Cloe Marie
February 15, 2015
The male psyche. A seemingly scary place for many women, a place we normally try to avoid. A place that seems very simple yet never makes any sense. Is it really as frightening as we make it out to be?…
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Lisa Doherty
February 15, 2015
When we marry, most of us believe the old adage that “the two become one.” However, if you have ever tried to merge to separate, unique, and individual personalities into one amalgamation, you understand why half of all marriages end…
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Kevin Bahler
February 15, 2015
Good men are not always hard to find. They are, for some reason, difficult to recognize. Most women have a good man in their lives, but never think about it. They are usually the ones you consider your best friend….
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Ana Armendarez
February 15, 2015
Speaking from experience the best way to deal with differences of opinion or other wise is to talk them out. At times this can be difficult depending on the persons attitude and personality. I lost a sister to suicide and…
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February 15, 2015
There is a saying that opposites attract. Some theorists would argue that this is a deep seated psychological urge to fulfill a need for completeness. Others would say it’s pure animal magnetism. Some would even proclaim that it’s pure insanity….
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Andrea Carmichaele
February 15, 2015
Will I ever be his Type? Little did I know that when my husband and I fell in love, we would be, several years later, battling a personality contest. A contest that inevitably brought our loving relationship to a stand…
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Gauri Trivedi
February 15, 2015
What happens when your partner nags, whines and criticizes all the time? Well, a number of things happen but of all the consequences, two are mostly like to cause the maximum damage: Irritation and Indifference. I knew my partner well…
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February 15, 2015
There are many things that attract us to people. Sense of humour, physical beauty, intelligence, extroversion, and so on. Negativity though is not on the list we make of ideal character traits in a significant other. In fact it is something…
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Ayla VanSky
February 15, 2015
Are you a B married to an A, or an A in relationship with a B? Congratulations! My own formula for success has been A + B = C. (Type A and Type B must learn to compromise.) With love,…
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Christopher Kendalls
February 15, 2015
Good people can be found everywhere. That said it’s not where, as in physically where, that you go to find a good man or woman. The where is more of a consideration of where your personal state of mind is…
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Julia Beirut
February 15, 2015
Work up the courage to ask a guy about his plans for his future and he will probably tell you the truth. Guys don’t lie about the very important aspects of their life. So ask your guy about his agenda…
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Lisa Beach
February 15, 2015
Next to having a well-rounded family, and decent married life, the one thing women wish they had was a knowledge of why men are the way they are. We write letters to editors of popular magazines, read books and watch…
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Gurmeet Mattu
February 15, 2015
If Type A are go-getters and Type B are relaxed the truth is that there is a little of the other in each of us. We, as human beings are not set in stone, and no amount of stereotyping can…
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Josiah King
February 15, 2015
Oh, how I wish I could say that I am speaking from a place of having no family differences. But, I suppose I would be delusional to believe that. Let’s face it, when it comes to family, it’s never perfect….
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Lauren Young - 450826
February 15, 2015
Understanding men isn’t as hard as women think it is. The key to understanding men is to not try to understand them. As a woman begins to become more and more involved in a relationship with a man, whether it…
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T. Lynn Amanti
February 15, 2015
You may ask yourself if men really are from mars like the title of a popular series of books may suggest. It may seem like men are from another planet when comparing behavior and attitudes to those of a female….
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Christopher Kendalls
February 15, 2015
Vulnerability is a very difficult thing for a man. For some it even goes as far as to question their masculinity. The men I grew up around seemed to come across as having had a hyper-masculinity at times; not always…
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Mary Bishop
February 15, 2015
According to my mother, I was born a “Type B” baby, and she wasn’t talking about my blood type. She was talking about my laid back ways. I’d wake up in my crib and keep myself cheerfully occupied until she’d…
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Trudy-Ann Ewan
February 15, 2015
BY LETTING GO! That is all we need to do to be vulnerable. Fear of the unknown creates a rigid, tight-fisted hold on our lives. Not knowing what may be on the other side of the wall is very unnerving….
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Kevin Mclain
February 15, 2015
Women have often said that we men are insensitive and selfish; we seem to be self-absorbed and at times luke warm. This is a common misunderstanding about the disposition of men and knowing what I know now about the opposite…
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Kevin Mcinturff
February 15, 2015
Marriage between men and women is difficult enough, but factor in different personality types and you have enough variables to keep things mixed up for quite a long time. I am a Type B man married to a Type A…
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Jeff Gulley
February 15, 2015
Love is a funny thing. It can arrive without warning, it’s never there when you want it most, and it can make you cry when you otherwise feel so good. Love is also a powerful force which can do what…
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Susan Squier
February 15, 2015
How to find a good man? 1. Stop Looking One of the best ways to find a good man is to stop looking and enjoy your self. When a woman is going out every weekend to “find a man”, there’s…
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Shane Graham
February 15, 2015
The best advice I can give to a woman looking for a good relationship is to have realistic expectations. You know those guys you read about in the romance books you buy at the grocery store, or those hunky, sensitive…
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Allison Beldon-Smith
February 15, 2015
This is indeed a very strange question to ask, for I am sure almost everyone has heard the old wives tale, “Opposites attract”, and also they will have heard, “Great minds thinkalike” , but we are also reminded that “Fools…
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Yancy Caruthers
February 15, 2015
“I always seem to be attracted to the wrong kind of man. Why aren’t there any good ones?” I have heard these words from female friends and co-workers more times than I can count. Sometimes I think to myself, “Because…
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Kito Senshi
February 15, 2015
How Negativity Affects Your Relationship My fiance and I found each other about a year and half ago and we haven’t had any real trouble in our relationship yet, but once in a while, we will bicker and yell at…
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J. Lang Wood
February 15, 2015
As a woman, I will give you the benefit of having lived with the same man for 40 years, worked alongside many others, been friends with a number, and dealt with many in business. I’ve studied their behavior and have…
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Amelia Bines
February 15, 2015
Are you feeling worn down by your spouse? Do you want to scream each time they open their mouths to speak? If so, your relationship is suffering from negativity. Negativity can wreck havoc on a once happy marriage. If you…
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Susan Quilty
February 13, 2015
You’ve heard advice on what not to say on a first date. You know not to launch into a detailed account of your last relationship or complain that your biological clock is ticking louder than ever. But what happens in…
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