Crisis Support
Candy Jules
February 2, 2015
Crisis Support
I’m not ready to pass as of yet, but my mother passed away two months ago, and even though she had made most of her arrangements, there were still a lot that was left. At the time, all of my…
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Wonda Waide
February 2, 2015
Crisis Support
I have had to deal with my wishes and my parents wishes when they were near the end of their life. My mother had stomach cancer and repeatedly told she was going to die and never be able to eat…
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Krystle Hernandez
February 2, 2015
Crisis Support
People grieve in various ways. Some people can not fathom the thought of being alone when in mourning, while others do not want to talk to anyone, and completely shut down. Helping a friend in grief is never easy; however,…
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Laura Leigh Fields
February 2, 2015
Crisis Support
Four years ago, the greatest lady I ever knew died unexpectedly. She was my great grandmother and her name was Marjorie. I was devastated with her death. I couldn’t eat or sleep. It was one of the hardest things I…
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Amela Piric - 507810
February 2, 2015
Crisis Support
You can try and use different strategies for overcoming the death of a loved one. The truth is that you will never remain the same after your loss. You can learn efficient strategies to help you cope with your loss…
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February 2, 2015
Crisis Support
I didn’t know how much it would hurt. There were no words to explain what we were feeling when she died. We felt that her death was coming and we dreaded the exact time and day. I thought that I…
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Naomi Kenny
February 2, 2015
Crisis Support
The advancement of medical science in the area of life support has created a debate over who has the final say over our bodies. Medicine has provided us with many more options in care that can be provided for the…
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Maria C Collins
February 2, 2015
Crisis Support
A funeral is always a difficult and emotional occasion. General rules of manners seem inadequate for a funeral. By following a few simple rules you can make it a little easier on yourself and others. Funerals in the United Kingdom…
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Bob Schmidt
February 2, 2015
Crisis Support
A friend who is grieving needs the space, and privacy to do so. Some aspects of grief are too personal to share, even with a close friend. Since every person, and every relationship is unique, no specific method of grieving…
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Kim Remesch
February 1, 2015
Crisis Support
I’ve just come from a funeral home. A friend’s brother, 32, died. He’d lived a wild life, and he died the same way. I’d like to tell you this is the first time I’ve dealt with this, but it’s not….
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Blah McBlah
February 1, 2015
Crisis Support
Several years ago, I was enjoying an iced tea and conversation with a couple that I had been friends with for years when they got the terrible news that their 5 year old daughter was involved in an accident. In…
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Raven Christine
February 1, 2015
Crisis Support
Miscarrying your baby is just like losing your baby after birth. It is hard and painful. It takes away that part of you that gives you true life. But to truly have a thought or opinion about miscarriages you need…
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Christine Sandor
February 1, 2015
Crisis Support
Patience. Patience. Patience. Grief is not a time specific experience. It is an on-going process that shifts, changes, gets better, regresses, and eases again. There is a distinct process that has been found to be true since first outlined by…
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Shirley Love
February 1, 2015
Crisis Support
Life Support I sat quietly beside mom’s bed and let the words sink in before I spoke. The doctor had just left the room, and left us with the devastating fact that she was dying, and there was nothing left…
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Melinda Barr
February 1, 2015
Crisis Support
Like many other young couples, we had shared many difficulties throughout our time together, but overall we were happy and very much in love. Me the realist, and my devil -may -care Billy were an unlikely couple from the start….
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Seldenia Harris
January 26, 2015
Crisis Support
It was late on a cold winter night when I heard a knock at the door. I slowly opened the door and to my surprise my mother and sister were standing there. My sister looked troubled. Her face was stained…
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Mary Anne
January 26, 2015
Crisis Support
In this day and age, it is difficult to realize what an epidemic child sexual abuse is. The most recent statistics show that one in four girls and one in six boys will be sexually abused by the time they…
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Kristen Donalson
January 26, 2015
Crisis Support
As a survivor of what I like to call a living nightmare, domestic violence shattered my life. There is absolutely no excuse for violence within a relationship. If you can not walk away you are not a man. I believe…
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Joan Huston
January 26, 2015
Crisis Support
Partner and spousal rape is a topic that used to be a non-issue as it was commonly believed that a husband had a right to have sexual relations with his wife. A topic that was ignored for many years, spousal…
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Rena Sherwood
January 26, 2015
Crisis Support
Both men and women can be victims of domestic abuse. Battering happens in all nations, cultures and economic classes. If you are past the age of 21 (or whatever the age of becoming a legal adult is for your country)…
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Susan E. Carr
January 26, 2015
Crisis Support
Abuse victims react to their circumstances and their histories in a variety of ways, many of which are difficult to understand unless you have also been a victim of abuse and/or have studied this topic in depth. This is a…
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Allen Teal
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
In incest with an innocent child, the marks of the sexual encounter usually last a lifetime. The scars form on at least three levels. Most adults who were incest victims as children have emotional, relational, and sexual scars even if…
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Seldenia Harris
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
Close your eyes and imagine just for a moment that you are looking through the eyes of a frightened seven year old girl. You are crouched down in the corner of your bedroom shaking with fear. The tears roll down…
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Amnyst St.
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
An article I read brought forth an issue that has made a big impact on today’s view of masculinity. In today’s news, there are rarely any accounts of male victims being abused in domestic disputes. On the other hand, more…
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Raye Lynn
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
I’m speaking through personal experience, when writing this artical. This isn’t what happens in every case, but very few consider this possibility when they tell children or any victim to speak up if this ever occurs. Is it always best…
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Athena Brady
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
What do you do if you suddenly find yourself in a abusive relationship ? If you are reading this, you are either interested in the subject or trying to decide what you should do. You may be in shock. It…
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Allen Teal
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
Abuse rarely starts within the marriage relationship. In one form or another, the abuse most of the time begins during dating and courtship. One partner begins to assert their will over and above the will of the other. While this…
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Wayne Leon Learmond
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
It is harder to walk away than to stay. This comes across time and again as fear plays a part here too. In such relationships, fear rules the roost and can hold a person going through this situation like a…
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Martine Pauwels
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
Few people understand me. I write to share my story, but also to express my feelings for a better understanding for victims of abuse. One thing I do suffer is some kind of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I do get…
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Marsha Sourdiff
January 25, 2015
Crisis Support
Family violence can affect anyone, regardless of religion, color, or social standing. It happens in both wealthy and poor families.Abuse in families can take many forms.It may be physical, sexual, emotional, verbal, or a combination of any or all of…
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