Crisis Support
Toni Doswell
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
The verdict is out! Judge and jury eye each other. The abused hangs her head. The abuser looks coldly at the walls of the courtroom. Everyone has been shattered and the social worker tilts her head to side. The abused…
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Kerry Jenkins
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
Domestic Violence A Trade Union IssueDomestic violence must be discussed and debated. No matter how hard it is to hear, we must all be educated and made aware of the reality that 1 in 4 women will be a victim…
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E. Janane
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
Abuse. An overused, underrated word largely. Why overused? For it is always easy to blame our pain or tears on someone else. Why underrated? We hear of it so often and frequently we think what is the big deal about…
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Sor Tropf
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
Is There Life After Domestic Violence In recent years we have seen a rise in Domestic Violence cases. Some have gone unreported leading to the death of one of the people involved, some more horrible, have seen the death of…
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The Girl In Black
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
Victims of domestic abuse are growing in the Uninted States as well as other countries at a seemily scary rate. What is even more terrifying is that our younger generation is learning these behaviors and submitting themselves to this abuse.Whether…
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Jessica Mickey
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
Do you have gorgeous girlfriends with low self-esteem? I do, and it used to exasperate me to no end. These stunning beauties, who, in my eyes could do anything or get any guy they wanted, are never satisfied with their…
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Marijane Suttor
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
The phone rings from my sister. My brother was supposed to show up at her house to stay with her for awhile because his marriage was breaking up. He needed somewhere to live for a few weeks until he was…
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Dena Foulk
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
If you choose to read these articles, you may be being abused. The first step in getting help is to recognize the abuse. If you are in doubt, please read on.Lets look at the Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionaries definition. ABUSE-to consume,-a…
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Michelle Powers
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
In order to understand marital rape you need to understand what domestic abuse is. Domestic abuse/violence is assault, battery, intimidation, sexual assault or any other abusive behavior that is perpetrated by an intimate partner against another. Marital Rape is when…
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Jerome Brune
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
It is sudden. It is horrible. Your friend or relative is dead and people around you are shattered. Dealing with losing someone in this way is something you go through not something you can do much about. In the beginning…
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Lilly Mantra
May 11, 2015
Crisis Support
When a co-worker endures a traumatic or unexpected loss, as humans, it is our almost inborn and innate desire to want to help them or aide them in some way, shape, or form. Lets face it, if we work full…
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Sharon Darwent
May 11, 2015
Crisis Support
When a Mother Dies Last winter, I attended the funerals of two women, two mothers. These women could not have been more different in the way they lived their lives, in the way they related to those close to them,…
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Edgar Arold
May 11, 2015
Crisis Support
Tragedy comes to every family in different ways, one of which being the death of a family member. The funeral requires making a lot of decisions, and one of those decisions is the casket being open or close. There are…
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Bob Schmidt
May 11, 2015
Crisis Support
There is no magic formula that applies when a death occurs suddenly, and a last visit was not possible. The only salve that will ease the pain of grieving is our own perspective regarding death. Last visits are often heart-wrenching…
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Bola Essien-Nelson
May 11, 2015
Crisis Support
Last year I was robbed of my chance of saying good-bye twice. Both times, it hurt like mad. Especially the second time. My uncle, my favorite uncle in the whole wide world was shot dead as he drove his taxi…
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Mark Butler
May 11, 2015
Crisis Support
Taps. The somber dirge invokes feeling of sadness in nearly everyone who hears it. It has been that way since the Civil War when its creator wrote and first played it to honor the fallen dead. Today it is our…
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Dr. G. A. Anderson
May 11, 2015
Crisis Support
The news on TV at 5:00 wasn’t good. Reports of a car accident on I-95 drew Greg’s attention away from the journal he’d been reading. His wife Bonnie would be late tonight if that accident happened before she got to…
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Leigh Sanders
May 11, 2015
Crisis Support
September 18, 2003. On the way to school my Junior year, riding the bus since I was still saving up for a car, I watched as an ambulance roared past going the opposite direction. Have you ever gotten the feeling…
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Kat Ballew
May 11, 2015
Crisis Support
It is hard enough when someone you love dies. Learning to deal with it and learning a life lesson from it is even harder. How do you learn a life’s lesson when a loved one dies? It is not the…
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Matt Allen - 541630
May 11, 2015
Crisis Support
Life to the mortal mind is something that occurs once and is very fragile physically. What is not thought about, is the possibility that Life does not end but switches to another phase, “The After Life”. It seems that our…
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Carol Gioia
May 11, 2015
Crisis Support
The feelings you have for a friend do not diminish when that person is gone. True friendship most assuredly transcends death. The give and take aspects of a viable friendship allow the benefits derived from that satisfying relationship to remain…
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David Skolnik
May 11, 2015
Crisis Support
I saw my dad awake and alert for the final time on Saturday, May 31, 2003. Sadly, he slipped into an unconscious state the following day as the calendar turned to June. The last thing he said to me was,…
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May 11, 2015
Crisis Support
How To Live After You Lose Someone Special My sister lost her husband August 8th of 2008. She was devastated, I will never forget the phone call we got that night. I was suppose to be sleep, but I woke…
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Joanne Smith - 419102
May 11, 2015
Crisis Support
Pregnancy for many women encompasses feelings that are unexplainable, and new. There is a sense of panic as her body has suddenly become the host for a living, growing thing. Her doubt over her ability to house this growing seed…
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Melody Chase
May 11, 2015
Crisis Support
When I was 20 years old, my Dad who was healthy and exercised regularly, developed a sudden, very rare medical emergency and passed away. I was very close to my Dad and I found myself left in a state of…
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Very Berry
May 11, 2015
Crisis Support
My girlfriend and I had broken up after three great years together. We remained friends and I was shocked to hear of her passing away one night in her bed in the apartment building right behind mine. Why couldn’t I…
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Alexandra Heep
May 11, 2015
Crisis Support
Death usually arrives totally unexpected. Even with the knowledge that it is a part of life and that everyone has to deal with it sometimes, grief for a loved one is usually because there is no closure, no chance to…
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Douglas Black
May 11, 2015
Crisis Support
Death is ultimate reality we all must face, and as we grow older we have unfortunately experience it more often than we would like. In my own experience I have found that death is not planned or scripted, and their…
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Ally Jones 123
May 11, 2015
Crisis Support
PREGNANCY…….the very word contains some hidden happiness and excitement in it which is indescribable. Our entire world starts changing once we are blessed to be associated with this exotic word. Our world starts revolving around that one thing. Every day…
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Paul Schingle
May 11, 2015
Crisis Support
One of the most difficult things to deal with is the death of someone very close. This is very obvious in some ways, but in addition, there are other considerations. Writing a sympathy note is one of those considerations. It’s…
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