Crisis Support
Sherryl Craig
May 13, 2015
Crisis Support
Sexual Abuse Sexual abuse can be extremely challenging for victims to talk about due to the many ways in which this type of abuse is performed. Some victims are so embarrassed and ashamed of the acts that were done to…
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Jennifer Graham - 536232
May 13, 2015
Crisis Support
Domestic violence cases are some of the most common cases to pass through the judicial system. Married couples, dating couples, as well as ex couples is all a part of the growing number of 911 calls made to local law…
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Leslie Trotter
May 13, 2015
Crisis Support
Would you accept a gift from a man who abused you Apologies are necessary only when it is meant straight from the heart. Giving a woman flowers and candy after violent behavior is typical for many abusers. They know that…
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Sherryl Craig
May 13, 2015
Crisis Support
Physical Abuse Domestic Violence takes many shapes and forms and affects families of all nationalities, all sexes, most economic areas and is not picky about whether or not you are a child, an adult, a senior, male or female, rich…
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Rena Sherwood
May 13, 2015
Crisis Support
Never accept a gift from someone that has abused you, whether man or woman. That gift can and most often will be used against you at a future date. Giving a gift is an expression of power to an abuser….
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Melissa Crossley
May 13, 2015
Crisis Support
The Signs of an Abusive Relationship: First off, and most important thing to realize is that, in the beginning, there are rarely signs of any type that would hint to you that he is going to harm you. Most abusers…
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Bobbie Hughley
May 13, 2015
Crisis Support
I am 39 and just realizing that the sexual and emotional abuse I suffered for years has affected me not only as an adult but my entire life. From as far back as I can remember until I was 14…
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Laurie Childree
May 13, 2015
Crisis Support
Abusive relationships are devastating to self esteem even if you’re only in them for a short time. Whether physical or emotional there are scars left behind no matter how deeply you bury them. There is a lot more to recovery…
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Marlene Shelly
May 13, 2015
Crisis Support
Growing up in an abusive home takes away your childhood. You finds ways to escape into your own little world because the world you live in is hard to handle. Abuse comes from different forms. Mental, sexual, physical, these are…
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Dan Williams
May 13, 2015
Crisis Support
Pains of sexual abuse run deep through the soul of the victim. They often carry their effects through their life, rearing their ugliness when one least expects it. Dreams of flight may occur. One has an unconscious escape from the…
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Chola Mccabe
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
It is very easy to say you would never accept a gift from a man who abused you if you have never been in that situation. The strong women of today are taught from an early age not to put…
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Christine Sandor
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
Moving on from a history of childhood abuse is a step by step process. It involves above all patience with yourself and the willingness to allow your feelings without judgment. This is by no means an easy task but with…
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Susan E. Carr
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
We all know about, have heard about, and maybe even have listened to those who have been or are victims of violence. Most of us have heard what the signs are. We usually know what the victim(s) should do, where…
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Victoria Tiegert
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
Domestic violence can take many different forms. It is not limited to an actual physical assault. Although many of the forms of domestic violence may culminate in the physical abusiveness, they don’t all begin that way by any means. In…
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Supriya Zen
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
India is still a developing country which is progressing by leaps and bounds so as to ensure a safe place for its citizens. But it is also among those countries which is suffering severely from problem like domestic violence. Yes,…
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Suzanne Morava
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
Recognising and dealing with abuse in marriage is not as commonplace as many might want to interpret the stress to be. It is rather difficult for the victim to fully recognize the problems associated with abuse in the marriage. Many…
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Victoria Tiegert
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
It is a fairly normal course of relationship behavior, at least in bad relationships in the making. Boy meets girl and everything is wonderful. They sweep each other off their feet and fall in love magically. After a while, though,…
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Michiko K
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
Are you an abuse victim? You are not a victim. You are a survivor. It means that you have been strong being in the abusive relationship. You realize that there is something wrong in your relationship. That is a good…
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Hendrix Wolfe
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
Abusing a young boy or girl is no different than abusing a key, and later expecting it to fit the lock of society as if nothing had happened. It is a vicious cycle that perpetuates itself. Once the chains of…
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Melanie Bigras
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
There are so many people being abused day in and day out and it’s not right. A lot of women think it’s love that causes their spouse to abuse them and so they make up excuses as to why they…
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Liz Oneill
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
When a young adult enters the world of relationships, they have dreams and ideals as they search for “the one”. Many find happiness and continue to grow in confidence and wholeness. Others find nothing but pain and frustration. The problem…
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Liz Oneill
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
For a moment, picture this: you are in a room with another person, a person of your choice. Each you has a balloon attached to the same air tube. Your opponent has much more air in their balloon. Your balloon…
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Opal Elaine Moyer
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
The word “abuse” means to mistreat. Thousands of women are abused, or mistreated by their spouses or lovers everyday. Sometimes, this mistreatment can and does end in death. Yet many women remain with their men, despite this possible outcome. Why?…
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Modern Impressionist
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
ARE YOU AFRAID OF YOUR SIGNIFICANT OTHER? Does he or she belittle you, call you names, embarrass you in front of others, hit you or spanks your children too harshly? Before it is too late, please read on….. Several years…
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Sharon Green - 242846
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
Abuse and Self-Esteem Abuse can come in many forms. The victim can be a child, a teen, an adult. Abuse has no preference on gender or age for someone who is an abuser. In today’s world, abuse is more talked…
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Angelique Reder
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
Bruised underneath the skin is a wonderful title for this subject. Abuse has been common place in the evolution of mankind for thousands of documented years. Abuse takes many forms, like slavery, physical assaults, verbal attacks, or emotional traumas.However there…
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Angela Mills
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
A few months ago I also was beaten, and my ex was arrested. So I can give you some tips firsthand on what to do when you are reeling with panic and pain. Call 911 immediately. Give the police a…
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Korri Marron
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
Two weeks ago, there was a story that hit the headlines in America of Domestic Violence. In Atlanta, renowned televangelist Juanita Bynum and her estranged Husband Bishop Thomas Weeks III, were involved in a domestic dispute. They meet at an…
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Andrea Moore
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
I am what you would call living proof that we should all move forward in protecting children from abuse, but not just physical but all types of abuse, emotional, sexual, and any other form of abuse that a child suffers….
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Melody Hearndon
May 12, 2015
Crisis Support
Domestic violence brings to mind memories of running to my neighbor’s home and cowering as my mother cried out at each beating delivered from the hands of my father. On more than one occasion, it was the only place where…
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