Das Govind
December 6, 2014
Children often live in a carefree world, away from the financial and money stress of adults. They rely on their parents to support them financially, and often just have to wait for school tests to be over, just in time…
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Bob Trowbridge
December 6, 2014
People lie to protect their ego and/or their self image. We lie because we think the truth will diminish how others see us. Even as children, we lie when we have done something wrong, something bad. If we expect our…
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Olivia Bredbenner
December 6, 2014
It is our children that may begin to see the changes that take place when we are having financial problems. Our wish to often fill our children’s requests while shopping never changes. However, our response to the urge to impulse…
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Rivkah Kaufman
December 6, 2014
If you had to have an exotic form of the flu, which would you choose the Avian or Swine variety? Personally, I wouldn’t exactly hog all rights to the Swine flu. Especially when you translate the term into other languages….
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Ann E. Smith
December 6, 2014
Have you ever noticed that you can have really good conversations when sitting in your yard or on your porch? Why is that? There are several reasons you can have in-depth talks when chilling out in your yard. Below are…
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Grace Alexander
December 6, 2014
Do you look in the mirror, and instantly start in with the self criticism? You might have a poor self image, due to any number of factors; low self esteem, a bad relationship, overly critical parents, dissatisfaction brought on by…
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Joseph Coleman
December 6, 2014
Words are like Prostitutes. The reason why some words are so good at what they do is the appreciation between how they move you, and how it feels after they’re spoken! The eyes and the ears, those two senses that…
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Ann E. Smith
December 6, 2014
Anger is an emotion that we all experience at times. If your emotions are balanced, anger is just one of many emotions. Sure you get angry on occasion, but more often than not, you feel peace, calmness, acceptance, hope and…
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Suzy Stembridge
December 6, 2014
Relationships are hard. They require a lot of work to keep. Passion, tolerance, effort and patience are just a few ingredients to keep the relationship brewing. One overlooked spice, is humor. It’s the glue to keeping the small things that…
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Dossie M Terrell
December 6, 2014
There are no sounds more melodic than those of a skilled orator. There are no experiences more pleasurable than reading the words of a wordsmith who has invested time to use words appropriately, and descriptively. The words you have used…
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Julie Michael
December 6, 2014
At some point in their lives, everyone struggles with a negative self-image. If you’re one of those considered “lucky,” then it’s usually not something which lasts very long and you can usually get out of it on your own. Then…
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M.A. Dal Cero
December 6, 2014
There are few sadder stories in life than the tales of those who have lost a loved one to death without taking, or being given, the opportunity to say everything that needed to be said. Perhaps they should have told…
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Dolores Moore
December 6, 2014
To understand the value of instant forgiveness, imagine yourself in a group of busy pre-school children, playing and interacting. Because of their innocence and exuberance, they are uninhibited in their responses to each other. Now picture a golden-haired little girl…
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Jeanine Gilbert
December 6, 2014
How to Talk To Children Regarding Financial Problems Being honest with children is one thing; however, they do not need to know all the gory details. Depending on their ages determines how much is too much! Everyone has financial distress…
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Grace Alexander
December 6, 2014
How do you talk to yourself? Is your inner voice nice or mean? Do you constantly put yourself down and call yourself names, or do you communicate positively with yourself and affirm your self worth on a regular basis? Self…
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Ruth Woodhouse
December 6, 2014
I guess some relationships survive without humour – but many wouldn’t last for long. For most of us humour is an essential ingredient of a meaningful relationship. While we wouldn’t want to be around somebody for whom all of life…
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Ron Zamkus
December 6, 2014
Good communication is a two-way street! Sometimes both roads are being traveled, and sometimes only one road is being traveled. Since the eyes are the window to the soul, I believe the EYES are the KEY to recognizing a good…
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Deborah English
December 6, 2014
Good listeners listen with their whole bodies. You know you are sharing a conversation with a good listener because they are fully engaged in the moment. Good listeners search you out with their eyes. They lean forward, tilt and nod their…
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Karen Lynn Ragsdale
December 6, 2014
Caution: Our modern world is bustling with a steady stream of choices. Choose wisely! We have more choices & options than ever before in our history. Long gone are the days when meaningful human contact depended upon the size of…
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Snow Vandemore
December 6, 2014
A relationship is like a house. Whether it’s new construction on its way upward, or a time-honored and familiar home that has matured over the years, a foundation of respect is crucial to both. Constantly battered by hurtful, poorly chosen…
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December 6, 2014
“Smoking may be bad for my health but if I quit it could be a danger to YOU! You are driving me insane with your nagging…I need a cigarette so I can calm down and not strangle the last complaint…
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Sweeda G.
December 6, 2014
Have you ever been in a relationship in where your significant other made you laugh so hard, you cried? Or when you got in an argument the only way to fix it was to make you laugh? Have you ever…
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Bebe Dove
December 6, 2014
Sometimes it’s difficult to let go. Of pain, memories of traumatic experiences, hatred…and of people that you have loved and cared about that just are not capable of learning from your mistakes. Like teenagers for instance. They see and live…
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Dan Murray
December 6, 2014
Sex and sexual preferences are among the most personal and private aspects of our lives. Clearly, it’s not a good idea to go around sharing your thoughts on the subjects with just anyone, though some people seem to have no…
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December 5, 2014
There are several specific signs that tells you that you are dealing with a good listener.I came to these conclusions by simply observing my best friend… Why is she my best friend? Precisely, because she knows how to listen. Whenever…
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Chad Weissman
December 5, 2014
Why is it so important to have an open dialog with your partner regarding sex? Why is sex such a forbidden thing to talk about? In the long run, will talking about sex help my relationship? Yes. Sex is not…
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Danelle Karth
December 5, 2014
Power, according to, is the ability to do or act, capability of doing or accomplishing something. You know, I have been reading your work on Helium lately, and I must say that I am quite impressed. You have been…
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Araniyar Isukul
December 5, 2014
There are many reasons why I think it is important that we have an open dialog about sex with your partner. A lot of times, I find that we do all have preferences for what we like and what we…
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Elizabeth Saint
December 5, 2014
Okay, picture this. My hubby and I were seated in a nice upscale restaurant that looked over the Hudson River in uptown New York. I had excused myself to go wash my hands in the restroom prior to our food…
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Brenda Denny
December 5, 2014
CLOSING IN ON THE EMPTY NEST SYNDROME What you are about to read is a progressive journey that defies time and place. It will tangle with your emotions like a sticky spider web that remains stuck on your fingers even…
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