Crisis Support
Annalyn Andriyenko
March 2, 2015
Crisis Support
It is hard to watch loved one, friends, family, people in general cope with loss and grief in their lives. Unexpected tragedies do occur and it puts us in states of shock where all we want to do is crawl…
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M C Kiggins
March 2, 2015
Crisis Support
When someone you care about dies in your presence, it leaves an indelible impression that is not so easily effaced. There is an earthly finality to death that is hard to come to grips with, even if you believe that…
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Jen Cooper
March 2, 2015
Crisis Support
As a person coping with bipolar affective disorder, and like many other emotionally challenged people, suicide is something that pops up in my mind about as regularly as most people change socks. At these times, the cramped little well that…
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Geoffrey Schmitt
March 2, 2015
Crisis Support
A memorial service is different from a funeral in that the body of the deceased is not present. This may happen for a variety of reasons. The body or ashes may have been destroyed or lost. For example, think of…
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Aeryka Rae
March 2, 2015
Crisis Support
Grief is one of those things that is universal…and, can (sometimes) wear a heavy burden on the hearts of both parties…the one who is grieving, as well as the one who gives support. The best way I can think of…
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Victoria Tiegert
March 2, 2015
Crisis Support
Losing a loved one to death is extremely difficult and the grieving that a person does is not an easy process. It is time-consuming and it is exhausting, both emotionally and physically. There are stages of grief, five primary ones,…
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Kathleen Olson
March 1, 2015
Crisis Support
My husband died. He was way too young but then everyone under the age of 90 seems to be way too young for death. The shock of his death at 57 had not worn off by the time we stood…
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Candy Jules
March 1, 2015
Crisis Support
Life gives us no guarantees as to how and when we might be struck with tragedy. It can be from a long term illness, or an accident that takes life instantly. We just never know. Age makes no difference either….
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Debbie Ross
March 1, 2015
Crisis Support
Cremation, an alternative to burial in the earth, has been in existence for thousands of years. Its actual definition is the practice of disposing of a human corpse by burning. There are many reasons why you might choose cremation. For…
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Wendy Bulawa
March 1, 2015
Crisis Support
When asked ‘how many children do you have?’, most fathers provide a simple answer. I have three children. I have twins. I have a girl and a boy. For members of Fathers Forever however, the question posed isn’t answered as…
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Holly Berry
March 1, 2015
Crisis Support
The most supportive thing you can do for a grieving friend doesn’t involve flowers or casseroles, although those may play a part. The best way to support your friend during this most difficult time is to follow their cues. They…
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Barry Marcus
March 1, 2015
Crisis Support
The death of someone close is one of the most traumatic experiences that we all have to face at some time in our lives. Often the response is not entirely appropriate. Friends try to offer comfort. Some take tranquilizers and…
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Sam E. Jones
March 1, 2015
Crisis Support
As time has passed there has come to be a consensus that people experience common symptoms following any major upheaval in their life, and especially so when it involves loss. For most people there are five major stages of grief…
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Sherry Horton Blake
March 1, 2015
Crisis Support
Families must make a lot of important decisions throughout life; however, none may be as important as the decision that surviving family members must make regarding how to best honor a deceased family member in death. Many families choose creation…
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Evelina Robinson
March 1, 2015
Crisis Support
When two people are joined together in my name are words that many ministers have repeated at least a dozen times. The bride and groom stand before a minister with crowds of people watching. Oh how happy the couple looks…
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Sam E. Jones
March 1, 2015
Crisis Support
The hardest part of dealing with the death of a co-worker is the sudden, instant hole that is left in the environment when that person is no longer there, and everyone knows why. When I was working for a company…
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Suzanne Rose
March 1, 2015
Crisis Support
A miscarriage can be very emotionally challenging, and one of the major feelings that women experience during this difficult time is guilt. This is very common, and there are different ways to cope with this. Consider the following techniques to…
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Suzanne Perry
March 1, 2015
Crisis Support
In February, my maternal Grandpa died when I was 9. It was the first remembranceI have of death. The smell of a funeral home, the observance of a still, not-right-looking body that was living and moving, and was someone Iwas playing with just…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
March 1, 2015
Crisis Support
Is suicide ever justified? Yes. Not because I agree that people should commit suicide if they are unhappy or in a position where they cannot resolve a huge problem, but because it is their life and their choice. Whether I…
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Laken Marie Wirfel
March 1, 2015
Crisis Support
Imagine. The real “you” is gone. Something more powerful has taken over you and everyday you are becoming weaker. You know that what you are doing is wrong and you know you need help. You have stolen from, lied to,…
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Suzanne Rose
March 1, 2015
Crisis Support
Losing a pet can be like losing a family member. A lot of people have heavy hearts after such an event, and there are different strategies that you can try to help yourself get through this difficult time. The following…
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Elle Kim
March 1, 2015
Crisis Support
I do not think that rape victims are irresponsible the majority of the time. It is unreasonable to blame the victims of a rape when it is the rapist that is at fault. Sure, rape victims might be a bit…
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Melissa Nykorchuk
March 1, 2015
Crisis Support
Many mothers, by role or nature, are the glue that bind a family together. Mothers are the core, the center, and who we turn to when we are scared or falling apart. Mothers are the most likely to give us…
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March 1, 2015
Crisis Support
“How to cope with miscarriage, stillbirth or the death of a young child”? What a question to ponder, let alone actually have to experience. One is not soposed to bury their child, their child is to bury them. On that…
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March 1, 2015
Crisis Support
Yes,they should.When I was raped I was 4 years old and scared out of my mind. My brother was also raped, and to make matters worse the rapist was our uncle, our father’s only sibling. It happened quite frequently when…
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Rosemary Redfern
March 1, 2015
Crisis Support
Grief hits different people in different ways. A usual pattern of reactions is disbelief, anger and a gradual understanding of loss, then acceptance. These are powerful emotions which throw us off balance. The world seems to be moving at a…
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J Richard Karlsson
March 1, 2015
Crisis Support
“Everyone dies, not everyone lives”. William Ross Walace. Moving on with life after the loss of a loved one is a very unique experience, as truly no two people are aligned emotionally, mentally and physically. Certainly the loss of a…
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Angel Sharum
March 1, 2015
Crisis Support
People have different reasons for choosing cremation instead of traditional burial. Whatever you decide, it is a good idea to talk it over with your entire family so as to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings about the decision after you…
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Jenny Tolley
March 1, 2015
Crisis Support
“Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.” I’m sure many suicidal people who have dared to express their feelings have heard this popular but trite saying at least once. But when it comes down to it, suicide really is a…
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William Cobbs
March 1, 2015
Crisis Support
This is my favorite theme…in the first place, we should have legislation about the dead. The BODY of a dead person is NOT the person we loved and has nothing whatsoever to do with him or her, except the possibility…
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