Colette Georgii
September 20, 2015
Couples who fight have never learned to communicate properly. Either they both came from a background that condoned fighting or when they married, one of the partners came from a volatile background that causes the abuse of the spouse. In…
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Ethel Smith
September 20, 2015
Live together many years and you may feel that you know your partner too well. That may sound odd but it may occasionally feel as if you are both joined at the hip. In the end you can often sense…
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Gauri Trivedi
September 20, 2015
How do you recognize a red flag in your relationship? What are the signs to watch out for and how do you know a temporary danger from a permanent harm? Relationships are made from the heart. While the mind does…
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Shane Mole
September 20, 2015
There are three keys to overcoming the feelings of guilt or betrayal brought on by a fight. First, do not go to sleep angry. Second, apologize for any hurtful things you may have said or done. Third, try to reach…
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Hellen Wyeth
September 20, 2015
Red flags in a relationship are simple to spot but most times easily dismissed. He’s probably a great guy and makes you feel incredible. Well, most of the time any way. If there wasn’t a problem, you wouldn’t be questioning…
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Adele Gregory
September 20, 2015
We all agree that relationships benefit from good communication, but keeping the channels open and positive isn’t always as easy as it sounds. It can take a certain amount of self-confidence to stray beyond your comfort zones, a willingness to…
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Danyelle Scroggins
September 20, 2015
There use to be a time when you’d notice things going wrong in a relationship right off. Simple things like: he wouldn’t answer your telephone calls, he’s always a no show on date night, or simply, he only comes over…
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Jennifer Searle
September 20, 2015
There are a few simple things to do if you are dealing with a controlling person. The first thing you need to establish is if they are violent. If they have every hit you, your best option would be to…
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E K Stapleton
September 20, 2015
Although every relationship is unique, there are obvious signs that should send up red flags in a relationship. They may not all be cause to end the relationship, but further investigation should be carried out. This will let you know…
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Nicole Smith - 407733
September 20, 2015
When you really like someone and there is a strong potential for a serious relationship the last things you want to see no matter how much they are in your face are red flags. After all, at one time the…
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Douglas Black
September 20, 2015
The relationship between two entirely unique partners is always going to be like a balancing act when it comes to the subject of intercourse. First of all, men and women have completely unique sex drives due to differing hormone levels…
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Pat Rapacchiano
September 20, 2015
When we speak of “Red Flags” in relationships it is never good. It is important when a person enters into a heterosexual relationship, to make sure that you and the other person have a degree of compatibility. It is easy…
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Bridget Webber
September 20, 2015
There’s always a reason why a relationship is troubled. Dealing with the cause for concern can help mend old wounds and spell a brighter future. Sometimes, the reason for a relationship break down is known. Infidelity, lying, gamboling or other…
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Bridget Webber
September 19, 2015
Generally speaking your sex drive is pretty much fixed, rather like your eye color, and you are unlikely to be able to honestly change it even to please someone that you love. If you are already in a relationship and…
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Susan Morton - 453245
September 19, 2015
Most people do not worry about red flags in their relationships until it is too late into the relationship. So in order to save you the trouble of wondering just when you need to recognize flag moments here is my…
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Colette Georgii
September 19, 2015
So Your Partner is Procrastinating Again. What To Do. So there he is – your partner, procrastinating again. He does it all the time. What do you do? First of all lets define procrastination. Procrastination is when one keeps putting…
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Natasha L. Kohlhoff Polak
September 19, 2015
Too much complaining and venting in any relationship can sever ties. No one likes a kill-joy, an Eeyore personality, a whiner. That’s not to say keeping all your frustrations to yourself is a good thing, either. There should be a…
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Cristis Williams
September 19, 2015
A Relationship can be made up of lots of emotions or feelings, When you or someone you know is in a relationship always, make sure you are conscious of what is going on around you. Do not be blinded by…
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Brigid Bishop
September 19, 2015
Red flags in a relationship are dependent upon the length of said relationship, are we talking of a new prospective partner, a steady partner, a significant other or a spouse? Red flags tend to jump out at us very quickly,…
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Can Tran
September 19, 2015
When I think about talking and communicating, it makes me want to reference a book that I used for a class on interpersonal communications. I do have to say that it was one of my favorite courses. With this class,…
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Nancy Cogar
September 19, 2015
A ball game on the tube sitting relaxed in a lazyboy at his beck and call with Beer and Pizza and the promise of sex after the game is basically what most women need to understand about men. Just a…
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Bridget Webber
September 19, 2015
Learning to deal with people who drain your energy is a life skill. This is because having the knowledge with which to defend yourself from those who would seemingly steal away your energy at the drop of a hat is…
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Tracey R Gates
September 19, 2015
Lately, do you find yourself dreading going anywhere near someone? This person can be your friend, your co-worker, your sibling, even your parent. Do you feel like you must walk on eggshells whenever you’re in her presence for fear she…
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K Lochery
September 19, 2015
We’ve all done it, argued for hours on end with our partners, friends and family. Is it really necessary? Have you ever thought back to what you was arguing about, and realized that it was petty and ridiculous? I know…
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Can Tran
September 19, 2015
In regards to dealing with these people, I have broken it down to a science and refined it into an art form. The first thing that one must know is that these people come in many different forms.You will have…
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September 19, 2015
November 5th, the day following the election, may be a tough day. Some people may be ecstatic; others crushed; many may be gripped with fear. This may include members of your own family, your co-workers, and even random loudmouths on…
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Heather Warner
September 19, 2015
While lying in bed tonight, thinking of the day, will you be asking yourself “Why did I let her say that to me?” or “How could I let him treat me that way?” Many people will ask themselves those exact…
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Can Tran
September 19, 2015
Working in the field and politics, I have learned that if you do not admit you have a problem, you will not be able to change it. Admitting that you have a problem is the first step towards solving them….
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April Lorier
September 19, 2015
Did you know every person on earth has a “love language”? Even your husband has a language of love! The problem is that you do not know how to speak ‘his’ language! You have been married 12 years and you…
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Kristina Lasher
September 19, 2015
I found this an interesting topic…. asking how to deal with know it alls? I find this funny because I know to some people I come across that way! I am not overbearing, and I do not give advice when…
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