would have to experience it first hand. I still make excuses for…
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