Matthew J. Geiger
February 18, 2015
Although it is important to resolve conflicts and seek out solutions which satisfy as many people as possible, there are individuals who simply feel life is their way or the highway. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to avoid these…
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Sandra Lowen
February 18, 2015
RED FLAGS IN RELATIONSHIPS Love is blind, deaf, dumb and stupid, folks say. If one believes in those first glistering days of meeting that special someone that she/he will recognize the signs that say ‘RUN’, one is sadly mistaken. Everyone…
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Sammy Stein
February 17, 2015
Difficult people have problems – and these should not become yours. One of the best things anyone ever said to me was when I was being bullied by the head teacher of our local primary school where our son was…
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Barbara Kasey Smith
February 17, 2015
*How to tell if your spouse is emotionally abusive? If you do not know if you are a spouse who is being emotionally abused, answer these questions. If they come out as yes, you’re being emotionally abused by your spouse…
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Joan Inong
February 17, 2015
The ego is a funny thing. While many people agree that having confidence and self-assurance will help a person succeed, those same people will also say that having an inflated ego is bad. Perhaps this is the reason why some…
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Elizabeth M Young
February 17, 2015
Lying is an art form. By the time a person reaches adulthood, the art of lying is either well developed because it works; or it has been abandoned because it results in painful consequences. The glib, gifted, skillful liar either…
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Marina Bradaric
February 17, 2015
Last Sunday marked three weeks. We’re having fun. My feelings continue to grow stronger, so I realize that this is where I have to back off a little bit and let ourselves enjoy having simple fun together before getting into…
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Barbara Kasey Smith
February 17, 2015
How to deal with rude customers? *Dealing with rude customers: It can be hard at times to deal with rude customers, and it is my belief, the best way to handle someone who is being rude is to be as…
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Raj Kumar
February 17, 2015
People often tell lies. It is one of those qualities that make human most dangerous social animal. Some time lies can be for good cause but not always. People use their power of intelligence, imagination and expression to cook endless…
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Dessy Brown
February 17, 2015
I don’t believe that you can never know your partner well enough, it is possible my husband and I are full proof of that, plus I have always been the type of person that watches everyone and everything in my…
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Sammy Stein
February 17, 2015
Rude students can be the most disruptive and negative presence in a class room and can have a real effect on those trying to teach them. How you deal with it will determine how other students respect you and whether…
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Kat Apf
February 17, 2015
Dealing with rude telephones callers is fairly easy. There are a number of ways, depending on the nature of the call, to deal with them. How you handle a telemarketer and how you handle an annoying personal call is a…
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February 17, 2015
There are several types of annoying people, and one of these types is the know-it-all. Know-it-alls are not to be confused with think-they-know-it-all. They are typically people who have had years of experience in a given field, and have fixed…
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Jennifer Corrow
February 17, 2015
The old saying goes “Honesty is the best policy”. Starting your relationship on the right side of things is usually the best choice. Too many secrets can cause bitterness in a relationship. It is hard to imagine the one you…
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Matthew J. Geiger
February 17, 2015
There are times when people do things that we hold against them for a very long time. To certain individuals, these grudges are simply a way of life and nothing can change these unhealthy relationships based on spite and bitterness….
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Kathy Deutsch
February 17, 2015
Deception undermines friendships, family relations, and business acquaintances. A lie has a ripple effect, hurting not just the person lied to, but everyone surrounding the liar. Though it is not easy to tell the truth, ultimately honesty is less trouble…
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Michael David Anderson
February 17, 2015
The one aspect of all relationships that is so often overlooked is communication. Everyone agrees it is vital, but how many people allow communication to break down when it is needed the most? Without open communication, even the best relationships,…
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Aeryka Rae
February 17, 2015
How to tell if someone is lying to you You can tell if someone is lying to you by their lips moving. Everyone has told a lie here and there. However, if you suspect one is lying about something in…
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Barbara Kasey Smith
February 17, 2015
Should you tell your partner if you dream of someone else? *A person’s dreams are sacred: Let me ask this question back to you before answering the above question, why in the world should we share our dreams with a…
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Jeffrey Wright - 525271
February 17, 2015
From time to time there comes up situations that end up with you being disrespected in some way, shape or form. And that’s part of the life we have to live in this world, it’s inevitable. After all, nobody’s perfect…
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Barbara Kasey Smith
February 17, 2015
How to tell if someone is lying to you? The way I have always told if a person is lying to me is if they cannot make eye contact with me, or they will often clear their throats like they…
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Jean Sidden
February 17, 2015
Neighbors are said to be some of the strongest influences in our life simply because of close proximity. Therefore the simplest deviation from normal day to day neighborliness seems to cause an almost unrealistic reaction. If we’re snubbed by a…
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Sondra Gomez - 491755
February 17, 2015
For a woman to talk about her romantic past with her husband, she would only create a resentful sort of heartache while he is trying to process his thoughts regarding an experience the woman he has decided to share the…
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Dawn R. Babcook
February 17, 2015
There are several tell-tale signs to help you determine if a particular individual is lying to you or not. Here is a list of the few important things to look at in making your determination. 1.) Eye contact – If…
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Emily White - 139137
February 17, 2015
During my short twenty-four years on this planet, I have never come across anyone who did not feel strongly about something. The truth is we all have a set of values and morals that we think are right. And our…
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Cody Hodge
February 17, 2015
People are sort of like batteries, and they are like batteries in the fact that opposites tend to attract. This can be a good thing when you are looking for variety in life, but not so good when you are…
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Kamryn Adams
February 17, 2015
You can’t turn on the evening news without hearing about a scam artist. As if Enron didn’t set the tone years ago, we now have Bernie Madoff types out there scamming people for hundreds of thousands of dollars. It’s such…
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Christine Conte
February 17, 2015
Communicating with Narcissists. Frustrating and non-productive: two words to describe trying to communicate with a self-centered person, the narcissist. Perhaps it’s the optimist in us that wants to “fix” the narcissist, so that he or she will be receptive to…
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Vivian Edwards
February 17, 2015
True intelligence is quiet, but strong and stands on its own merit. It does not need confirmation because it simply is. This kind of person not only is self consumed, but perceives himself as knowledgeable in regard to any and every…
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Carol Noble
February 17, 2015
Prejudice and Discrimination. To judge in favour of anything means you have to discard and judge against something else. This is discrimination. What grounds you discriminate on depends upon what you desire most, and what experiences, learning rules, you have…
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