Jennifer Wells
January 9, 2015
Chivalry is not dead. It is harder to find, and sometimes being flat-out rejected, but it has not disappeared altogether. There are men out there who would still be a complete gentleman every chance they get. These men have been…
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Nolan Hamilton
January 9, 2015
This is a question that most women cannot find the answer to, probably never will and will try endlessly to mold the lesser thans into what they think is perfect. First things first, you will never find the perfect man…
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Ferg Fontaine
January 9, 2015
There are so many things women wish men knew; somehow telling them does not always work. It really has to be communicated in a way where he will get it. I heard a teacher once say that men are generally…
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Sadie Kay
January 9, 2015
How To Talk To A Man and Get Him To Listen! Women always want to know how to get a man to listen to them. Women always wonder what a man is thinking. For a woman to learn these things…
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Ferg Fontaine
January 9, 2015
Negativity affects everyone, whether we allow the affects to be obvious or not. The long-term affects of negativity from the person you are committed to in a relationship can be quite tiring. The person living with the negative person may…
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Dart Humeston
January 9, 2015
Men and women’s brains process data totally different. This often causes miscommunication between a husband and a wife. Women have brains that float information, feelings, hints and thoughts around like extra coffee grinds in a cup of Joe. Their brains…
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George Blackshear
January 9, 2015
Venus and Mars.,Apples and Oranges. For thousands of years tangible items have been compared, many times for reasoning and other times for ridicule, but out of all those comparisons none have been as mystic and confusing as the difference between…
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Beth Hermes
January 9, 2015
“I’m a Friday kind of person in a Monday kind of world.” It was such an endearing testament to my now-husband’s laid-back nature and it was the only such adornment in his college apartment. His mother had given it to…
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Terry Marsh
January 9, 2015
There have been times in my life when I, like most people at one time or another, have taken the path of least resistance. Not that it was my intention to lie, but at that particular moment, it allowed me…
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Jonathan Henry - 433272
January 9, 2015
What is there to critique about rejection? To the untrained eye, a rejection is simply an answer in the negative. To a well seasoned eye, such as my own, rejection includes several levels worthy of scrutiny. Some rejecters are simply…
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Debbie Blumenthal
January 9, 2015
The basics of good communication in a relationship begins with respect. Each partner must show respect and ensure they are respected. Show respect by accepting that your partner is entitled to his or her own separate opinion and preference. When…
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Budianto Dermawan Ng
January 9, 2015
This book was not only written based on idea of John Gray (and not Grey) Ph. D. alone, the best contribution to make the book becomes a good one is from his wife and his experiences. Before complaining on this…
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Terry Marsh
January 9, 2015
We express it differently, but men can get just as nervous about our initial attraction to a woman as women get over men. Our machismo sometimes gets in the way of our expressing how we really feel, but we go…
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Laura Lee Winger
January 9, 2015
A glance across a crowded room, a shy smile covered up by quick head turn, a sweet compliment. Flirting comes naturally to some people, but if you need a little help, maybe you can find a few pointers here. I’m…
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Jim Bessey
January 8, 2015
There’s a popular myth which claims that the average male thinks about sex every 12.5 seconds, or some similar absurd number. Sounds real on the surface of it; but, like many urban legends and email forwards, it’s nonsense. Men suffer…
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Olivia Bredbenner
January 8, 2015
It would seem that a female would tell you she understands her own mind and even then she may sometimes wonder, it would be presumptuous to believe that all female minds are the same. They are not. Since the mind,…
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Carolina Dream Chapman
January 8, 2015
MEN! Are they complex creatures that are impossible to understand or is there a basic way in which to understand them? Most women would love to figure out how to understand the male mind. As a wife, I have learned…
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Ms. Alisha Rose
January 8, 2015
Women are full of questions! Just when you think they have asked or wondered for the last time, amazingly they find another one. I think some women don’t realize they are building up distrust that could be real or become…
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Aparna Guru
January 8, 2015
Arguments often start from misunderstanding. Though there may be other significant reasons. Everyone in this world has become a victim of current lifestyle, battling to thrive in a highly competitive environment. After giving our attention in multiple areas and expecting…
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K. Russell
January 8, 2015
There is an art to expressing your wants and needs in a relationship. It is a dance of compromise and compassion and personal boundaries. The first step to getting the most out of a relationship is to know what you…
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Laurie Johansen
January 8, 2015
Arguments can make a good day end terribly. Many people have a hard time calming down after an argument. Calming down after an argument is not easy, it takes work, it takes consistency and most importantly strength. If at all…
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Jessica Collins
January 8, 2015
When my future mother-in-law called me by the name of my fiance’s former girlfriend, not once but twice, I was able to laugh it off because we had talked about our past relationships. I knew that my future husband had…
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Helen Tay
January 8, 2015
How many times we have spoken out loud and then immediately regretted what had been said? I have done so countless times and I am not proud to admit to this particular action. Thank goodness, those people whom I have…
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January 7, 2015
Human beings have a tendency to react to emotions before considering the repercussions of their actions. After an argument, people tend to choose ways of calming down that do more harm than good. This can be a dangerous thing. One…
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Natalie Baird
January 7, 2015
I like to remind myself that after an argument, we usually feel negative and seek to maintain the anger or frustration; even desperation, no matter how ridiculous, irrational, or absurd the defense is. The overall goal is to counterbalance the…
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Rita Lawrence
January 7, 2015
Love: the most beautiful yet scariest thing ever. Love is the most beautiful thing ever: it can both bring wings to the one who loves or is being loved or just cast them down and destroy them. Loving someone is…
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romeo writer
January 7, 2015
How does one one really tell there mate that they love them. Does it necessarily have to be in the spoken form? Though this is the most effective way to let some one know you love them. Not too mention…
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Nikki Fei
January 7, 2015
Trying to have a ‘talk’ with your significant other is difficult at times. But to them, it just might sound as if we’re just nagging them. I’ve personally went through a great ride of a roller coaster with my current…
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Alexandra Heep
January 7, 2015
Understanding a man’s mind, contrary to popular belief, is not as hard as it may seem. If you happen to be a woman, like myself, all you have to do is ask your male friends how they think. Most will…
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January 7, 2015
There is an enduring myth that a man’s mind is safely lodged in his underwear. However, this is an oversimplification of the truth. In reality we have to turn to children to understand the male mind. Now why should this…
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