Crisis Support
William Mataba
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
Domestic violence is a problem in any country, not just India. It is very often highlighted where religion and the insecure male are prevalent. By its very nature, violence is the result, the cause needs to be investigated beyond what…
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Todd Daigneault
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
The effects of emotional abuse in a relationship can be as devastating as physical and sexual abuse. Calling a partner down causes huge losses of self-esteem. Tell anybody long enough that they are worthless, stupid, ugly and ultimately they may…
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Margaret Crites
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
Unfortunately, too many people don’t think to leave until an abusive relationship turns into a violent relationship. The hallmark of an abusive relationship is control. In the initial phases of a relationship, look for belittling statements, or unfounded jealousy. Declarations…
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Elaine M. Doxie
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
Men can definitely be abused as well as women, but it is important to be careful when assessing who is the victim and who is the abuser as abusers often accuse their victims of abuse to take the spotlight off of themselves. They will…
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Victoria Tiegert
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
When you fell in love and got married to this man or woman of your dreams, you most likely had a picture of what your life would be like with him or her. It probably had many great times in…
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Rena Sherwood
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
Women in abusive relationships become very good at hiding all physical symptoms of their beatings. They become excellent with makeup, long-sleeved clothing or styling their hair to hide any bruises which may draw attention. The last thing these women want is…
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Emily Dent
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
Men that hit women are not real men at all! Real men are the one’s that protect and keep their women from any kind of harm period. Hot-tempered men strike out at women the quickest. Rage takes over and they…
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Victoria Tiegert
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
Being physically hurt by the person who you love and who claims to love you is a terrible thing to go through. It is often very shocking, at least the first time that it happens. Hopefully, that is the only…
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K. Harper
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
I work in a Refuge for women and children escaping abusive relationships, I offer the following advice: When starting a relationship with a potential abuser they will appear to be “perfect”, sometime the abuse starts almost straight away and sometimes…
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Michael Schwoerer
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
Well this is certainly a paradox of a question. Is to say you’re darned if you stay and darned if you leave. However to shed some light on this matter the answer is you should leave, because the signs are…
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Helen Richardson
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
The abuse survivor’s guide to finding a therapist Many people, survivors or not, don’t realize that you have to shop for a therapist and that not all therapists specialize in the same areas. I think it is especially important for…
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Paula A
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
After you have been abused how long should it take to bounce back and start to live a normal life again? Can we ever bounce back and what is a normal life? If you know the answer to this you…
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P. M. Montgomery
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
The way this title was written: “Is it easier to walk away or to stay with a partner who is violent? “made me Have to write for the STAY side because it is easier to stay. It is very difficult…
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Connie Roush
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
Am I being physically abused? Another question that seems like it should be obvious, but sometimes it’s not. My definition of physical abuse is simply any touch to your body that is not wanted. Now there are of course times…
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Lonnette Harrell
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
Writing to a friend tonight, about the grief that he is experiencing over the recent loss of his loving mother, I pondered the experience of grief, and what it means. This is what I wrote: “Grief is both universal and…
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M.L. Bushman
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
How to make a restraining order work for you Imagine. You think you’ve gotten free of that emotional or physical abuser, male or female, only to discover you’ve been found. And they won’t let you go. You see them everywhere-why?…
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Ellis Hayford
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
HONOR YOUR BELOVED Writing a eulogy is not generally the writing assignment that anyone desires; however, there are times in life, particularly death, that the need becomes unavoidable. A eulogy is a personal and detailed account of an individual’s accomplishments,…
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P. M. Montgomery
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
Domestic abuse comes in various forms and it is not always physical. The physical violence may leave bruises or broken bones that over time heal and leave little trace behind that they occurred. Emotional abuse, however, is much more difficult…
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Jerome Espinosa Baladad
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
Arranging a funeral can be mentally draining for some, and even scary to others. However, someone has to take charge, so that events will go flowing seamlessly. This will make the memory of the deceased remain in the hearts and…
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Nikki Phipps
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
According to the National Coalition against Domestic Violence, approximately three million children witness domestic violence each year, and it is the leading cause of injury to women in the United States. Domestic violence is a crime affecting not only the…
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Angela Armer
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
Statistics show that 50,000 suspected child abuse cases throughout the US are reported to Child Protective Services each week. Of these cases, about two thirds are credible reports. Those are just the cases that are reported. There are more children…
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Carol Dunn - 462065
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
People who are grieving must make financial decisions. Grief is part of life. Our humanity is defined by our ability to grieve over losses. At the same time, we must continue to function as human beings during our grief. Decisions…
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Ashley Lemus
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
Life after domestic violence. Is there really such a thing? The answer is; yes, of course. If you will allow yourself to have a life that is. Most abuse victims who have suffered great amounts of beats and verbal and…
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Holly Rogers
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
Domestic violence has many affects on children. Not only do they grow up in a negative, dangerous environment, giving them little happiness and adjustment, but they also learn the wrong way of dealing with a situation. If they see their…
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Lenna Gonya
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
Natural disasters cannot be controlled, and in a world where people like to choose their own destiny, this is a difficult concept to cope with. They can wipe out a small area or part of a country in a matter…
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David Dewitt
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
The holiday season is a time of joyful celebrations and spending time with friends and family. Some celebrations are less than joyful during the season. For those dealing with the loss of a friend or loved one, the holiday season…
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Jessica Gordon
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
Abuse comes in many forms, the main three being verbal, physical, and sexual. Often times, abuse starts out small, then escalates into something so destructive and terrifying that the abused is too afraid to get out of the relationship. There…
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Kate Johns
January 24, 2015
Crisis Support
You are placed in a very difficult position when a loved one needs to handle their grief. To help other people handle their grief, the best things you can do are be there for that person. Show your compassion. When…
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Ashley Lemus
January 24, 2015
Crisis Support
I really have never understood why people have such a hard time believing that men can be abused too. It is possible. Less heard of, rarer maybe, but it does happen. I suppose most people see it as more likely…
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Anne Harrell
January 24, 2015
Crisis Support
Coping With Trauma It was January 1, 1997, when Mark’s and my oldest daughter had not gotten up at 9:30 am. All five of the other children had gotten up and had some breakfast when Mark and I became concerned…
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