Crisis Support
Virginia L. Allen
December 16, 2014
Crisis Support
Sexual harassment used to mainly effect women in the work place. Now a days, global statistics show that men, as well as school-age youths, have also been affected. The book “Coping With Sexual Harassment and Gender Bias”-by Dr. Victoria Shaw,…
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Gary Cartlidge
December 16, 2014
Crisis Support
How to support a friend who is grieving: Depending on how and what your friend is grieving about will depend on how you react and what you do. The word Grieving means that someone is feeling deep sorrow, usually because…
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Lynette Alice
December 16, 2014
Crisis Support
The question of whether or not self harm is a sin is fairly touchy because anytime we discuss religious beliefs there is always room for interpretation. As sin however is a term most commonly connected to Christianity in the western…
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Lynette Alice
December 16, 2014
Crisis Support
Self-embedding is a fairly new phenomena to the ever growing list of ways teens are self abusing themselves as a means of coping with the stress of life. For years it has been known that cutting oneself was the main…
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Z. Blake
December 16, 2014
Crisis Support
Life can be difficult and sometimes it reduces people to tears. This is one of the facts of life, but what can we do to comfort others when they break down in front of us? It can be tough to…
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Lesley Bogash
December 16, 2014
Crisis Support
Holidays are a time for family, friends and tradition. Many people complain about how stressed out, tired and busy they are during the holidays, but in the end they always enjoy the actual holiday. However holidays can be very depressing,…
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Victoria Tiegert
December 16, 2014
Crisis Support
Self-mutilation is a relatively new phenomenon to the realm of mental health professionals. This is not to say that it is a new occurrence, only that it has been in recent years that it has gained more attention from the…
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Author Name Withheld 61
December 16, 2014
Crisis Support
If your a teacher, keep a closer eye on the kids with learning problem. They tend to get over upset,. You may want to try to see if they have any marks on their arms, from biting on them, because…
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Neil Bates
December 16, 2014
Crisis Support
I self harmed for almost 7 years. I have tried many different ways to combat the urges to cut and burn over the years. Some have been successful for me, while other methods that have proved successful for other sufferers…
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Crystal Shimo
December 16, 2014
Crisis Support
For weeks on end as a teenager, I would refuse to sleep when my parents told me to. I wouldn’t simply refuse, I just wouldn’t. Even when I finally decided it was time for me to go to be, I…
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A.Z. Enn
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
Sympathy letters are never really easy to write. However writing a sympathy letter can really help the person cope better with the situation and simply put, feel a lot better about themselves. A well-written sympathy letter should always be well…
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Geoffrey Schmitt
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
Anytime we experience a loss we grieve. When someone we love dies we grieve more. When that someone is a member of our family the grief process can be especially difficult. In the “normal” course of life the first member…
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Spencer Hawken
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
I’m looking at this from a slightly different angle I guess; you see I have some experience of this topic. I’m fortunate enough to say I have never been a victim of rape, but I have worked in an arena…
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Norma Budden
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
Speaking solely from the perspective of a person who has witnessed the effects of suicide more times than I would care to remember, I cannot fathom suicide being a justifiable action. I’ve attended a few funerals of suicide victims throughout…
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Gordon Sumner
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
The adage that “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong” is often known as Murphy’s Law. Murphy’s Law as we know it today has only been around for about 60 years, but to most wise observers the notion that…
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Pat Lunsford
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
How to help in times of crisis or catastrophe depends of course on the tragedy. However, the best possible help you can offer is to stay calm and help to calm any victims. The initial reaction to most catastrophes is…
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Lynn Dancey Rudkin
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
Losing one treasured family member or friend can be emotionally draining: The grief that envelopes a person after losing several in a short time can plunge even the most sane person into deep despair. Tears and the overwhelming hopelessness of…
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December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
At this moment in 2008, I am holding the most precious 5 year old little girl named Jordan. She is singing to me that she loves me. I am her Grandmother, my daughter’s child that my husband and I have…
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Lynette Alice
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
The purpose of self-injury (SI) is as individual as each person that partakes in this form of behavior, as are the means in which a person may harm them self. While SI can not be isolated to one blanket purpose,…
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Ian Farquharson
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
Many people choose cremation for their funeral these days and a common question which is posed for this type of ceremony is what to do with the ashes following the cremation. There are a number of options available for this…
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Rosana Modugno
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
When you break up with someone or someone breaks up with you, it hurts. You can pretend it doesn’t and act strong on the outside but we all know how it feels because everyone has been there at some point…
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Melinda Barr
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
Understanding mood and personality disorders can be very difficult, especially in teens. We all remember our own teenage years, and our own journey through adolescence. It is normal and typical for your teen to go through periods of anger, aggression,…
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Lynette Alice
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
Self-injury, also known as self-harm, is the deliberate act of hurting oneself without the intent of suicide. There are many forms of self injury which range from things like cutting or burning to the more extreme side like self-embedding objects…
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Pat Lunsford
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
The best way to look after your family in a disaster is to be prepared for it. Regardless of the type of disaster, the basic necessities for survival are food, water and shelter. Every family needs to have an emergency…
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Carona Micheal Davis
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
When we think of support we tend to think of a hug, a shoulder to cry on, or a phone call to a sad friend but, there are times when supporting someone can become enabling. Everyone has been through a…
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Claudia Windal
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
Imagine being elderly and living alone. Your spouse died six years ago and his retirement benefits no longer come to you. You own your home, but it has been far too long since even minor repairs were made. Neighborhood grocery…
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Dolly Bobbitt
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
Cremation is cheaper than a real funeral. My family has buried three of its members since 2001, and each funeral is more than the last. In 2001 my grandfather’s funeral was five thousand dollars ($5,000). In 2003 my little brother’s…
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Victoria Tiegert
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
I remember the night that I found unbelievable, but undeniable, horror. I probably always will. It was right after a class that my teen daughter and I were taking together. We had gotten home late and I knew that I…
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Charles Simmins
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
Getting started with a family emergency takes just a few minutes. It does not need to be a long and involved process. It does need to recognize the dangers that your family may face and prepare for them. Start simple….
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Jennifer Lee Snelling
December 15, 2014
Crisis Support
As I sit on the couch of the living room, next to me is my mother. We are both gazing at the television set, watching her favorite show, Walker, Texas Ranger. The scenes are racing through my very eyes, while…
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